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"This monster was bed enough before he got a power boost from Galactus," Warlord said, trying to hit Omega Red with his sword. He might just as well have been trying to stab a brick wall for all the effect it had.
"I thought I was strong, but I can't seem to put a dent in this guy either," Bulleteer complained as she struggled against Colossus. "What are we going to do?"
"We're going to keep fighting, that's what!" Warlord tried to encourage her.
"Damn, this is exhilarating!" says Omega Red as his coils suck the life force out of Doomsday, "Best rush ever!". He looks to Galactus. "If this is what it means to be your Herald, I'm in!".
"I worry about Omega Red," Colossus says, "It is as if he's intoxicated. The power given to him is a rush."
"He nearly killed Doomsday. I'd say he's fine just as he is, eh?" Puck adds.
Omega Herald on Doomsday. Needs 5, rolls 5. BCF is a solid 5. 2 to him after invulnerable and he's on a great click.
Except that he's a single click away from a KO, but hopefully I can get one good hit out of him first. May as well go for broke on Omega Red. AV12 on DV17 +2 for the CR +1 more for the Herald bonus. Gets 9. 3 to Red after Invulnerable.
Red Roboin Outwits Colossus' Invulnerable and uses Stunning Blow. AV11 on DV17. Gets 6. Good enough. 3 to him and a token.
Starman Perplexes his Damage to 4 and attacks Galactus. AV10 on DV20. Gets 6.
Manchester on Galactus. Nothing I can see that says Galactus is immune from his PSychic Blast. AV10 on DV20. Gets 7.
Boomerang to M20
Cosmic Boy (Force Field) U14 (4)
Starman (Nanobots) @ P14
Red Robin (Stunning Blow) @ K24 (Stealth)
Captain Boomerang (CD-Lucky Break) @ M20 (4)
Bulleteer (Rip It Up) K15 (3)
Doomsday (SU-Fortitude) @ K16 (8)
Manchester Black (Loner) @ P13 (2)
Warlord (Vampirism) K14 (1)
Figures used: Atom (JSA),Bizarro Girl, Brainiac, Bulleteer, Captain Metropolis, Comedian, Captain Boomerang 2, Carol Ferris, Ch'p, Colossal Boy, Composite Superman, Cosmic Boy, Creeper, Crimson Avenger 2, Doomsday, Easy Company Soldier, Extant, Fatality, Firehawk, Geo-Force, Gleek, Hal Jordan, Human Bomb, Indigo-1, Karate Kid, Kilowog, Knot Tops, Lucy Lane, Manchester Black, Mask-Killer, Mera, Negative Woman, Parasite, Ra's al-Ghul, Red Robin, Rorschach, Saint Walker, Salaak, Sgt. Rock, Shrinking Violet, Silk Spectre 1, Sun Boy, Supergirl, Warlord, Wonder Twins, Zoom - 4299
Feats used: Alias x2, All-Star Squadron, Ambidextrous, Armor Piercing x 3, Camouflage x2, Contingency Plan, Damage Shield, Darkness Within, Endurance x2, Entrench, Force Field x2, Fortitude x2, Heightened Reflexes, League of Assassins, LMD, Lucky Break, Loner, Lunge, Maneuver, Nanobots, Nova Blast, Power Barrage, Protected x3, Pummel x2, Revenge, Rip It Up, Running Start, Shake-Off, Shellhead x2, Stunning Blow x2, Suppressive Fire, Takedown, Triage, Vampirism
Lots to do here. Immediately Warlord takes a poison click from Red.
Red on Doomsy. Needs 5, rolls 9, Overkill, Red's up 1 and Doomsy's out.
Galactus on Starman, Warlord and Manchester. Rolls 8. 5 to Starman. Multiattacks same crew: 7. Starman can reroll: 9. Starman takes 1 and is out. The rest, 3 after toughness, to Manchester.
Colossus to break? 5. Moves to K16 blocking Doomsday's d.r.
Puck on Warlord. Needs9 , rolls 7. Pummel gives him 5.
Psylocke to sb MB. Needs 8, rolls 8. He's out. She slips back to G19 using the free ride.
Three kos....
Omega Red @@ (2) L15
Psylocke V AW (1) @ G19 (Stunning Blow)
Narya (Drag) L13 (stealthed)
Magneto GX (3) B13
Selene E B15 (Endurance)
Puck R @ L14 (Pummel)
Colossus MU (5) @ K16 (Damage Shield)
Galactus G0001D @ F-L 8-10 (Turn 4)
Okay, now I have to decide which way I'm going here. I could bring in my own Colossal. Dc's choices for Colossals are limited. And I feel like if I do, we'll go at each other and I'll only be left with a few turns to use him against your team, probably pretty badly wounded by Galactus at that point. Or I could bring in Superman, Black Adam, etc. The big guns of the regular figures hoping to land a hit or two for a couple points to Galactus, only to see him turn around and devastate them. It'll cost me several hundred points, and I won't have them to use later. Or I could just accept that Galactus is going to wipe me out and just run a bunch of cheap figures that I won't mind losing anyway. That feels like a bit of a cheap way out, and I'm sure you would much rather see Galactus on Superman. Well, let's try one replacement first and see how that goes.
He worked well for me in the Hypertime Redux. The new Darkseid. With Repulsor Shield.
Cosmic Boy TKs him to Q15
Ooh! A trio of Gotham Detectives. In Manchester's spot. P14, plus P15 and Q15
Finally, Jinx in W10 with the Society.
Okay. Darkseid on Galactus. AV12 +3 from the three Detectives PDTA on DV20. Rolls a 2. Thank God I went with Jinx. She makes it 9. That's 5 +3 for the Enhancement from the gumshoes, for 8. And as established, Galactus has no immunity from Psy Blast.
Boomerang to P16
Warlord on Red, AV10 on DV15. Gets 5. Blades roll is 4. 3 to her. Vampirism heals up the Poison he took
Red Robin Outwits Colossus' Charge.
Bulleteer on Puck. Needs 12 to get past his CR. Gets 11. That's a tease.
Darkseid will of course Mastermind freely. First to Captain Boomerang and then to the Detectives
Cosmic Boy (Force Field) @ U14 (4)
Red Robin (Stunning Blow) K24 (Stealth)
Captain Boomerang (CD-Lucky Break) @@ P16 (4)
Bulleteer (Rip It Up) @ K15 (3)
Warlord (Vampirism) @ K14 (1)
Darkseid (SU-Repulsor Shield) @ Q15
Gotham City Detective (Starsky) P15
Gotham City Detective (Hutch) Q14
Gotham City Detective (Baretta) P14
V Jinx (Society) W10
Figures used: Atom (JSA),Bizarro Girl, Brainiac, Bulleteer, Captain Metropolis, Comedian, Captain Boomerang 2, Carol Ferris, Ch'p, Colossal Boy, Composite Superman, Cosmic Boy, Creeper, Crimson Avenger 2, Darkseid, Doomsday, Easy Company Soldier, Extant, Fatality, Firehawk, Geo-Force, Gleek, Gotham City Detective, Hal Jordan, Human Bomb, Indigo-1,Jinx, Karate Kid, Kilowog, Knot Tops, Lucy Lane, Manchester Black, Mask-Killer, Mera, Negative Woman, Parasite, Ra's al-Ghul, Red Robin, Rorschach, Saint Walker, Salaak, Sgt. Rock, Shrinking Violet, Silk Spectre 1, Sun Boy, Supergirl, Warlord, Wonder Twins, Zoom - 4701
Feats used: Alias x2, All-Star Squadron, Ambidextrous, Armor Piercing x 3, Camouflage x2, Contingency Plan, Damage Shield, Darkness Within, Endurance x2, Entrench, Force Field x2, Fortitude x2, Heightened Reflexes, League of Assassins, LMD, Lucky Break, Loner, Lunge, Maneuver, Nanobots, Nova Blast, Power Barrage, Protected x3, Pummel x2, Repulsor Shield, Revenge, Rip It Up, Running Start, Shake-Off, Shellhead x2, Society, Stunning Blow x2, Suppressive Fire, Takedown, Triage, Vampirism
"Galactus, Eater of Worlds, meet Darkseid, Lord of Apokolips and Master of the Anti-Life Equation." Darkseid unleashed his deadly Omega Effect. Normally they could disintegrate an opponent with one shot. But Darkseid was not up against a normal opponent. Still, it was enough to send Galactus staggering back into the wall.
I assume you mean Snowbird with Warlock's attack. The 5 would have hit her unlike Red.
Yuck. Kudos to you for a brilliant ploy, actually.
Ok Galactus ups his damage to 6 and attacks Starsky, Hutch and Baretta. A bit of a waste for Galactus but here goes. 8. Let's do 2 to all three of them.
Narya to break? 3. Attacks Warlord. Needs 9, gets 6.
Omega Red (2) L15
Psylocke V AW (1) @ G19 (Stunning Blow)
Narya (Drag) @ (3) L13 (stealthed)
Magneto GX (3) B13
Selene E B15 (Endurance)
Puck R L14 (Pummel)
Colossus MU (5) K16 (Damage Shield)
Galactus G0001D @@ F-L 8-10 (Turn 5)