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Domino will outwit any successful attack by Arsenal.
I'll keep that in mind.
*I'm not sure I like those odds but I have to try to get rid of that outwit*
1) Arsenal(7) will double target both Bishop(15) and Havok(14), 1st roll............6,5 for 11. Hit both, re-roll......6,3 for 9. Still hit both. All damage will go to Bishop and he will take 1 click. Hawk gets his charge back.
2) Hawk(12) will charge to M-14 (picking up the HO from K-15) and try to hit Bishop(15), roll..............3,3 for 6. Bishop will take 4 after toughnes and will be knocked back to M-12.
3) Jesse(8) will push to pick up Hawk and use HSS#1 to fly to L-13 to target Bishop(13), roll..........2,4 for 6. Hit for 1 Bishop is KO'ed. Jesse will continue to H-5 and will drop Hawk in H-6, Jesse will take a click for the push.
Owch. You making that attack both times REALLY cost me. Oh, what could have been. I think you have too much muscle and options for me to win now, just gotta try for a good showing.
X-Factor turn 6
Domino will attack Arsenal. AV9 vs DV12. Roll is 2+1(3, yikes), HIT for 2 damage and the KO.
The rest clear.
Domino will cross all of her fingers and toes, and hope that between PC and SS she can weather Hawk's storm. Come on crit miss!
Hitting people is bad mo-kay, stand in the corner
Exp Dove, (6/7) M-11
Rk Hawk*, (6/7) H-6@
Rk Jesse Quick, (4/5) H-5@@
Rk Cyborg *KO*
LE Roy Harper Jr *KO*
*Double time
Alas poor Bishop, we knew him not so well
[3] E Havok*, (1/6) H12
[2]R Polaris, (4/5) O13
[4]R Bishop*, *KO*
[6]R Domino, (5/5) H11@
[2]R Psylocke, (5/5) N13
Well this might come back to bite me.........the dice roller is being unusually kind as of late.
1) Dove will move to N-12
Will lady luck stay with us.......
Exp Dove, (6/7) N-12@
Rk Hawk*, (6/7) H-6
Rk Jesse Quick, (4/5) H-5
Rk Cyborg *KO*
LE Roy Harper Jr *KO*
*Double time
.....or will she change her favor to another group?
[3] E Havok*, (1/6) H12
[2]R Polaris, (4/5) O13
[4]R Bishop*, *KO*
[6]R Domino, (5/5) H11@
[2]R Psylocke, (5/5) N13
HO: H-5, K-5
LO: M-11, M-20 , L-20
Rubble: E-19, E-20, H-19, H-20
CW:Choosing Sides
I made a promise to Matt Murdock to wear his mask....I've fought this war in his place.....And I'll continue to do so.
But I haven't forgotten who I am...and soon it will be time to carry my own burdens again.
Psylocke uses her TA to heal Polaris for 1, taking 1 dage for the strain.
Polaris attacks Dove (oh for AoO about now). AV8 vs DV17. Roll is...2+2(4). And with that, I am officially scr@wed.
Havok will pick up Domino and fly back to the Alamo. He lands at M13, placing Psylocke at M12. AoO+1 defense.
Domino will force a reroll on Dove's attack.
Lady luck gets you drunk and steals your wallet
Exp Dove, (6/7) N-12@
Rk Hawk*, (6/7) H-6
Rk Jesse Quick, (4/5) H-5
Rk Cyborg *KO*
LE Roy Harper Jr *KO*
*Double time
1) Hawk(12) will pick up the HO from H-5 and will charge to M-11 and attack Domino(15 wSS and PC), roll.........4,3 for 7. Hit(possible), re-roll...............3,4 for 7. SS roll...........6. Great
2) Jesse(8) will use HSS#1 and fly to O-12 to attack Polaris(15), roll........4,6 for 10. Polaris takes 1 and Jesse will continue to M-10.
Polaris will push and take a desperate shot at Dove, hoping Domino can somehow waft some good luck over her head. A7(grumble) vs DV17. Roll is 5+5!!! Hit for 3 damage (3+enhance-tough). No KB due to Hawk being behind her (####it!)
Domino, be a lady tonight.
Domino attacks Dove. AV9 vs DV15. Roll is 1+3(4), MISS. PC reroll. Roll is 3+5(8), HIT. SS roll is 3. Hit for 2 damage.
Psylocke pushes to try and finish Dove. AV9 vs DV14. Roll is 3+2.
Gulp, MORE SS?
Roll is a 5.
Domino will force a reroll on Dove's attack if it is successful.
You kids are grounded
Exp Dove, (1/7) N-12
Rk Hawk*, (6/7) M-11@
Rk Jesse Quick, (4/5) M-10@
Rk Cyborg *KO*
LE Roy Harper Jr *KO*
*Double time
SS is a two edged sword
[3] E Havok*, (1/6) M13
[5]R Polaris, (3/5) O13@@
[4]R Bishop*, *KO*
[8]R Domino, (5/5) M12@
[2]R Psylocke, (3/5) N13@@
1) Dove(7) will try to use CCE on Betsy(12), roll........3,4 for 7. Hit, re-roll...........2,3 for 5. Just hit. Betsy takes 3 and is KOed.
2) Jesse(8) will push to pick up Hawk and use HSS#1 to move to L-12 to attack Alex(12), roll..........5,6 for 11. Hit for 1 Alex is KOed. Jesse will continue to L-7 and will drop Hawk in K-6. Jesse takes one for the push.
You're not the boss of us......are you?
Exp Dove, (1/7) N-12@
Rk Hawk*, (6/7) M-11
Rk Jesse Quick, (3/5) L-7@@
Rk Cyborg *KO*
LE Roy Harper Jr *KO*
*Double time
Wait......if Domino is suposed to be a lady tonight.....what was she lst night?
[3] E Havok*, *KO*
[5]R Polaris, (3/5) O13@@
[4]R Bishop*, *KO*
[8]R Domino, (5/5) M12@
[2]R Psylocke, *KO*
HO: K-5
LO: M-11, M-20 , L-20
Rubble: E-19, E-20, H-19, H-20
CW:Choosing Sides
I made a promise to Matt Murdock to wear his mask....I've fought this war in his place.....And I'll continue to do so.
But I haven't forgotten who I am...and soon it will be time to carry my own burdens again.
Domino will push to attack Dove. AV9 vs DV14. Roll is 1+6(7), HIT.
SS is 3, whew.
That's 2 damage to Dove and the KO.
Polaris clears.
Domino will PC Hawk's despicable attack if it's successful.
We could be, we're with the Government Ma'am
Exp Dove *KO*
Rk Hawk*, (6/7) M-11
Rk Jesse Quick, (3/5) L-7@@
Rk Cyborg *KO*
LE Roy Harper Jr *KO*
*Double time
Last night she was very, very good
[3] E Havok*, *KO*
[5]R Polaris, (3/5) O13
[4]R Bishop*, *KO*
[8]R Domino, (4/5) M12@@
[2]R Psylocke, *KO*
1) Hawk(12) will charge to M-11 and not pick up the object to attack Domino(15 wSS), roll.........5,6 for 11. Re-roll.........6,2 for 8. SS roll.......3. Domino will take 3.
Totally not using Domino as a shield......nope, not at all
Exp Dove *KO*
Rk Hawk*, (6/7) M-11
Rk Jesse Quick, (3/5) L-7@@
Rk Cyborg *KO*
LE Roy Harper Jr *KO*
*Double time
Domino is just barly holding on, with Hawk holding her up
[3] E Havok*, *KO*
[5]R Polaris, (3/5) O13
[4]R Bishop*, *KO*
[8]R Domino, (1/5) M12@@
[2]R Psylocke, *KO*
HO: K-5
LO: M-11, M-20 , L-20
Rubble: E-19, E-20, H-19, H-20
CW:Choosing Sides
I made a promise to Matt Murdock to wear his mask....I've fought this war in his place.....And I'll continue to do so.
But I haven't forgotten who I am...and soon it will be time to carry my own burdens again.
It's 10pm, do you know who your kids are beating up?
Exp Dove *KO*
Rk Hawk*, (6/7) M-11@
Rk Jesse Quick, (3/5) L-7@@
Rk Cyborg *KO*
LE Roy Harper Jr *KO*
*Double time
You're a bbaaddd man
[3] E Havok*, *KO*
[5]R Polaris, (3/5) J13@
[4]R Bishop*, *KO*
[8]R Domino, (1/5) M12@@
[2]R Psylocke, *KO*
Is it wrong that I'm having just as much fun with the team names?
1) Jesse(7) will HSS#1 to L-14 and attack Domino(13), roll........6,5 for 11. Domino takes 1 and is KO'ed. Jesse will continue on to I-14.
2) Hawk(12) will pick up the LO in M-11 and charge to K-12 to attack Polaris(14), roll............4,2 for 6. Polaris takes 4 and is KO'ed, Hawk takes 1 for the push
This has been a paid for presentation
Exp Dove *KO*
Rk Hawk*, (6/7) M-11@
Rk Jesse Quick, (3/5) I-14@
Rk Cyborg *KO*
LE Roy Harper Jr *KO*
*Double time
Thank you, I thought it was rather clever myself
[3] E Havok*, *KO*
[5]R Polaris,*KO*
[4]R Bishop*, *KO*
[8]R Domino,*KO*
[2]R Psylocke, *KO*
Good game DK! I was talking to Kasz a while back and I was starting to think that I might have to re-think my match-up skills.....all the games I was setting up seemd to go very wrong, very quick....but this was a good game down to the end.....and I think that is by far the most SS rolls I've seen in these games.
CW:Choosing Sides
I made a promise to Matt Murdock to wear his mask....I've fought this war in his place.....And I'll continue to do so.
But I haven't forgotten who I am...and soon it will be time to carry my own burdens again.
Well played DM!
I was always trying to recover from my messed up starting placement placement (would never have picked this mad if I'd have known), and their was that crucial turn where if you'd have missed Bishop things would have went very different, but you outplayed me and deserved the win.
I'm glad you're feeling more self confident now, maybe you'll have less to prove on my sorry butt next time
And yes, SS was actually well worth having, who'd a thunk it?
Ah, yes
I did set up planning to leap up on those handy elevated indoor pieces though...After that incredible choice of placement I ended up stuck between crates getting picked to pieces.
Like I said though, you won fair and square. Maybe a rematch next training session?