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Originally posted by Dark Knight69 If Crisis is villans then I'm thinking Superboy Prime or Alexander Luthor. Psycho Pirate was more of a tool than anything.
Yeah I was kind of excited to see a WW villian get some spotlight time, then he really didn't do anything. Literally - nothing. He threatened to do things a few times but nothing happened.
Off topic - anyone else think we might get a Chemo card?
Ibet its Called like a World To protect or something like that.
It does look Sweet.
Also Who said there are few Other Characters in a characters Art I can see atleast 3 Heroes in Deathstrokes Art. Although None of them seem to be in great shape....
Could Zabu be the guy from Shadowpact who has Vengeance? Probably Max Lord for the Checkmate, I wouldn't know the JSA one though (Don't read em).
I'm glad they found a way around losing more art for the Dual Affiliation, although I did think putting the 2nd Affiliation on the right side of the card looked cool.
I can't wait to see what the 2nd Version of Deathstroke is like :p
Originally posted by MadTitanFan Ibet its Called like a World To protect or something like that.
It does look Sweet.
Also Who said there are few Other Characters in a characters Art I can see atleast 3 Heroes in Deathstrokes Art. Although None of them seem to be in great shape....
The reason you can't see the other heroes is because they're lieing on the ground knocked out. Although Oliver Queen did put a hurtin' on Deathstroke.
Originally posted by Batshido Nice catch. Obviously R&D managed to break that combo already, so they fixed it in house. ;)
Well, here's another combo that almost worked: Use Magneto, Dark Lord with Deathstroke. Sadly, you need Deadly Games to move D to your hidden area before Magneto can work, thus you can't use D's effect that turn. Of course, if you wait til turn 8... :P
it only seems logical that crisis is gonna be the team with alexander luthor, superman 2, superboy 3, etc etc. They were/are all really important characters so they arent gonna be left out of the set, and there isn't any other team out of the ones revealed for them to be in, so it really has to be crisis.