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wow, cheap date!
it's usually at least dinner and a movie!
(plus flowers, to seal the deal....)
Yeah I still think Beer + Pretzels + turn 9 BJ is the best combo. However, as you stated, it normaly takes Dinner+Movie+Flowers (meta call) to set it up consistantly.
yeah dude....
it still can be a tough one (again, depending on the meta) 'cause you can't really tutor out a Hot Chick.... you have to draw one by yourself.
...but, once you do that, you can tutor out Flowers and boost Dinner for a Movie.
yeah dude....
it still can be a tough one (again, depending on the meta) 'cause you can't really tutor out a Hot Chick.... you have to draw one by yourself.
...but, once you do that, you can tutor out Flowers and boost Dinner for a Movie.
If you are looking to go competitive, you can always shead the 150$ per hot chick (so 600$ for the play set). Everything falls easily after that. And of course if you get the set that way you barely need tutors (Dinner + Movie + Flowers) to set up your Beer + Pretzels + BJ turn 9 go off. It will be a one trick pony though as you'll probably have to spend that 600$ again for newer tricks for next tourny as people will be obviously tecking againts it. I see your point though and will probably include those tips in my gauntlet.
They have announced the 'Modern Age' format which will be the 4 latest sets. They did not say they would run two consecutive formats, they said one format.
This means you play with the 4 latest sets....?
What I meant was, you can play a deck from the 2 latest Marvel set or the 2 latest DC set in the same format, not 2 consecutive formats. But yes, I get what you mean so if that's what they'll be running I'm good with that, I just wasn't aware that they had already announced it.
Seriously, it's too early to tell. I remember when people were discussing the top decks for Marvel Modern Age 2 before the X-Men set came out, everyone was predicting FoE, Avengers Reservists, Squadron Supreme rush, but when X-Men came out we got X-Faces and Mental Stall.
However, it might not be too early to start thinking about what the top decks are going to be on Day 1 of the PC. After all, in the last MMA, Squadron and Avengers were something like 50% of the field on day 1. Obviously that shifted after everyone saw how powerful x-faces and x-mental were, but most people stop their hard core testing after PC day 1 anyway.