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Well, I sent in my Scarlet Witch SR that was incorrect to the replacement center. I also inclosed a letter that informed them about the problems I had had with Avengers and that I thought their policy of not giving the card was unfortunate since the card is an extension of the figure. They went above and beyond and gave me every thing. The card, the figure, and the base. The only problem is that the did not give me the figure I asked for. Come on!!!
Good. Where were you Sunday @ D*C? Believe it or not, it was a GREAT tourney with no a-holes to be seen. For the Origins Chase, I played Man of Steel and Dark Knight for an even 300. Swept the first three rounds and lost in the finals to Stevie D (who had an eventful opening round, more in person ). Then hung out with the judge's posse until around 2 AM. Bought a Chase Lois Lane from the fellowship winner, not at the same price you got yours, but he cut me a good deal.
Not sure how many Starro tourneys I can make, sucks for me. Still holding the money I owe you for figs. Hope to see you Saturday.
What fig did they send you instead of the SR Scarlet Witch? Was it the Ultimate one?
Good. Where were you Sunday @ D*C? Believe it or not, it was a GREAT tourney with no a-holes to be seen. For the Origins Chase, I played Man of Steel and Dark Knight for an even 300. Swept the first three rounds and lost in the finals to Stevie D (who had an eventful opening round, more in person ). Then hung out with the judge's posse until around 2 AM. Bought a Chase Lois Lane from the fellowship winner, not at the same price you got yours, but he cut me a good deal.
Not sure how many Starro tourneys I can make, sucks for me. Still holding the money I owe you for figs. Hope to see you Saturday.
What fig did they send you instead of the SR Scarlet Witch? Was it the Ultimate one?
They sent me a Wasp uncommon. I did not have the figure. It was the last CUR figure I needed but that still sucks hard.
I got a text message from Sean saying that it sucked on Sunday and I was not missing anything. I had to work which is why I was not there. I went on Fri, Sat, and Mon. Liza went with me two of the days and she had a relatively decent time. But, I was pretty upset with the dealer room and the lack of any gaming companies.
The starro event starts at approximately noon, this sat. at Titans.
"No one can really even call himself a man unless he's eaten two steaks in one meal, made love to a woman after having eaten a steak, and fought a goddamned fish." --A.J. PACKMAN
ULTIMATES 3 #1 (of 5)
Written by JEPH LOEB
The countdown to Ultimatum begins here and when it's over, the Ultimate Universe will never be the same! And when we say that in the Ultimate Universe, you know we ain't fooling around! A year later, who are the Ultimates? After going through the tumultuous events of the past two volumes, the Ultimates find themselves operating out of Tony Stark's mansion in New York where, no longer working for S.H.I.E.L.D., they have to make it on their own. But, a terrible secret is about to tear them apart and bring about a murder at the mansion! One of Earth's greatest heroes will die and there'll be plenty of suspects! New Members! New Adventures! And New Secrets! All this and Ultimate Venom too!
Now you don't have to buy the issue b/c I doubt it will be anymore enlightening than this solicitation.
"No one can really even call himself a man unless he's eaten two steaks in one meal, made love to a woman after having eaten a steak, and fought a goddamned fish." --A.J. PACKMAN
Didn't they kill off several Ultimates in the last run? How is this supposed to be exciting and must read when they have done this before? Not that anything having to due with Ultimate Spidey has been interesting for a while.
BTW - Good luck all this weekend. I might think of you guys huddled around the tabletop as I am kicking it on the beach. No. Probably not.
Some people are like Slinkies. Not really good for anything, but you still can't help but smile when you see them tumble down the stairs.
That comic sounds ####ing dreadful. You want to know what I thought of when I read that? Clue. It sounds like the Avengers are going to be running around the Avengers mansion trying to solve a crime. Well I will go ahead and solve the game. The killer is Jeff Loeb, at marvel headquarters, with a pencil and piece of paper. Now what do I win?
And Ultimate Venom has already been done and it was stupid. And how can any Venom from any universe compete with the Avengers. Who on that team would not beat the dog #### out of Venom. Maybe Hawkeye or Quicksilver but everyone else would kill him.
BTW - Good luck all this weekend. I might think of you guys huddled around the tabletop as I am kicking it on the beach. No. Probably not.
When were all sitting around nice and secure, we'll possibly think about you when you're trying to endure Hurricane God's Divine Vengence
"No one can really even call himself a man unless he's eaten two steaks in one meal, made love to a woman after having eaten a steak, and fought a goddamned fish." --A.J. PACKMAN
If anyone needs an SR Flash or Power Ring, come by Great Escape for the Starro events on Sunday at 1PM. Tommy apparently can pull tons of long as they are Flash and Power Ring. :D