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DCR-031. A Moment of Crisis
DCR-032. Advance Warning
DCR-033. Allied Against the Dark
DCR-034. Brothers in Arms
DCR-035. Double Play
DCR-036. Heroic Rescue
DCR-037. JSA Headquarters
DCR-038. Justice United, Team-Up
DCR-039. Living Legacy
DCR-040. Taking Up the Mantle
DCR-041. The Rock of Eternity
DCR-042. T-Spheres
DCR-069. Abjuration, Magic
DCR-070. Chimp Detective Agency
DCR-071. Collecting Souls, Magic
DCR-072. Conjuration, Magic
DCR-073. Divination, Magic
DCR-074. Magical Conduit, Magic
DCR-075. Mystical Blinding, Magic
DCR-076. Spectral Slaughter, Magic
DCR-077. Stepping Between Worlds, Magic
DCR-078. The Conclave, Magic
DCR-079. The Oblivion Bar
DCR-080. True Name, Magic
DCR-104. Brother Eye
DCR-105. Brother I Satellite
DCR-106. Check and Mate!
DCR-107. Checkmate Armory
DCR-108. Checkmate Safe House, Team-Up
DCR-109. Knight Armor
DCR-110. Knightmare Scenario
DCR-111. Knight’s Gambit
DCR-112. Laser Watch
DCR-113. Pawn of the Black King
DCR-114. Rook Control
DCR-115. Secret Checkmate HQ
DCR-116. Target Acqired
DCR-117. Threat Neutralized
DCR-118. Traitor to the Cause
DCR-145. 3…2…1…
DCR-146. Arms Deal
DCR-147. Baddest of the Bad
DCR-148. Coercion, Team-Up
DCR-149. Grand Gesture
DCR-150. Join Us or Die
DCR-151. No Hope
DCR-152. No Mercy
DCR-153. Return Fire!
DCR-154. Systematic Torture
DCR-155. The Science Spire
DCR-164. Dodge the Bullet
DCR-165. Help Wanted, Team-Up
DCR-166. House of Secrets
DCR-167. It’s Not Over Yet
DCR-168. Secret Six Victorious
DCR-173. Bart Allen*The Flash, Impulsive Speedster
DCR-174. Amulet of Nabu, Fate Artifact
DCR-175. Cloak of Nabu, Fate Artifact
DCR-176. Helm of Nabu, Fate Artifact
DCR-177. Dr.Fate’s Tower
DCR-178. Fate Has Spoken, Magic
DCR-179. Eclipso, Jean Loring
DCR-180. Jaime Reyes*Blue Beetle, High-Tech Hero
DCR-181. Mordru, Dark Lord
DCR-182. The Spectre, Soulless
DCR-183. Absolute Dominance
DCR-184. Blinding Rage
DCR-185. Burning Gaze
DCR-186. Death From Above
DCR-187. Defend Yourself!
DCR-188. Deflection
DCR-189. End of All That Is
DCR-190. Epic Battle
DCR-191. Forbidden Loyalties, Team-Up
DCR-192. I Still Hate Magic!
DCR-193. Magical Lobotomy, Mgic
DCR-194. Multiverse Power Battery
DCR-195. Rann
DCR-196. Relentless Pursuit
DCR-197. Removed from Continuity
DCR-198. Revitalize
DCR-199. Thanagar
DCR-200. Thanagarian Invasion
DCR-201. Transmutation, Magic
DCR-202. Tricked-Out Sports Car
DCR-203. Watch the Birdie!
DCR-204. Barbara Gordon*Oracle, Data Broker
DCR-205. Leslie Thompkins’s Clinic
DCR-206. Mourn for the Lost
DCR-207. Return of Donna Troy
DCR-208. Amadeus Arkham, Architect of Insanity
DCR-209. The Joker, Permanent Vacation
DCR-210. The Penguin, Arms Merchant
DCR-211. Seiobo’s Garden
DCR-212. Lois Lane, Earth 2
DCR-213. Lex Luthor, Champion of the Common Man
DCR-214. Kilowog, Drill Sergeant
DCR-215. Brainiac, Earth 2
DCR-216. Obsidian, Todd James Rice
DCR-217. Adam Strange, Champion of Rann
DCR-218. Animal Man, Buddy Baker
DCR-219. Mr.Myxzptlk, Troublesome Trickster
DCR-220. Ultra-Humanite, Metahuman Manipulator