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I have to think that outside of us fans who love Vs, the game has the stink of failure on it. Who would want to pay Upper Deck to purchase the rights to sell a game with high licensing costs that is seen across the gaming community as a failure - a noble failure, perhaps but a failure nonetheless? And who wants to do that when the economy is in a tailspin?
If you want to license DC and/or Marvel porperties, you'd probably be more successful starting fresh.
If you want to sell Vs. you might do better using the engine without the expensive licenses.
True, licensing can/could be expensive and of course there are a lot of hurdles to some company taking over the game, but I was just throwing that out there as a possibility since it has been done in the past.
Also, the "stink of failure", as it has been put, is a label that is somewhat unfair to the game, to be honest. UDE marketed the game to tournament players which was a doomed business model to begin with. However, if the game were to be merited on the success after they removed the pro circuit, I think you could say it has done pretty well for a game that lost basically every one of the goldbricking tournament players it had. If the game had been initially marketed to comic players and UDE had tried to gain a casual player base which would stick with the game since they have a vested interest in the actual property, I think it would have worked out better than marketing it to gamers who only play a game to win money and when the money isn't there, they go on to the next game. Unfortunately that wasn't the case, but that's not to say VS hasn't seen modest success since UDE scaled it back and that the mechanics and game design wasn't successful.
Of course buying the rights to VS from UDE would be a hurdle and the cost of the licensing is another one that may not be worth it for another company with lower sales expectations, but of course if Marvel/DC are looking at not making money off licensing for a TCG they might be willing to lower their price just to secure more revenue from an easy source and if UDE is planning on just dumping the game anyway, why not make some extra money to ship it off to someone else? Anyway, just thoughts on the subject.
Of course buying the rights to VS from UDE would be a hurdle and the cost of the licensing is another one that may not be worth it for another company with lower sales expectations, but of course if Marvel/DC are looking at not making money off licensing for a TCG they might be willing to lower their price just to secure more revenue from an easy source and if UDE is planning on just dumping the game anyway, why not make some extra money to ship it off to someone else? Anyway, just thoughts on the subject.
When the cost of licensing is significantly higher than the revenue a product using that license would produce... the licensor will not even consider it.
Licensors do not want to have their brand put on products that don't sell. It cheapens their property and will trend down their licensing costs in other avenues.
"Hey, you only charged VSRealms Entertainment $XXXX for your license... why should I pay $XXXXXX for the same thing?"
When the cost of licensing is significantly higher than the revenue a product using that license would produce... the licensor will not even consider it.
Licensors do not want to have their brand put on products that don't sell. It cheapens their property and will trend down their licensing costs in other avenues.
"Hey, you only charged VSRealms Entertainment $XXXX for your license... why should I pay $XXXXXX for the same thing?"
Of course, I agree with you completely that if the game won't be big enough to support the cost of the license then there is obviously no issue to discuss. However, I am assuming that it could be worked out, nothing more. It all depends on so many factors that it isn't likely, but I was just playing devil's advocate. Of course you do have to take into account that licensing for a TCG and licensing for a video game or anything else are two very different things, so obviously the cost won't be the same. Its all relative and depends on how Marvel/DC feels about the exposure and potential new customers they will receive from the product.
This is all sad news what we all believe is going to happen, I personally will still play Vs at my LGS but the prob is if there is no support for the game the game will eventually die out in the community, you will most prob have your occasional events where ppl will turn up to play but not only if you have no support for the game you will eventually go on to other games as well as they crop up. For me personally Vs is only one of the many games I play and when you have this situation you then have the players who only play Vs either decide not to play because everyone else is playing something else that you dont really like or maybe start another game. I have seen this happen on a few games.
Now I hope anyone can make sense of what I just said as I bloody well cant lol!
I personally feel that if we don't hear some kind of news before Christmas of a new set or tournaments set up for next year then it's over. If their going to give us good news I could only assume it would be during Christmas time. Then again, maybe UDE is waiting until after the holiday sales are in?
Hah us in Europe are STILL waiting on MEV if they dont pull there fingers out soon then they will lose a lot of trade due to ppl deciding not to wait for MEV as presants. Cant wait to get my hands on this set but the way things are I will maybe only buy one then trade for the rest that I want.
Hah us in Europe are STILL waiting on MEV if they dont pull there fingers out soon then they will lose a lot of trade due to ppl deciding not to wait for MEV as presants. Cant wait to get my hands on this set but the way things are I will maybe only buy one then trade for the rest that I want.
I don't think they should have released the set until far into the new year anyway. I mean c'mon it's Christmas in a recession, how much money are people going to have left to spend on card games?
The thing that worries me the most is the fact that the licenses for marvel/dc could be just as inflated as everything else was 6 months ago.
We are in a recession meaning that prices must decrease. It is a price reset. Gas down the street from me is $1.33 a gallon. I filled up my 1977 Pontiac Grand Prix 3 months ago for $90.00 @ $3.88 a gallon. Yesterday It cost me less the $35.00 to fill up.
If Marvel/DC are going to continue their licenses under the same prices they had 6 months ago even with UDE they themselves are going to lose allot of business. This isn't a good time to be losing business.
Having no annoucment isn't good but it is better then canceling Vs altogether. Vs may not be doing as well as Yu-gi-oh but UDE would have to be crazy to stop makeing Vs if any profit is made off it @ all. Unless MEV sales are really bad It is reasonable to expect another set.
I plan on playing Vs no matter what happens. I will continue to buy stuff to fill out my collection a little more.
If Vs goes south I'll keep doing tournaments & keep playing. Realisticly I imagine that I would eventually run out of people to play with & make my wife mad with all the closet space my Vs collection takes up. I can envison my son & I playing when he gets a little older. I could see myself playing another game in the future if my son gets hooked on card games. I will continue to play Munchkin & may try to play in a few local limited magic tournaments. Maybe I will finally get a tower. If Vs goes I don't want to play another game from UDE.
When Jack Kirby created the 4th world it was initially a huge success. But after a year or so all the books were canceled. Mr. Miracle lasted the longest.
It is unfortunate that Jack Kirby had to end those titles abrubtly. As the whole Epic of Darkseid & the New Gods were some of the finest comics ever.
The most interesting thing about the 4th world however is even though all the intial books were canceled years later the entire Dc Universe was shaped by Jack Kirby's vision of the New God's. Look how much Darkseid alone has done as a villian in the Dc continuity.
If Vs shares the same fate I hope years down the road people will begin to appreciate how great it really is. Who knows maybe Dc & Marvel will pull there heads out of their butts & really make it work. Hopefully they will do this sooner then later.