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My last booster was a beauty I'd hate to see this pulled at a sealed event.
ROTS Marauder
Bjorn Atlas
WH Kite Recon Vehicle
HL Laser Team
BR Inner Sphere Battle Armor
I pulled almost the exact same things out of one of my boosters, but with a BR Purifier instead of IS BA. How strange . . .
Hail, I bought 4 more boosters at our event, last night. This is rich!
When I opened my case last week, my BR player was foaming at the mouth when I pulled Jack out. I let him play it in our little impromptu game, that night. I pulled every Wolf Unique save "Forgiven" and I was missing the Wolf Madcat for having all the Wolfish stuff again.
As I was riding the 59 miles to the venue, I was thought, "God, it sure would be nice to pull another 1-Eyed so I could give it to Blake." Well, here is the list of what notable Mechs I got in those boosters:
All have their appropriate pilot and gear. Gave the Bjorn to another Atlas collector. Now, if I could just pull a Sunfire Atlas. I've pulled 4 atlas' now, but haven't even SEEN the Sunfire.
I opened a case tonight and got my 2nd Hammerfall Atlas. The first one I got (just from opening random boosters) had the correct pilot One-Eyed Jack Farrell and whatever gear card was suppose to come with it. Today the Hammerfall Atlas I got came with Nickolas Kerensky and gear I cannot remember, though I believe it probably should go with whatever mech Kerensky drives. Anyway, has this happened to anyone else? and does anyone think WK will do anything about it if I write to them? I probably will anyway, just to see, but I'm curious to see if this has happened with other Hammerfall Atlases.
Sorry for any confusion. I meant Markus, not Nickolas.
The local gaming store finally got Wolf Strike in and I bought 4 boosters.
booster 1:
"Reaver" Warwolf
> Nikki Radick
> Inferno Ammunition
HL Vulture Mk IV
> Sakhara Academy Graduate
> Anti-Personnel
HK Partisan AA vehicle
JF Laser Team
PC Magnetic Deposits
Booster 2:
"Hammerfall" Atlas
> "One Eyed" Jack Farrel
> Anti-Personnel Pod
ROTS Marauder IIC (the left arm twisted off)
> NAIS College of Military Science Graduate
> Streak Missiles
RD Padilla Anti-Missile Tank
JF Purifier Battle Armor
HS Inner Sphere Battle Armor
SQ Bannockburn's Bandits
Booster 3:
"Forgiven" Crimson Hawk
> Kris Carns
> Triple-Strength Myomer Weave
HK Mad Cat Mk IV
> House Kurita Chu-i
> Electronic Camouflage
JF Carnivore Assault Tank
ROTS Wraith Battle Armor
HS Inner Sphere Battle Armor
SQ Cyclops Company
Booster 4:
"Bjorn" Atlas
> Rudolph Tseng
> Melee Hardening
HL Griffin
> Canopian Institute of War Graduate
> Artemis V Fire-Control System
HL Partisan AA Vehicle
HL Laser Team
SA House Liao-Clan Sea Fox
from the content of this thread, my own observations and posted booster pulls I have noted: (beyond the Br Violator/HL Stalking spider screw up and the mispainted partisans)
Many Atlases missing arms, or 2 of the same arm type or with incorrect pilots and gear. 2 of the 3 atlases in my case were a mess. Hammerfall had 2 gun arms and Sunfire was missing an arm and gear. Other folks had Hammerfall with the wrong arms and missing pilot and gear.
Next: Almost no one that I know, who have split about 7 cases locally in Toronto, came up with any Clan Wolf Common Mechs.. I have seen 2 Griffins and thats it.
Seems very odd......
As for common gear almost no one has G-173 Streaks but I have 8 x G-164 Alpha strike. Whoo hoo!
yeah from out 2 cases we had 1 elite CW Vulture, CW Marauder and CW Griffin.
other case just had a CW Griffin.
in total 1 CNC Vixen.
the kurita madcat is pretty popular. but most elite mechs ae hard to find.(still havent seen a CW raven either)
about every case carries aprox 1 of of every rank of every vehicle.
Thanks to the sealed tournament I played last week I am now able to provide you happy campers with a list of the new stuff I acquired. Ready or not, here we go!
:^^: House Kurita Raven
:^^: Clan Nova Cat Gambit
:^^: Clan Jade Falcon Mad Cat Mk IV
:^^^: House Steiner "Stärke" Crimson Hawk
:^^: Rasalhague Dominion SRM Team
:^^: House Kurita Inner Sphere Battle Armor
:^^: Bannson's Raiders Purifier Battle Armor
:^^^: Clan Nova Cat Laser Team
:^^: Wolf Hunters Carnivore Assault Tank
:^^^: Republic Of The Sphere Partisan AA Vehicle
And of course the usual bunch of cards. Corlan was rather displeased with me because of the Constant Tremors Planetary Condition card I fielded against him, which rendered the Advanced Anti-Missile System and Point Defense he had in his army useless.
Alright. I got 4 packs over the last few days I'm trying to remember off the top of my head so forgive me if the math is off:
HD Atlas "Sunfire"
Victor Dresari
Swarm-I Ammo (and before the flood of PM's comes, no, he's not for trade/sale right now...maybe if I get another one :p ).
HL Stalking Spider
(Had Cynthia Kelly and her gear, of course, but I had picked up "The Beast" earlier so it wasn't a big deal).
CNC Black Knight "Bailey"
Barumn Drummond
Heavy Laser
Non-Mechs of note:
CJF Mad Cat Mk IV
WH Vixen
I really didn't pick up any good vehicles or infantry (I had to trade pretty hard, but I was able to get my hands on a CW Carnivore :)). There's a guy where I play for fun sometimes who's a HUGE HD fan. He's been looking for the HD Atlas since it came out. I wonder what he'll say.
Warhawk out.