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im 16, or 17.... huh. anyway VS is fun for me because there is a local hobby store nearby, (we get a small crowd) but we're all friends and its pretty chill there. Theres also another Local hobby store like 15 minute drive and more people go there. tons of fun. more complex , im my opinion. then magic. the drafting and sealed playing is harder than magic i would say.
video games imo i like less because they can be beaten. (ie FINIShed, done , over) there are some exceptional games that i enjoy, like Fallout3 recently, it was pretty amazing, the freedom of your character to do aNYthing. i prefer the online games because its replayable, and competitive at the same time. Thats somewhat similar to VS.
i think i read or learned somewhere that when someone is playing a video game, only one part of their brain(somewhere near the bottom near the lights up (through some sensor module(anyone? anyone? yehh) stuff hooked on their head compared to reading a book where the whole head lights up.. ya. just some food for thought.
I think that's where I was getting at when it came to video games in general. Unless your playing a game against someone else the video game itself is set up for you to win no matter what. When I play a video game (which is rarely) the only thing that might get tired are my eyes. When I play a few games of VS though... man I'm just completely mentally beat. I'm SO tired.
You've mastered the game Gugs? I had no idea you had won a MW/PC/BotB/etc.
MtG is a harder and more complex game. You can't walk away and play your non-character cards for free, nor can you use any card as a resource point generator.
MtG is a harder and more complex game. You can't walk away and play your non-character cards for free, nor can you use any card as a resource point generator.
Formation is nothing.
you're a ####ing idiot Formation is the hardest part of the game.
That may be true, but it still doesn't measure to the complexity of Magic the Gathering.
Want proof? They are still going strong and we aren't.
What does that have to do with anything? If anything based off of that it would hold true that VS is more complex than magic. Because people really don't want to think hence the popularity of YGO. Magic players struggle more trying to learn VS than VS players do trying to learn magic.
What does that have to do with anything? If anything based off of that it would hold true that VS is more complex than magic. Because people really don't want to think hence the popularity of YGO. Magic players struggle more trying to learn VS than VS players do trying to learn magic.
Deck building is harder in MtG. You cant just toss together a bunch of cards like in VS, because you need a good balance of lands to get the mana you need, and not too many that you draw badly. VS can just play whatever as a resource.
Resource management is harder. You can't just "play mobilize, get drop, play drop" in MtG. You have to spend your mana on everything with a cost.
Attacking is harder in MtG, cause you declare everything at once and still need to have blockers to not get killed. You can't play straight burn because you won't have guys to block and then you'll get destroyed.
Am I saying it's more fun? No, otherwise I'd be playing it now. But it is more challenging to play. It just requires a whole lot more thought both pre-game and while in-game. I'd say that's a good inidicator as to why it's still the best TCG out there. That, and they don't have liscensing fees.
The only real problem with MtG is, if you want to play Type 1 you need to drop $4000 on Lotuses.
And yes, Formation is hard but it does not make VS more complex that Magic. Not by a long shot.
MtG is a harder and more complex game. You can't walk away and play your non-character cards for free, nor can you use any card as a resource point generator.
Formation is nothing.
While I wouldn't go quite that far (clearly the game is or was built largely around formation), I do agree that Magic is more complex (in terms of play and deckbuilding).
My example: can anyone come up with a brain teaser to devise the proper formation using only public information (or info your player knows) without any knowledge of what will happen come combat? Or maybe the opposite, how to properly attack a formation?
Brain teasers exist for Magic, but I don't know of any for VS.
The thing that throws most people off in VS is the formation step, new players dont really know how to utilize it well enough for an incoming attack or how to exploit it enough to do maximum breakthrough. Maybe thats why Magic is alot easier to learn cuz theres no formation but defintely both games are complex enough keep me mentally tired after a few games.