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The Mad Hatter looked left to right, right to left. He was literally surrounded by enemies and couldn't even see Black Manta for the hulking figure of Soloman Grundy between them. Even Cheshire had leaped in front of him, brandishing her deadly feet and fists. His face contorted in a mixture of fear, sorrow and yearning. He wielded his hats and tried to fend off the approaching femmes fatales -- to no avail. (Hey, that almost rhymes!... ;-))
Mad Hatter, using Mind Control, attacks Cheshire > AV5 vs DV14 > roll: 1+6=7 MISS.
Kingpin’s Lieutenants:
E Black Manta* (2/6) L18
E Blockbuster **KO**
E Mad Hatter (4/5) L12 @
R Dreadnought "Alpha" **KO**
R Dreadnought "Beta" **KO**
R Dreadnought "Gamma" **KO**
As Black Manta ran Major Force used his speed to place himself between Black Manta and the escape door, he hefted a large computer terminal in his hands over his head. "Not so fast solider... you haven't been properly discharged yet. Your going to pay for going AWAL."
Free) Poison Ivy poisons Hatter 1 click to him, 1 IAP to her. (oops i forgot to take one away for the Wizards attack too, was Push, Wizard now poison. but you already knew that using the 5 AV)
"Jeez, yours is a face I wouldn't want to kiss even to knock you out, Ivy" said disgusted, but still i'm doing this for a pardon. She leans over and gives the little troll a kiss, he's under her spell just like he puts people under his spell, kinda ironic, by the time he realizes what's going on he's to late, he's panicing pretty bad.... that'll just make it spread faster.
1) Major Force to L19 picking up the HO in O15, or actually adjacent to force since BB picked it up and carried it.
2) Grundy to L13 to clear up Deadshot's shot next turn
3) Wizard on Hatter for the incap since it'll get me 2 IAP instad of one, 8 on 11 roll is 5+4 for a token and a hit for 1.
Kingpin’s Lieutenants:
E Black Manta* (2/6) L18
E Blockbuster **KO**
E Mad Hatter (1/5) L12 @
R Dreadnought "Alpha" **KO**
R Dreadnought "Beta" **KO**
R Dreadnought "Gamma" **KO**
* with Stunning Blow - 10
HOs: With Force,
LOs: M11, K16, N12
You really had me goin on an uphill battle, I got lucky with the JLI knocking out the turrets so early.
In the game of chess you can never let your opponent see your pieces
Self-preservation, egotism, selfishness, self-centeredness: Black Manta tried to bolt, but Major Force was a force to be reckoned with. The helmet and trident were stymied.
Black Manta attempts to break away > roll: 3.
The 'S' Squad
[7]Deadshot (3/5) K10
Cheshire (4/5) M12
Solomon Grundy (5/10) L13@
[9]Major Force (7/8) L19 @ W/HO
[3]Weather Wizard (5/5) L10@
[4]Poison Ivy(3/4) M13
Kingpin’s Lieutenants:
E Black Manta* (2/6) L18 @
E Blockbuster **KO**
E Mad Hatter (1/5) L12
R Dreadnought "Alpha" **KO**
R Dreadnought "Beta" **KO**
R Dreadnought "Gamma" **KO**
The little twerp finally dropped from the poison... and Grundy had cleared my shot.
BANG! One in the leg, right in the tendon, he goes down hard,
I walk towards him, BANG!, a shot into the other leg,
I get closer and I can feel his fear, BANG! one through his right hand, he's cringingback now,
BANG! One into his left arm, he looks at me now with that fishbowl, it doesn't give away any of the fear and panic I KNOW he's feeling.
I stand over his body pointing my gun right between his helmes big glowing eyes. Major Force ruins my fun by putting his hand on mine.
"We're supposed to take him in alive" He says to me.
"I know, just dishin out some payback," I say as I walk away, I turn around. BANG! One through Black Manta's Chest
"He'll live. Trust me. I'm an expert."
(Free) Ivy Ko's hatter with her poison, 3 IAP for that
1) Deadshot attacks Black Manta, 8 on 11, roll is 6+6?! That's like the 3rd one this game... which is insane since I rolled one in setting up Oogie's game... Well that'll capture Manta. Bummer actually. I wanted Deadshot to only weaken him up and then to have Force Slam the object down for the capture,
Kingpin’s Lieutenants:
E Black Manta* CAPTURED
E Blockbuster **KO**
E Mad Hatter KOED
R Dreadnought "Alpha" **KO**
R Dreadnought "Beta" **KO**
R Dreadnought "Gamma" **KO**
* with Stunning Blow - 10
HOs: with Force,
LOs: M11, K16, N12
In the game of chess you can never let your opponent see your pieces
Thanks for the game Mike, If you want to kick my team's but without half your team falling apart for reasons beyond your control just let me know and we can play a training game.
Right now I gotta get to school but I'd likely be using
R Major Force – 95
R Cheshire – 24
R Poison Ivy – 35
R Weather Wizard – 31
As the training of the new recruits by Force before they went on this mission.
In the game of chess you can never let your opponent see your pieces
Thank you, too, Kasz, for the game. I had obviously hoped that i'd have use of the Dreadnoughts for a few more turns... I was wondering how i could possibly deal with Major Force's Impervious, sort of hoping i could use his Charge against his own team (with Mad Hatter's Mind Control), or using the Incapacitate of the Dreadnoughts.... oh, well.
Sorry I had to close down those turrets so fast. But I'm afraid that I won't be able to finish my game in 15 rounds, so I have to act quickly.
Oh well, I'm sure Kasz appreciated it.
Kasz - since I picked your squad for the issue, you are free to use the trade-out rule for anybody on the team to recruit new blood. Most villains would be acceptable, but I'll need to clear any recruits before it's final. Trade out anybody, bring in some newbies, go to town.
Big Ivy fan, Grundy is a great Damage sponge, love Deadshot of course, Wizard is a decent cheap taxi, Force of course is awesome.
Chesire... is neat, but I think i'd like to swap her out for her partner working with Promethus, R Lady Shiva if that's ok with you. Same cold type but a little more useful dial wise and a little more interesting of a character to me since i'm not a big titans guy.
Would i do that before or after Annual Training though.
In the game of chess you can never let your opponent see your pieces
Either, but not both. And I could see Shiva. I actually came down to those two, myself (both story reasons and as a character foil in the team), and went with Cheshire just to provide a bit more playability at the R level. Shiva gets better, but her Rookie is a little tough to use.
So yeah - go ahead and make the swap. But you can only upgrade before OR after the training, so you might want to get that in first with the guys you want to keep and then do your thing.
Sorry if the annual was at all dissapointing, challenge-wise. I really didn't think Turtle'd have a chance at knocking out all those towers so darned quickly! I should have gone with my initial impulse and let the JLI enemies set up anywhere on that rooftop
Either, but not both. And I could see Shiva. I actually came down to those two, myself (both story reasons and as a character foil in the team), and went with Cheshire just to provide a bit more playability at the R level. Shiva gets better, but her Rookie is a little tough to use.
So yeah - go ahead and make the swap. But you can only upgrade before OR after the training, so you might want to get that in first with the guys you want to keep and then do your thing.
Sorry if the annual was at all dissapointing, challenge-wise. I really didn't think Turtle'd have a chance at knocking out all those towers so darned quickly! I should have gone with my initial impulse and let the JLI enemies set up anywhere on that rooftop
Haha, you can dissapoint me like that any time! Don't worry about it though, this team building is haaaard. I mean I went to overboard on the JSA game... and screwed up the point value somewhere. I think I added someone then forgot to remove additions somewhere else. And then in your JLA game it looks like it might have been to easy. It's real hard to balance when a lot of "Move and Attack" villians don't fit in.
In the game of chess you can never let your opponent see your pieces
And then in your JLA game it looks like it might have been to easy.
Har har - you have any idea what a strategic nightmare that IL has been? I've been pulling hair out over every move so far, and we're only 5 turns in! Too easy it isn't - it just isn't as obscene as some of the other annuals are *coughcoughTitansandJSAcoughcough*.
oh, also, I was going to add up my points... but I don't know what i have left in the way of TXP and IXP to add to them. Well TXP is really all I don't know i guess.
In the game of chess you can never let your opponent see your pieces
Also I don't think anyone has enough IAP to upgrade and I doubt would with training (maybe force) so i'll swap out cheshire for Shiva first and then train. Upgrading can wait 3 months.
In the game of chess you can never let your opponent see your pieces