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Pretty early for you to be on RookieBats!! I'm at work and will do the best I can. Hawk will attack Bane. Don't have the stats in front of me, and can't roll, so I will trust you to handle that. I'll try and get set up and see what all I can do from here.
Hawk took two clicks in addition to his initial push damage, so he's taken a total of three. He now has a ten attack, and Bane has fifteen defense, so he needs a six. Hawk gets an eleven, for one damage to Bane (2 minus Toughness). Bane is now on his fourth click.
Bane will push to attack Hawk, nine to twelve (needs a three). Bane also gets an eleven, dealing Hawk three (4 minus Toughness) damage. He's on his last click, by the way.
I just realized you can't really do anything. I put Hawk at one less last time-he should be at six, not five. I still need you to roll. Nightwing will roll for leadership. Hawk will move to K-14. If he gets the roll, Nightwing will push to attack Bane. Sorry about all this, doing it from work is tough.
Since Hawk is on his last click, he doesn't have L/C anymore, so he has to roll for breakaway.
Nightwing rolls a three for Leadership. Since he's the team's leader, he gets that +1 modifier, so the roll succeeds, but Hawk's breakaway roll doesn't.
...I've got to go right now, so I'll have to roll the attack later.
That's cool. When I get home, in about an hour, I can do the roll for attack myself. Thanks for doing it today. Tryinng to do it at work is a no go as I can't get to my email.
No, no, no. You missed a line there. When a character is KO'd, you roll 2d6. If it is an 11 or 12, then you roll on the injury chart (the intention is for it to happen very rarely). So this time the snake eyes are good, and Hawk makes a full recovery.
I've been playing around with the rules for the running thing, and I'm making them more flexible. Now, if you start an action not adjacent to an enemy, you can take a push action (basically, you can't do it on your last click), and leave the map.
Bane will move to V-10, and anticipating the fact that you can't really escape, you can make attack actions now if you want.
OK. I'll push here to attack and use Incapacitate. Nightwings attack is 7 + roll 8(6 & 2).
Nightwing W-10@@(2 clix)
Hawk KO'd
That should put us both at 2 actions, so we both rest. Nightwing will attack and use Icap(only 1 dam and you reduce, so can't straight attack) AV is 6 + roll 10(double 5's).