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Sue only takes one cause of Force Field... Still puts a kink in my plans, though. Darn it, Sue was supposed to (almost) singlehandedly KO your team! Forty-three points, smorty-three points.
Turn 12, Player 2
Free) Reed will Perplex his attack to 9.
1) Reed will attack Allura. 9 to a 14. 5 + 1, hit for 2 damage.
She almost did! She did more than poor, it must be hard trying to level him up. He's just like a brick wall... Darn forcefield..keep forgetting about it! I think she's cleared too.
Turn 13, Player 1
1. Queenie on Sue. AV 8 vs DV 16. Roll is 5, 1. Miss.
2. Allura on Reed. AV 5 vs DV 15. Roll is 3, 1. Miss again.
Yeah... Ben makes a great decoy, though! My plan is to get Sue to R Invisible Girl, and then hope that sharing the defense will allow the rest of the team to live long enough to get some IXP... Unfortunately IG has non-existent offense, so there goes most of my offense so far, heh... But if it works, I'll drop her back down in order to get her higher, once the rest of my team is hopefully no longer dead weight.
Turn 13, Player 2
Free) Reed will Perplex Sue's attack to 8.
1) Sue will Incap Queenie. 8 to a 14. 2 + 4. Hit for a token, 1 push damage to Queenie.
Yeah, I'm actually quite happy with this training session, just wish I hadn't gotten KBed out of stealth so I could've kept using Ambush, and used the Perplex on damage instead...
Turn 14, Player 2
Free) Reed Perplexes his damage to 3.
1) Reed to Allura. 8 to a 13. 4 + 5 for the hit, 3 damage, and the KO.
that was a good game tenk! that was pretty fun using all those HIVE Troopers...I was thinking of making just all HIVEs...but thought it woulda been cool to add the Queen Bee any case, looks like you got a lot of experience.