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2. Vulture pushes, picks up Sandman and charges to G-20, attacking Controller. 8 AV vs 14 DV, needs a 6. Roll is (1, 1), and misses badly. Ouch, Vulture takes 2 clicks. Vulture sets Sandman in F-19.
3. Doctor Octopus attacks Executioner. 9 AV vs 17 DV, needs an 8. Roll is (1, 4), misses.
Mysterio and Kraven clear.
1) R Ultron* (IC) (9/9) 111 points K-13 (hindering) @
*/w Nanobots 10 points
2) R Moonstone (6/7) 68 points E-19 @, holding HO
3) R Executioner (7/7) 56 points O-11
4) R Controller (3/6) 31 points F-20
5) R Whirlwind (4/6) 20 points L-13 @
Ultron 2 SA 1 KO
Moonstone 1 AST
Controller 1 SA
Executioner 2 SA 1 KO
HO: K13, (held by moonstone), L-21
LO: D12, P-18, N-23
Sinister 6 (visitor)
R Mysterio (4/4) 44 points M-16 (stealthed)
R Electro (5/5) 33 points K-19 @
R Vulture (FF) (3/5) 33 points G-20 @@
R Doctor Octopus (5/5) (CT) 22 points O-10 @
R Kraven (5/5) 52 points G-19
R Sandman (5/6) 61 points K-15
MOE turn 9:
Controller pushes to attack kraven--hits for two, one click after toughness 1 SA
Moonstone attacks sandman with HO and misses
Ultron flies to F-17, carries whirlwind to E-17
1) R Ultron* (IC) (9/9) 111 points F-17 @
*/w Nanobots 10 points
2) R Moonstone (5/7) 68 points E-19 @
3) R Executioner (7/7) 56 points G-18 (hindering vs mysterio and electro)
4) R Controller (2/6) 31 points F-20 @@
5) R Whirlwind (4/6) 20 points E-17
Ultron 2 SA 1 KO
Moonstone 1 AST
Controller 2 SA
Executioner 2 SA 1 KO
HO: K13, L-21
LO: D12, P-18, N-23
Sinister 6 (visitor)
R Mysterio (4/4) 44 points K-18 (stealthed) @
R Electro (5/5) 33 points K-19
R Vulture (FF) (3/5) 33 points G-20
R Doctor Octopus (5/5) (CT) 22 points O-10
R Kraven (4/5) 52 points G-19 @
R Sandman (5/6) 61 points K-15 @
Electro (and mysterio, for that matter) cannot see ultron. Both of their LOS go through square G-17. Kinda like what we talked about with sandman's move way back when, when shooting from grounded to elevated your LOS can only cross one square. Electro's crosses two. The only guy who he actually could see is executioner, who has higher defense (from hindering) then ultron anyway, so I'm going to take my move. If you'd like to say you moved electro somewhere else instead of attacking with him last turn, that's cool.
The only exception to this is if you move electro next to me. If that, I'll redo my turn. I'm telling you this before I roll. (if i roll a crit hit and you say you want to move electro next to executioner just to force a reroll, i will put a voodoo curse on you). that is all.
No need for a Vodoo curse (hey, isn't Calypso Kraven's girlfiend?), I would have attacked Executioner anyway. I've always been a tad iffy on understanding that whole shooting at/from the ledge of buildings. Sorry about that.
Sinister Six Turn 10:
1. Sandman tries to break away. Roll is a 1, fails ... ummmm ... this really is no longer going well.
2. Mysterio moves to H-20 and outwits Ultron's Energy Explosion.
3. Kraven leap/climbs to F-16.
Electro, Doctor Octopus and Vulture clear.
1) R Ultron* (IC) (9/9) 111 points F-17
*/w Nanobots 10 points
2) R Moonstone (5/7) 68 points E-19
3) R Executioner (7/7) 56 points G-18 (hindering vs mysterio and electro) @
4) R Controller (2/6) 31 points F-20
5) R Whirlwind (4/6) 20 points H-16 @
Ultron 2 SA 1 KO
Moonstone 1 AST
Controller 2 SA
Executioner 3 SA 1 KO
HO: K13, L-21
LO: D12, P-18, N-23
Sinister 6 (visitor)
R Mysterio (4/4) 44 points H-20 @
R Electro (5/5) 33 points K-19
R Vulture (FF) (3/5) 33 points G-20
R Doctor Octopus (5/5) (CT) 22 points I-17
R Kraven (1/5) 52 points F-16
R Sandman (5/6) 61 points K-15 @
Yeah man, sorry about that breakaway roll.
MOE turn 11:
Ultron attacks kraven--hits 7 for the KO 1 SA, 1 KO
Controller attacks vulture and misses
Moonstone phases to G-19, carrying controller to H-19 (no LOS for mysterio to executioner, even if controller is killed)
Others clear
1) R Ultron* (IC) (9/9) 111 points F-17 @
*/w Nanobots 10 points
2) R Moonstone (5/7) 68 points G-19 @(no LOS to or from Mysterio while controller is alive)
3) R Executioner (7/7) 56 points G-18 (hindering vs electro)
4) R Controller (2/6) 31 points H-19 @
5) R Whirlwind (4/6) 20 points H-16
Ultron 3 SA 2 KO
Moonstone 1 AST
Controller 2 SA
Executioner 3 SA 1 KO
HO: K13, L-21
LO: D12, P-18, N-23
Sinister 6 (visitor)
R Mysterio (4/4) 44 points H-20 @
R Electro (5/5) 33 points K-19
R Vulture (FF) (3/5) 33 points G-20
R Doctor Octopus (5/5) (CT) 22 points I-17
R Kraven (1/5) 52 points F-16
R Sandman (5/6) 61 points K-15 @
Hey, like I always tell my brother, you can't fight the dice.
Sinister Six Turn 11:
1. Time for Vulture to get some swagger back -- he attacks Controller. 7 AV vs 13 DV, needs a 6. Roll is (1, 5), hits. Controller takes 2 clicks and is KOed. Vulture gains 1 SA and 1 KO.
Free. Mysterio outwits Moonstone's Toughness.
2. Electro blows Moonstone a new one. 8 AV vs 14 DV, needs a 6. Roll is (3, 3), hits. Moonstone takes 3 clicks, but avoids knock back by being thrown up against Sandman. Electro gains 1 SA. Does Mysterio get an Assist for outwitting Toughness there?
3. Sandman pushes to break away. Roll is a 4, he suceeds. He moves to either E-17 or E-18, whichever is on Ultron's level (little unclear on that). He takes 1 click for the push.
Mysterio clears.
Doctor Octopus: "Ya know, that costume is rather gaudy..."
Sandman to Moonstone: "Hey baby..."
1) R Ultron* (IC) (9/9) 111 points F-17 @
*/w Nanobots 10 points
2) R Moonstone (2/7) 68 points G-19 @
3) R Executioner (7/7) 56 points G-18 (hindering vs electro)
5) R Whirlwind (4/6) 20 points H-16
4) R Controller 31 points KOed
Ultron 3 SA 2 KO
Moonstone 1 AST
Controller 2 SA
Executioner 3 SA 1 KO
HO: K13, L-21
LO: D12, P-18, N-23
Sinister 6 (visitor)
R Mysterio (4/4) 44 points H-20
R Electro (5/5) 33 points K-19 @
R Vulture (FF) (3/5) 33 points G-20 @
R Doctor Octopus (5/5) (CT) 22 points I-17
R Sandman (5/6) 61 points E-17 or 18 @@
R Hobgoblin 34 points KO
R Scourge 14 points KO
R Kraven 52 points KO
MOE turn 12:
Yeah, it looks like the tables are turning. So, here goes
Ultron pushes to attack sandman (he should be at E-17)--hits, for one click (you forgot to change him to 4/6 from the push, so he's on 3/6 now) 1 SA
Whirlwind attacks ock and misses
Executioner moves to H-19 (and stands over the corpse of the controller)
1) R Ultron* (IC) (8/9) 111 points F-17 @@
*/w Nanobots 10 points
2) R Moonstone (2/7) 68 points G-19
3) R Executioner (7/7) 56 points H-19 @
5) R Whirlwind (4/6) 20 points H-16 @
4) R Controller 31 points KOed
Ultron 4 SA 2 KO
Moonstone 1 AST
Controller 2 SA
Executioner 3 SA 1 KO
HO: K13, L-21
LO: D12, P-18, N-23
Sinister 6 (visitor)
R Mysterio (4/4) 44 points H-20
R Electro (5/5) 33 points K-19 @
R Vulture (FF) (3/5) 33 points G-20 @
R Doctor Octopus (5/5) (CT) 22 points I-17
R Sandman (3/6) 61 points E-17 @@
R Hobgoblin 34 points KO
R Scourge 14 points KO
R Kraven 52 points KO
Man, still has a 12 AV? Ultron is a bad-a$$. Sorry about the Sandman damage, clicked him for it here on my table, just forgot the notation.
Sinister Six Turn 12:
1. Mysterio outwits Executioner's Toughness. He then attacks Moonstone. 8 AV vs 13 DV, needs a 5. Roll is (2, 4), hits. Moonstone takes 2 clicks and is KOed. Mysterio gains 1 SA and 1 KO.
2. Vulture pushes to force blast Executioner into I-18, where he slams into the wall and takes 1 click. Vulture takes 1 click from the push. Vulture gains 1 SA. Mysterio gains 1 AST.
3. Doctor Octopus attacks Whirlwind. 9 AV vs 14 DV, needs a 5. Roll is (6, 5), hits. Whirlwind takes 2 clicks. Doc Ock gains 1 SA.
Sandman and Electro clear.
1) R Ultron* (IC) (8/9) 111 points F-17 @@
*/w Nanobots 10 points
3) R Executioner (6/7) 56 points I-18 @ (hindering)
5) R Whirlwind (2/6) 20 points H-16 @
2) R Moonstone 68 points KOed
4) R Controller 31 points KOed
Ultron 4 SA 2 KO
Moonstone 1 AST
Controller 2 SA
Executioner 3 SA 1 KO
HO: K13, L-21
LO: D12, P-18, N-23
Sinister 6 (visitor)
R Mysterio (4/4) 44 points H-20 @
R Electro (5/5) 33 points K-19
R Vulture (FF) (2/5) 33 points G-20 @@
R Doctor Octopus (5/5) (CT) 22 points I-17 @
R Sandman (3/6) 61 points E-17
R Hobgoblin 34 points KO
R Scourge 14 points KO
R Kraven 52 points KO