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Greg Land. Mike Turner. Alex Maleev. So what if it's rehashed art work? That's not how I look at it. How many of you have seen a panel or a bubble in a comic book and though that would've made a great VS card? This hit me so hard when I was reading BMB's Daredevil run. Can you imagine what cards like "Cycle of Violence", "Identity Exposed" would be? How about a card depicting the Marvel Knights taking on 100 Yakuza? How about Daredevil's monologue of him being the new Kingpin of Hell's Kitchen?
That's hot.
No matter how you cut it, it's great art, and to be able to get it on a card is amazing. The fact that it can cut costs for corporate so they can do either cool stuff is just a nice bonus. I personally think the art for MTU is a lot better then previous sets.
I like the idea of being able to play against anybody, anytime and anywhere. I'm probably one the few players in the realm who could'nt get Octygyn and VSED to work on my labtop. I did'nt have a good beginning with VS. Initially, all I could do was really play a fair game and hope for the best = get smacked by broken combo after broken combo. But now, having played VS a little, I no longer worry about broken combos. none of the negatives matter anymore. What I am saying is that with Vodo coming and the release of great sets like MTU and hopefully WF: this second birth for VS will rock something fierce. Dr Light is gone, but you know what: it's getting brighter and brighter and brighter in VS with each passing day...