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Marvel had GI Joe for a stretch, so maybe Wotc can be reasonable and give up the ghost, since, while i still play it now even, their gi joe game bombed
Originally posted by chroniclebowski I don't know who currently controls the rights to the two properties, but if Aliens Vs. Predator isn't perfect for Vs, I don't know what is.
Dark Horse did the comics for it. As well as Terminator Vs Robocop, which was also a great game on Sega. Like to see that too.
Originally posted by KronicAftermath Marv could be a seven, hartigan could be a seven, Kevin could be a seven drop, Senator Rourke(I think its the senators name or I have Mickey Rourke stuck on the mind lol) but i mean their are endless probabilities and btw...there is WAY WAY WAY morecharacters than just in the movie..also.....
i dont know if u guys know this but Frank Miller has also helped out with the X-Men comic and might hlep witht eh new origins comic for Wolverine...
Originally posted by BoyOfSteel I just want to play the hookers form O-Town
Is it just me or does that sound like a pop band name?
As far as EC's go, I want some Planetary VS the Four
I am still holding out for a WildStorm set, but even then I am pretty sure that the Planetary crew wouldn't make it into the set in a way that would truly satisfy.
Other EC's I would be down with
Walking Dead
Sin City
Quantum and Woody(doubt there is enough to go on here)
Savage Dragon
I can't speak for others, but the main reason I am not a fan of spawn is that the book seems to mostly be sold on art alone. I have never read an issue or story arc and gone "Wow! that was a great story". The other problem I have with Spawn is that as a character he just doesn't interest me. I know that some people dig him and that is cool, but he just isn't for me.
Hmmm.... I'd kill for a Startery-box thing containing the ultimate online super hero: Burnt-face Man. That would rock! [visit to learn more about this ace hero: watch the episodes!!! woo!]
But yeah, Sin City would be satisfyingly crispy...
Ahh all of the possibilities. You what would be great? A What If? set. All the cool things that should have been done but never were. How about a House of M set?