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I went weapon x marauders and was not let down and went undefeated in a 8 man draft. They have some good synergy in earlier games like uniuscione and nuke. and then in late game weapon x shines with the Cuukoos sisters and wolverine.
I'm not the biggest fan of any deck without some Shift. Shift is the best mechanic this game has seen for preventing those "miss curve and lose" draws; you now sacrifice a little bit up front for an amazing setup in general. It's also great for setting up board for your inits... if your opponent has a good board, just leave your 4-drop shifted out so you can recover your 3 and 4; and take back the board turn 5.
If you can get 2-drop Proteus or Blink (or, god forbid, Rogue or Shadowcat), you can easily overwhelm any other aggro deck with Exiles alone; otherwise, look at them as a good compliment to any other archtype. But at least have a little bit of shift in your deck.
As to my favorites, I think they have it right... X-Factor is probably the best other team, followed by Weapon X. Exiles is a good compliment, Marauders are garbage, Runaways are a solid splash if you get Nico or Vincent, and X-Force should only be splashed as a secondary team for some of their shift effects.
8 players is best, 3 packs per player. every player opens a pack takes one card passes the remainder to the left processes is repeated until all cards have been taken then everyone opens one pack takes on card and passes to the right until all are gone, then everyone opens the last pack takes one passes to the left.. etc. then you take all the cards you have chosen and build a 30 card deck, you can go over 30 but generally I wouldn't recommend it. You want to try to choose things that have synergy if you can, and complete a curve roughly 20 char to 10 plot twist/locations/ equipment!
I'm not the biggest fan of any deck without some Shift. Shift is the best mechanic this game has seen for preventing those "miss curve and lose" draws; you now sacrifice a little bit up front for an amazing setup in general. It's also great for setting up board for your inits... if your opponent has a good board, just leave your 4-drop shifted out so you can recover your 3 and 4; and take back the board turn 5.
If you can get 2-drop Proteus or Blink (or, god forbid, Rogue or Shadowcat), you can easily overwhelm any other aggro deck with Exiles alone; otherwise, look at them as a good compliment to any other archtype. But at least have a little bit of shift in your deck.
As to my favorites, I think they have it right... X-Factor is probably the best other team, followed by Weapon X. Exiles is a good compliment, Marauders are garbage, Runaways are a solid splash if you get Nico or Vincent, and X-Force should only be splashed as a secondary team for some of their shift effects.
I was able to draft a pretty solid X-factor deck I had some Weapon-x stuff and Maruders stuff for support....Joanna Gargill is about the best 5 drop you're going to get in draft. Some people went with exiles did alright I never thought about use shift like that I will might try that next time around.
Vertigo on 1 with the -2 attack to opposing exhausted characters is a Marauder beast...Weapon X with the Sabertooth 3 and the Iron man 3 is quite good as well.
Vertigo is absolutely ridic turn 1. A shifted Vision is also a great turn 1 play if you miss Vertigo. I had turn 2 Malice as well for her extra burn. Turn 3 Wolfsbane was pretty good. Turn 4 Random with Wolfsbane almost guarantees they one attack turn 4 unless they have flight and can take down 8 def Random with -2 atk from Vertigo. Turn 5 Cargill was cool, I had her and Cannonball who can't be stunned while attacking if you play a plot twist. Turn 6 Hulk. Turn 7 Mr. Sinister. Another ridic power if you set it up right. I also played Ultimaton.
I would also suggest picking up any 5 drop Rogue that comes your way. She's nuts in limited, and a good hate draft if you don't end up using her.
Absolutely true. I got wrecked by having two five drops hit play on five. It was ridiculous. And since most decks don't run one drops, she's easy to shift her out on turn one and go balistic on 5.
Is it just me or are the cards in this set really good for drafting?
This seems a fantastic draft set; with curve, overcurve, and hidden all working. Shift is the best mechanic I've seen to date for limited, since it takes a little randomness out (basically no more "miss drop and lose").
My only worry is control seems really bad... while there is little generic pump, there is TONS of team-stamped good common pumps. I don't really see games going past 5-6 here; though I hope to prove myself wrong.
My only advice to drafting, and this applies to, every set.
Rule number 1.
If have not drafted a 3 drop by the third pass of the first pack, please do so.
--Not doing so will result in not fullfilling a sufficient amount until the second/third pack.
Rule number 2.
Try to have a good curve by the second pass of the third deck.
---At this point hate draft all 5 and 6 drops.:)