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And the Thomas and Martha Wayne. Technicaly Hal Jordon is really dead, just not really gone.
Why be sweet, why be careful, why he kind?
A man has only one thing on his mind
Why ask palitely, why go lightly,
Why say please?
They only want to get you on your knees
Ok, I'm going home for the weekend, so I'll give you the last one: It was in The Flash that Devoe died from cancer. Ohcysp has come closest so his question...
For I_M: Here's the history (sorta) of the Thinker line of succession:
Clifford Devoe is killed by the Weasel while serving on the Suicide Squad. His Helmet stays with the Squad, but is deemed to dangerous to use.
At some point Cliff Carmichael dis-assembles it and implants it's micro-circuitry into his Brain (He becomes the new thinker).
He ends up joining the Suicide Squad, eventually betrays them and leaves, never to be seen again.
Now it gets screwy: A few years later Jay Garrick visits a sick Clifford Devoe in the hospital and helps him find his helmet . Devoe swears off the helmet and dies peacefully. Jay holds onto the helmet.
This obviously flies in the face of all that happened in Suicide Squad because Devoe should already be dead and the Helmet destroyed.
Anyway, Garrick gives the Helmet to Mr. terrific who incorperates it into JSA HQ. The Helmets circuitry (based on Devoes Brain Pattern) gains sentience and betrays the JSA to the Injustice Society.
He "escapes" to the Internet, surfacing later in Keystone/Central and is stopped/contained by the Flash and Cyborg.
Sometime after Devoe dies and the new Thinker comes 'on-line" another thinker surfaces in Batman, but I'm not sure if or how he fits in.
This should be easy for any Superman fans. Clark and Lois have a code word to let each other know they are okay if they can't get in contact for a while. What is the code word? I don't recall this being asked before, So I'm sorry if it has.
Why be sweet, why be careful, why he kind?
A man has only one thing on his mind
Why ask palitely, why go lightly,
Why say please?
They only want to get you on your knees