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While I do wish for a boost in players thanks to Hero Clix being canned I have to ask would you be so quick to abandon Vs. for another game if Vs. was cut? I mean I love this game and HC players might feel the same way about their game so lets just give them time to mourn, hopefully we will still be around when they need their superhero injection.
Many Vs Players I know came from Clix especially when the money tournaments were full scale.
Our local shop has allot of ex-heroclix players. Most of our local VS players that used to play Heroclix don't play Vs or Clix right now. They still have Heroclix tournaments with some regularity @ our local shop.
I was telling a client of mine some of the woes of VS lately. One thing that my client mentioned was that if VS was sold to a smaller company quite possibly it would be an asset to the smaller company. It would be nice to have a company that could actually send out the cards from the point store in a timely manner.
I never got into Clix for a number of reasons.
1) I didn't want to memorize what every clix did. In Vs @ least I can read the card whenever I want.
2) I think Vs tournaments were run better.
3) Cards are easier on storage.
Whatever happens to VS i gotta say UDE did a fantastic job running tournaments. There may have been a few mess ups like the NY mega weekend but honestly Vs tournaments are the best run IMHO.
While I do wish for a boost in players thanks to Hero Clix being canned I have to ask would you be so quick to abandon Vs. for another game if Vs. was cut? I mean I love this game and HC players might feel the same way about their game so lets just give them time to mourn, hopefully we will still be around when they need their superhero injection.
I had not heard that Clix was canned. When did this happen?
Does anyone have a link that explains what went on?
Just go on the Wizkids websites. It explains the situation there. Essentially Wizkid is giving up on Heroclix.
However, two companies are currently in a bidding war for the Heroclix franchise.
I forget the names of these two companies.
I know one is the maker of the Battletech Game. And the other is a new company that was form from previous Wizkids and Topps employees.
I am just to lazy to go get all the links to all this information.
So Heroclix will be staying a while longer.
So to say that Heroclix players (being a former one myself) leaving for Vs.?
My guess is, in another 2 years, most of us will become Clix players. :cool:
On the Wizkids websites. It explains the situation there. Essentially Topps is giving up on Wizkids (HeroClix included).
I just wanted to clear that up, and of all their properties HeroClix is referred to repeatedly. That was the initial spark of hope that the game may achieve a graceful comeback.
I forget the names of these two companies.
I know one is the maker of the Battletech Game. And the other is a new company that was form from previous Wizkids and Topps employees
Clix players are now jaded. They are in a "wait and see" situation, hoping their game will stabilize, much like we would be if UDE made the announcement that WK did.
If Clix really dies, and the save HC movement (or whatever it's called) fizzles, we'll probably see some of them. But it will be a slow trickle, not a rush of gamer geeks with cash and an unnatural love of superheroes wandering into a store and buying boxes.
They will need to be coaxed into this new frontier. Shepherded, even, like a lamb lost in a field of wolves. I think we can do it.
Pray Wizards/Hasbro buys both Vs System and HeroClix, and turns them into the moneymakers all of their players know they can be.
Thats what I've been hoping for for the past two years.
But why would wizards buy a new mini game after canning their own (Dnd minis) and why would they buy a game that competes with the same audience as another game they already have (MtG) especially after what happened with L5R...
From a L5R player's perspective, it is pretty clear: WoTC actually bought L5R in attempt to remove it. It bought it at the peak of its popularity, than started printing overpowered cards immediately and releasing mini-sets at a mind-boggling rate. After a little over a year, the L5R player base was dwindled down to a fraction of its size, then WoTC sold what was left back to the original parent company (AEG, who take a great deal of pride in their product and worlds). AEG rotated formats and attempted rebuild, and it took a long time to get back to where they are now... but Wizards made certain its early rival for "king of CCGs" was cut down before it could get its momentum.
Now that it's established itself, there's no need for them to do that; if they bought Clix or VS, it would be to turn a profit. But why bother with expensive licensing fees / games that have proven they don't appeal to the masses, when they can generate their own worlds without license fees?
And if people think a game can be reinvented with just a great engine and without its supporting license, look at the game "Wars", based on what was apparently the greatest CCG engine ever, the Starwars system. Was only around the market for about 3 months. If you want a game to sell in these markets, you really need a license... the days where the "next magic" could be made are long past.