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Originally posted by the alchemist With everyone and there mom running betrayal, i think there will be little glock (and no glocks will top 8), decent amount of titans, agl, and squadron (squadron only because its an easy deck to make and play, and not everyone learns how to play the better deck)
I imagin the people that test the burn deck and draw good with it may run it, but i don't see it being anything superior. Maybe some getting in money, but no top 8's with it.
Rogue decks, i doubt we'll see many of.
I guess 0 decks in the format running betrayal counts as everyone and there mom. Titans recently has been opting for time zones over betrayal because of wiitanens 10k win.
Not to mention Nimrod Is only Good when he stuns back thier 5 when it attacks him, Also It hurt thats thier 2 and 3 drop are also not Far from stunning Him, Bastion will Show up to late for it to matter. Game End on turn 5 6 latest unless they hit triple Recon and a bunch of Army they are gona loose, even then They might just get burned out from Flame thrower and Archer.
Originally posted by tigolbitties4L some1 like me and alot of other players in this game
That is a contradiction in terms, and a bald-faced lie. You are the only one left around here that whines and moans with every post you make. We used to have two or three more trolls like you, but they graduated to middle school and got themselves a life. Get a new act baby, it's worn out and no one even listens anymore. You make me ashamed to be American with every load of crap you spill on these boards. By the way, why didn't you even go to the Austin 10K if you are such an expert pro player and destroyer of metas? No one would let you in their car? I wonder why.
Whew. Sorry everyone. That whole racist "other countries suck bad are not worth our attention" thing is a sore spot... and it had not reared its ugly head in a long time.
Originally posted by stubarnes That is a contradiction in terms, and a bald-faced lie. You are the only one left around here that whines and moans with every post you make. We used to have two or three more trolls like you, but they graduated to middle school and got themselves a life. Get a new act baby, it's worn out and no one even listens anymore. You make me ashamed to be American with every load of crap you spill on these boards. By the way, why didn't you even go to the Austin 10K if you are such an expert pro player and destroyer of metas? No one would let you in their car? I wonder why.
wtf how am i whining? and actually some1 apparently did let me in their car but i was out of town for meps and thus couldnt go. and honestly who here takes out of country 10k seriously? apparenlty NOT TOO MANY PEOPLE or else ppl would be acting like good guys is a good deck.
btw if any1 should be ashamed of some1 being american it should be me since i actually rep america unlike most of the lazy bastards who play this game :/.
no1 listens anymore? well apprently you do. congrats sir on such a huge condradicting post
Lets make it easy and say the 10k is 100 people, so 1 percentage point will equal 1 person.
Common Enemy-6%
High Voltage-6%
Big Brother Hood -5%
Good Guys-7%
10 Teams-2%
Other-8% (Nothing really new, just old stuff that might work well in the metagame (or people insist on playing still =P)
Ex. Like Rigged Elections, Glock, Sentinels, New School ect.
LOL this isn`t australia. no one will play that here. its such a horrible deck sorry to say that. also i think more people would play common enemy over that deck
Originally posted by BeastBoy123 LOL this isn`t australia. no one will play that here. its such a horrible deck sorry to say that. also i think more people would play common enemy over that deck
omg could this be a sign of intelligence? honestly the deck should be labled "good deck" with sarcasm flying all over it. ("nice deck" would obv be better but its good guys not nice guys FROWN )