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Ok, Mindee's gone. Don rolls to heal Esme. It works and he heals her as before but his other target is Phoebe who's up 1 (as if Mindee's healing had worked). Phoebe moves as mentioned before.
Collector (5) @@ (Darkness Within) w/Reality Gem (In a duel)
Pandora @ P9 (Heightened Reflexes) (stealthed)
Salaak GLFF (Force field) @ S9
Red Tornado V @@ R6 (Alias)
Donald Blake (Triage) @ U9
GX Professor X S10 (Mental shields)
CT Nightcrawler (Nanobots) (In a Duel) (1)
Cuckoos: Phoebe (2) @ O9
Esme (1) T10
Just had a thought - sorry I didn't think sooner. Can you bring in Don Blake if I had Thor drafted? Granted, I had the Ultimates version, but we still considered it "Thor" for drafting purposes.
I would say Don Blake is ok because he's Don Blake. Even though we both drafted Thors (yours was Ultimates, mine was 616), Don Blake is a different person. Granted, he can become Thor but that's just an advantage of the piece. Let me know if you disagree.
That brings up another point. As I suspect this game has a few months of life in it it's getting increasingly hard to remember who's been drafted. I've been adopting a 'best we can remember''s fairly likely that Iron Man's been drafted before but Red Hood or Rogue might be iffier thoughts. At this point, let's try our best to draft unique figures and if one notices it wasn't right away we fix it (say if Don Blake were drafted as Thor instead) but otherwise go with it. (It's nice to spread the love and give less regular pieces a chance to shine).
Having said that the figures in the 'My Team' rolls can be whatever works, as they are coming in for just one turn. (I still try to use unique characters there but sometimes a Thor or Superman are just perfect).
Lastly, do you think we're seen all of the Superman and Fear figures? If so, go ahead and grab yours your next turn and I'll follow.
I don't think you did draft a Thor, unless it was mid-game and I missed it, but anyway point taken about Don Blake being different, and I do agree with the rest of your post.
For the others, I'll take the 100 point Faora and Ms. Marvel from Fear Itself. The latter of whom I will bring in right now.
And thanks for giving me Kang & Doom back, by the way. Very funny that you rolled and swapped the exact combination of figures back.
For event I roll 9, My Team's Better. I'll use Loki's Mystics and bring in Scarlet Witch. Just so she can TK Ms. M to I9
Mr. Immortal tries to hit Phoebes. AV9 on DV15. Gets 9. Phoebe uses her PC to make it 4.
Ms. Marvel takes Solovar's tokens to make her Movement 13. Halved she can move 7 and RS. She moves first to O8 to yoink the LO out from under Pandora, retreat to N8 and try to shoot her, AV11 on DV18. Gets 10. Pandora uses one of her PCs and makes it a 7. Her SS is 3, so Pandora will take 4 from that. Ms. Marvel takes 1.
Doomnkang does the duo, attacks Phoebe. AV12 on DV15. Gets 5. Good enough. Phoebe's out. Second shot at Pandora, AV12 on DV16 +2. Gets 8 and Pandora's KOd. 1 to Doomnkang.
Grundy passes.
Loki on Collector, AV11 on DV16. Gets 6. Collector makes it 9. With his PsiBlast, that'll do 4 and KO Collector.
HT-V Solomon Grundy (Nanobots) (In Duel) (8)
HT54 Loki @ B15
Solovar (Contingency Plan +1) F5
Mr. Immortal (Auto-Regen/Second Life) @ O10 (2)
CW Dr. Doom & Kang (Lazarus Pit) @ I10/I11 (1)
Harvey Dent (DKR-Book of Destiny) @ G5
TT204 Red Hood (Nanobots) O13
Ms. Marvel (FI-The Mighty) @ N7 (1)
LG-Flash, CD V Dr. Light, GL Ganthet, LS-Cosmic Boy, CR Green Arrow, SI Dr. Strange, BB Talia, AN Sinestro (60), CA MODOK, IH Amadeus Cho, AVM Nick Fury (203), DKR Joker (28), JL52 Deathstroke, M10A Worldbreaker, BM Black Queen, IM3016 War Machine, Faora (MOS105) - 9171
Feats used: Alias, Ambidextrous x2, Animal, Armor Piercing x2, Automatic Regeneration x2, Book of Destiny, Camouflage, Construct, Dissent x2, Endurance x2, Fallback, Force Field x2, Fortitude x2, Lazarus Pit x3, LMD x2, Lunge, Mighty, Nanobots x2, Outsmart, Protected x3, Pummel, Repulsor Shield x3, Rip It Up x2, Saboteur, Shellhead x2, Swingline, Takedown, Thunderbolts, Toxic Burst, Trick Shot x2, Vampirism, Whirlwind
"I don't know you from Adam, but you're doing your best to mess things up here, and that's reason enough for me to pound you," Ms. Marvel told Pandora, shooting at her.
"You will leave us alone!" Phoebe tried to mentally influence Dr. Doom and Kang.
"Child, you have spunk. You really have no chance of using your psychic tricks on us, but I admire your attempt. So I will be merciful and not completely disintegrate you," Kang said, shooting her down.
"You're too soft Kang," Doom said, finishing off Pandora.
Actually we drafted several duplicate characters but one was 616, one Ultimates (Scarlet Witch, Cap, Thor as examples).
Real bummer about Pandora. Collector, he did fine.
I was hoping for Ms. M myself but I'll take Valkyrie to try her out again. Jor-El for the Superman set.
Is this something that I'm missing--how can Ms. M, who has rs, run and grab the object from under Pandora, then make a ranged attack? What am I missing here?
Picking up an object is just something you do as part of moving. Carol was moving, and since she flies, she doesn't need to stop when she moves adjacent to another figure (except for new Plasticity rules-but that's not important here) so she moves into square O8 as part of her move. Since she doesn't have to stop for adjacency, she picks up the object and ends her move in N7, and since she was moving as part of the Power Action to do Running Shot, she is then able to target the now not-Stealthed Pandora.
I could even have thrown the object at her, to add insult to injury, but that would have done less damage.
I've never seen that done before. It surprises me that as part of running shot, Carol isn't stuck with a break away problem when she bases Pandora. But hey, you know the ins and outs of the rules better than I.
Pandora does get a heightened reflexes roll: 3. Seems that feat so rarely works.
I roll 6 again, crazy 9s are getting real crazy of late. It's Nightcrawler for Koom. Poor Koom just don't know which was is up right now...ok, Doom into the duel. Kurt's now is Koom's spot. Not a good place to be.
Shazam is in for Pandora. He'll hss to O6 and attack Ms. M. Needs 5, rolls 12. Am I right that you have no pc up top? That kos her. Shazam ends in N7.
Not to be overwhelming but I'll drag in Icon's Superman also, most of my remaining figures are the big guns, gotta use them sometime. He'll hss to P8 to attack Kurt. SC is 6. It's got to be Mr. Immortal then. Needs 3, rolls 11. And he's on his final life.
Next set draft: 52
In the duel Koom attacks Grundy. Anything but a 2 kos him, rolls 5. Grundy's out, Koom returns to W4,5.
Dr. Doom and Kang (1) @@ W4, 5 (Lazarus Pit)
Salaak GLFF (Force field) S9
Red Tornado V R6 (Alias)
Superman V IK @ P8 (Fortitude)
Donald Blake (Triage) U9
GX Professor X S10 (Mental shields)
Esme Cuckoo (1) T10
Shazam UN221 @ N7 (Lazarus Pit)
My drafts:
CM-Nebula V 76, UL-Captain America V 103, SN-Bullseye V 65, GI- Atom Smasher 97, 2099- Punisher 104, AV-Spider-Man 111, JL-Deadman 118, HA-Thor 226, AA-Wonder Woman 248, WM-Dr. Manhattan 276, BD-Atom 65, SM-Black Adam 300, AVM-Destroyer 250, DK-Batman 100 105, 52-Hawkman 95, M10-Dark Phoenix 300, DC10-Nightwing 94, BM7204-Catwoman 75, SG-Black Canary FF 100, GC-Penguin 70, Mandarin-IM104 100, Cyborg TT -143, Valkyrie-Fi, Jorel 05- MOS
Feats used: Alias (3), Ambidextrous, Armor Piercing, Book of Destiny (2), Brilliant Tactician, Construct, Contingency Plan (2), Darkness Within, Dissent (2), Drag, Endurance (2), Force Field (2), Fortitude (2), Heightened Reflexes, LMD, Lazarus Pit (2), Loner, Marvel Knights, Mental shields, Nanobots (2), Nova Blast, Pounce, Protected, Pummel (2), Recharge, Repulsor Shield (2), Saboteur, Shellhead (2), Sidestep, Stunning Blow (2), Swingline, Triage (2), Trick Shot, Retaliation, Vampirism, Vendetta (2), Winter Guard
I'm pretty scared now. Superman, Shazam and the Doom/Kang Duo? But what you say has the weight of truth. We've been saving up our big guns. They've got to get used sometime.
Question though on Shazam's attack. Ms. Marvel's got Invulnerable, and you can't use EW with HSS. EW requires a full Close Combat Action. HSS only allows a vanilla attack. She's not KO'd, unless there's something else I'm missing.
Forgot that ew and hss can't be used together. Ms. M would get 4 with the critical hit but no kb. Shazam ends in Q7.
Dr. Doom and Kang (1) @@ W4, 5 (Lazarus Pit)
Salaak GLFF (Force field) S9
Red Tornado V R6 (Alias)
Superman V IK @ P8 (Fortitude)
Donald Blake (Triage) U9
GX Professor X S10 (Mental shields)
Esme Cuckoo (1) T10
Shazam UN221 @ Q7 (Lazarus Pit)
My drafts:
CM-Nebula V 76, UL-Captain America V 103, SN-Bullseye V 65, GI- Atom Smasher 97, 2099- Punisher 104, AV-Spider-Man 111, JL-Deadman 118, HA-Thor 226, AA-Wonder Woman 248, WM-Dr. Manhattan 276, BD-Atom 65, SM-Black Adam 300, AVM-Destroyer 250, DK-Batman 100 105, 52-Hawkman 95, M10-Dark Phoenix 300, DC10-Nightwing 94, BM7204-Catwoman 75, SG-Black Canary FF 100, GC-Penguin 70, Mandarin-IM104 100, Cyborg TT -143, Valkyrie-Fi, Jorel 05- MOS
Feats used: Alias (3), Ambidextrous, Armor Piercing, Book of Destiny (2), Brilliant Tactician, Construct, Contingency Plan (2), Darkness Within, Dissent (2), Drag, Endurance (2), Force Field (2), Fortitude (2), Heightened Reflexes, LMD, Lazarus Pit (2), Loner, Marvel Knights, Mental shields, Nanobots (2), Nova Blast, Pounce, Protected, Pummel (2), Recharge, Repulsor Shield (2), Saboteur, Shellhead (2), Sidestep, Stunning Blow (2), Swingline, Triage (2), Trick Shot, Retaliation, Vampirism, Vendetta (2), Winter Guard
Actually, even if it did work together, Ms. Marvel's 5th click is a stop-click, so whatever else happens, she stops there.
I roll an 11. Cutthroat. Hmmm. Well first I need a replacement. Crisis Green Arrow in B16. Heightened Reflexes on him.
OK, for once, I can do some damage with the Cutthroat.
Superman to I10
Don Blake to R7
Shazam taxis Don Blake. Shazam to I10, J10 for Don.
Salaak taxis Xavier. Salaak to N13, N12 for Xavier.
Dr. Doom and Kang (1) W4, 5 (Lazarus Pit)
Salaak GLFF (Force field) @ N13
Red Tornado V R6 (Alias)
Superman V IK @@ I12 (1)(Fortitude)
Donald Blake (Triage) @ J10
GX Professor X N12 (Mental shields)
Esme Cuckoo (1) T10
Shazam UN221 @@ I10 (1) (Lazarus Pit)
HT54 Loki B15
Solovar (Contingency Plan +2) F5
Mr. Immortal (Auto-Regen/Second Life) O10 (7)
Nightcrawler (Nanobots) K11 (1)
Harvey Dent (DKR-Book of Destiny) G5
TT204 Red Hood (Nanobots) O13
Ms. Marvel (FI-The Mighty) N7 (4)
CR Green Arrow (Heightened Reflexes) B16
LG-Flash, CD V Dr. Light, GL Ganthet, LS-Cosmic Boy, SI Dr. Strange, BB Talia, AN Sinestro (60), CA MODOK, IH Amadeus Cho, AVM Nick Fury (203), DKR Joker (28), JL52 Deathstroke, M10A Worldbreaker, BM Black Queen, IM3016 War Machine, Faora (MOS105) - 9171
Doom will take on the duel. Since they have indomitable they can take the 2nd turn without a problem. I'll drag Loki and Green Arrow into the duel. Don't expect Koom will survive against both but maybe they can slow you down. Plus they do have the pit. Rolls for distance: 1, everyone's up nice and close. Ok, they dual target the pair: rolls 7. Loki rerolls 7. 4 to Ollie since that's how Loki would make it anyway. 2nd attack needs 5, rolls 11. Ollie's out.
Dr. Doom and Kang @ (1) (Lazarus Pit) (in a duel)
Salaak GLFF (Force field) @ N13
Red Tornado V R6 (Alias)
Superman V IK @@ I12 (1)(Fortitude)
Donald Blake (Triage) @ J10
GX Professor X N12 (Mental shields)
Esme Cuckoo (1) T10
Shazam UN221 @@ I10 (1) (Lazarus Pit)
Don tries to heal Shazam. Needs 5, rolls 7. Heal is 5, he's up to full.
Going to have to take that one away from you. You can't use Support if either the figure attempting it or the target is based by another figure, and Don is being based by Nightcrawler.