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"Why aren't we out there with the Sentinels tearing this Spectre apart?" asks Fabian Cortez.
A gaggle of super-powered folk all wait in relative safety: Bishop, Selene, Vindicator, Shaman, Domino and the White Queen.
Only Emma Frost speaks, "Cortez, why don't you be our guest?" she says pointing to the battle. And it's a battle of Gods and the Sentinels move on with incredible steadfastness as the Spectre brutally cuts into them. It's a savage assault and clear that the Sentinels are losing it.
"Well," Fabian says, "I suppose it wouldn't hurt to come up with a plan of some kind first."
Unless it specifically says in one of their powers that they ignore Stealth, Colossals are affected by it, same as everyone. Not even the Spectre's laundry list of "Is not effected bys" includes Stealth.
Sentinel Multiattack on GXG01 and GXG08 - AV13 on DV17 and DV16. Gets 3. Well, he can KO GXG08 at least.
Second attack on the remaining 2. DV17 and DV18. Gets 7. I'll deal 1 to GXG09B and 6 to GXG01
I do get a replacement for Hourman. Batzarro with Ambidextrous.
Alfred Perplexes his Damage to 3
Batzarro Double targets Bishot and Talisman. AV10 on DV19 and DV17. Gets 6. Should have upped his AV instead. Oh well.
Spectre Outwits GXG01's RCE
Alfred Pennyworth (OR) @ Q6 (Stealth)
Bat Sentry (Terrify)@ M3 (4)
Spectre (600/Turn 5) @ V-X,1-6
V Ravager @ U5
Batzarro (Ambidextrous) @ K6
Figures used: Alfred Pennyworth, Aquaman, Atom (JSA), Bat Sentry, Batzarro, Bizarro Girl, Brainiac, Bulleteer, Captain Metropolis, Comedian, Captain Boomerang 2, Carol Ferris, Ch'p, Colossal Boy, Composite Superman, Cosmic Boy, Creeper, Crimson Avenger 2, Darkseid, Doomsday, Earth Man, Easy Company Soldier, Eradicator, Extant, Fatality, Firehawk, General, Geo-Force, Gleek, Gotham City Detective, Hal Jordan, Hourman (JL), Human Bomb, Indigo-1,Jinx, Karate Kid, Kid Zoom, Kilowog, Knot Tops, Lucy Lane, Magog, Manchester Black, Mask-Killer, Mera, Negative Woman, Parasite, Plastic Man, Ra's al-Ghul, Ravager, Red Robin, Rorschach, Saint Walker, Salaak, Sgt. Rock, Shrinking Violet, Silk Spectre 1, Spectre, Sun Boy, Supergirl, Warlord, Wildcat, Wonder Twins, Zoom - 6563
Feats used: Alias x3, All-Star Squadron, Ambidextrous x2, Armor Piercing x 3, Automatic Regeneration, Camouflage x2, Contingency Plan, Damage Shield x2, Darkness Within, Endurance x2, Entrench, Force Field x2, Fortitude x2, Heightened Reflexes, Lazarus Pit x2, League of Assassins, LMD, Lucky Break x2, Loner, Lunge, Maneuver, Nanobots x2, Nova Blast, Pounce, Power Barrage, Protected x3, Pummel x3, Repulsor Shield x2, Revenge, Rip It Up x2, Running Start, Shake-Off, Shellhead x2, Society, Stunning Blow x2, Suppressive Fire, Takedown, Terrify, Triage, Vampirism
Seriously are we only at turn 5 with Spectre? Argh. He's at least doubled his point value in kos. Kind of interesting considering he's an older colossal.
Fabian rolls 4 for perplex.
Bish on Batzarro. Needs 8, rolls 12. Not ideal actually. Would that this went to the Spectre....4 to him plus kb to N4 where he hits the wall for a 5th.
G09B on Spectre & Ravager. Rolls 5. Can't even hit Ravager...
Shaman barriers.
Emma ups Shaman's dv by 1.
Fabian passes on using his perplex, converting it to an improvise token instead.
Sentinel GXG01 (6) ST4,5
Sentinel GXG09B (3) @ QR 1,2
Talisman @ F11 (Stunning Blow)
Selene E B13 (Endurance-1)
Domino GX B11 (Book of Destiny)
Fabian Cortez (Improvise) B7
Bishop MU @ E10 (Recharge)
Emma Frost MU B12 (Mental Shields)
James MacDonald Hudson C10 (Alpha Flight)
Points used: 6392
Teleporters: B14, H18
HO C11, E10, E13, G11, B12 LO E8, E17, D7, K14, G16, H14
Had to go back and check. I had action tokens wrong. I added Batzarro with his token but forgot to update the rest. As for Spectre, last turn was his second consecutive so he should have had two tokens. He's got to clear this turn. The others cleared.
Batzarro back to K6.
Ravager tries to Blades GXG01. AV10 on DV16. Gets 8. Blades is 4. No reducers on that click, so he takes it all.
Bat Sentry to K1.
Alfred Perplexes Batzarro's DV to 17
Spectre Outwits GXG01's Outwit
Alfred Pennyworth (OR) Q6 (Stealth)
Bat Sentry (Terrify) @ K1 (4)
Spectre (600/Turn 6) V-X,1-6
V Ravager @ U5
Batzarro (Ambidextrous) @@ N4 (5)
Figures used: Alfred Pennyworth, Aquaman, Atom (JSA), Bat Sentry, Batzarro, Bizarro Girl, Brainiac, Bulleteer, Captain Metropolis, Comedian, Captain Boomerang 2, Carol Ferris, Ch'p, Colossal Boy, Composite Superman, Cosmic Boy, Creeper, Crimson Avenger 2, Darkseid, Doomsday, Earth Man, Easy Company Soldier, Eradicator, Extant, Fatality, Firehawk, General, Geo-Force, Gleek, Gotham City Detective, Hal Jordan, Hourman (JL), Human Bomb, Indigo-1,Jinx, Karate Kid, Kid Zoom, Kilowog, Knot Tops, Lucy Lane, Magog, Manchester Black, Mask-Killer, Mera, Negative Woman, Parasite, Plastic Man, Ra's al-Ghul, Ravager, Red Robin, Rorschach, Saint Walker, Salaak, Sgt. Rock, Shrinking Violet, Silk Spectre 1, Spectre, Sun Boy, Supergirl, Warlord, Wildcat, Wonder Twins, Zoom - 6563
Feats used: Alias x3, All-Star Squadron, Ambidextrous x2, Armor Piercing x 3, Automatic Regeneration, Camouflage x2, Contingency Plan, Damage Shield x2, Darkness Within, Endurance x2, Entrench, Force Field x2, Fortitude x2, Heightened Reflexes, Lazarus Pit x2, League of Assassins, LMD, Lucky Break x2, Loner, Lunge, Maneuver, Nanobots x2, Nova Blast, Pounce, Power Barrage, Protected x3, Pummel x3, Repulsor Shield x2, Revenge, Rip It Up x2, Running Start, Shake-Off, Shellhead x2, Society, Stunning Blow x2, Suppressive Fire, Takedown, Terrify, Triage, Vampirism
"No big, stupid robot is going to get the better of me," Ravager said, leaping on the back of the nearest Sentinel and driving her sword deep into one of the joints.
Spectre Multi-Attacks, naturally. Double targeting the Sentinels, DV15 and DV18. Gets 9. Easy hit. 6 to GX09B, KOing him, and 1 to the GX01.
Second attack on the GX01, DV15. Gets 4. Sad, but still good enough. KOs him too.
These Colossals are just so crazily unbalanced. It must be incredibly hard to come up with a figure that will be good enough that you can stand them alone against a 600 point force, but sometimes I think in doing so, they take the dials rather too far in the other direction. And can you imagine if I weren't taking every third turn to clear him? I don't know, I'm really torn with these. It is so cool to be able to play Galactus or Spectre - they're great in the comics - but they're not a lot of fun to play against.
Alfred Pennyworth (OR) Q6 (Stealth)
Bat Sentry (Terrify) K1 (4)
Spectre (600/Turn 7) @ V-X,1-6
V Ravager U5 (5)
Batzarro (Ambidextrous) N4 (5)(stealth)
Figures used: Alfred Pennyworth, Aquaman, Atom (JSA), Bat Sentry, Batzarro, Bizarro Girl, Brainiac, Bulleteer, Captain Metropolis, Comedian, Captain Boomerang 2, Carol Ferris, Ch'p, Colossal Boy, Composite Superman, Cosmic Boy, Creeper, Crimson Avenger 2, Darkseid, Doomsday, Earth Man, Easy Company Soldier, Eradicator, Extant, Fatality, Firehawk, General, Geo-Force, Gleek, Gotham City Detective, Hal Jordan, Hourman (JL), Human Bomb, Indigo-1,Jinx, Karate Kid, Kid Zoom, Kilowog, Knot Tops, Lucy Lane, Magog, Manchester Black, Mask-Killer, Mera, Negative Woman, Parasite, Plastic Man, Ra's al-Ghul, Ravager, Red Robin, Rorschach, Saint Walker, Salaak, Sgt. Rock, Shrinking Violet, Silk Spectre 1, Spectre, Sun Boy, Supergirl, Warlord, Wildcat, Wonder Twins, Zoom - 6563
Feats used: Alias x3, All-Star Squadron, Ambidextrous x2, Armor Piercing x 3, Automatic Regeneration, Camouflage x2, Contingency Plan, Damage Shield x2, Darkness Within, Endurance x2, Entrench, Force Field x2, Fortitude x2, Heightened Reflexes, Lazarus Pit x2, League of Assassins, LMD, Lucky Break x2, Loner, Lunge, Maneuver, Nanobots x2, Nova Blast, Pounce, Power Barrage, Protected x3, Pummel x3, Repulsor Shield x2, Revenge, Rip It Up x2, Running Start, Shake-Off, Shellhead x2, Society, Stunning Blow x2, Suppressive Fire, Takedown, Terrify, Triage, Vampirism
The colossals are truly unbalanced and the Spectre seems especially bad with all he ignores and all that can't be done to him. what? Bring in a big gun who's sure to be slaughtered or left open for attack when Spectre is gone? Bring in a little guy who can maybe do something? Ignore him?
Option 3 really isn't an option.
Am I crazy on can Leech go the trick? If I'm wrong, I'll have to figure out play B. If not, it may be a clever move.
Fabian rolls for perplex: 1. Swell. He hasn't made a 5 or 6 once.
Enter the Captain. Frankly I don't know him at all and have never played him. But that and his sp which gives him an ever so slight chance of lasting another turn, pull me in. Nextwave feat on him. He attacks Spectre and Fabian gives him an 11 attack. Needs 8, rolls 8. Imperv is 1. Wow, 2 to Spectre. Grrrr and one to him for Mystics bashing because hey...Spectre needs more help.
The Captain (Nextwave) @ (1) U3
Talisman F11 (Stunning Blow)
Selene E B13 (Endurance-1)
Domino GX B11 (Book of Destiny)
Fabian Cortez (Improvise-1) B7
Bishop MU E10 (Recharge)
Emma Frost MU B12 (Mental Shields)
James MacDonald Hudson C10 (Alpha Flight)
Points used: 6517
Teleporters: B14, H18
HO C11, E10, E13, G11, B12 LO E8, E17, D7, K14, G16, H14
"Batzarro am calm now! Me am do nothing!" He threw another capsule from his Useless Belt at Bishop and Shaman, and this time they couldn't get out of the blast.
"What a strange creature," Shaman observed.
"Come to me and save me the trouble of hunting you down," the Spectre said hitting the Captain with his eyebeams.
"Think you're so $%*&( tough, don't you," the Captain said.
"You are rude and abrasive, yet I hesitate. Why? Can it be that I sense you are attempting to redeem yourself?" the Spectre pondered.