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In New Avengers, it takes Bendis too long to tell a story, and none of that length adds any flavor. In this issue, we find out something we already knew, what the Collective was. We also see Sentry fly in and do nothing and fly out. That was it. At least it didn't waste time talking in great length about standing around in bad parts of towns to scare away bad folk.
Like with every Bendis book, you can't look at the issues singlely, you have to look at the whole story arc. THats the reason I collect Daredevil in TPB rather then in single issues, the individual issues weren't all that good, but if you read them collected together in a TPB and they were great (the whole collection together is even better, great 3 year story). Hes not a guy who writes each issue to be good, he writes each story arc to be good and breaks them up into issues.
Theres only one Return, and it ain't of the King, its of the Jedi.
Like with every Bendis book, you can't look at the issues singlely, you have to look at the whole story arc. THats the reason I collect Daredevil in TPB rather then in single issues, the individual issues weren't all that good, but if you read them collected together in a TPB and they were great (the whole collection together is even better, great 3 year story). Hes not a guy who writes each issue to be good, he writes each story arc to be good and breaks them up into issues.
Thing is tho, I want my $2.99 worth each time I layout money on a comic. Not one sentence out of a chapter.
For what its worth I been reading comics since 1970, I've read a lot of comics. I completely do not understand the amout of recognition/respect BENDIS evokes as a writer. His approach to narrative seems to be focus on the chaff and ignore the wheat and it really shows in NA.
Sentry punchs him in the first collection of panels, then goes at him against in the 2nd collection. And like I said we didn't see much of a fight but given what we've seen Collective do already it certainly shows that Sentry IS a powerful character - the guy took Binary flying straight through him and he didn't flinch, Sentry was strong enough to carry him into space and hit him with enough force to drive him back.
My comic never shows Sentry hitting Michael. Like I said, in the first panel they show, where Micahel is going backwards, it show's Sentry's right hand, open. This usually indicates someone throwing something or someone. Had he punched him, his hand would've been closed in a fist form. And it makes sense that he would do this, since he caught Michael of guard, and probably got into the atmosphere faster than Michael realized what was going on. But other than the big panel in the second set which implies that they both struck each other, you never see Sentry doing anything impressive enough to show how powerful he is. As I said, the series of events clearly shows what the OHOTMU points out. He's fast, durable, and strong. Which is all he's ever really been shown to be.
We'll have to agree to disagree. But in my mind's eye, the Sentry is a character who's reputation is undeserved, because up to this point, he's been nothing more than hype. His current mini has thrown everything about him into question, which hasn't helped the situation any. As a reader, I want to know what this guy can do, and as I've stated none of his appeareances up to this point have given us any real indication, and it's been frustrating. there's been some feats, but nothing to hang your hat on, IMHO. I guess it's been kind of like religion. Some people have faith and follow it blindly, while others require more concrete proof, and would like evidence. When it comes to the Sentry, I fall in the latter group, rather than the former. SHOW me what he can do, don't tell me what he can potentially do. until then, he's hype.
As for respect, I'm not sure why that's a matter of discussion. Sentry hasn't established himself yet, while Thor is someone who has. Not sure how fair that is to the Sentry, at this point.
1/6th of the Brothers Prob. '19-'20 Season: 15-13(8 events) 2 wins, 2nd XDPS PR 9-7, 7th SOC
Never relly got into Thor, but Sentry's psychosis has been interesting. I've really been liking the current mini. And any character that rips Carnage in half gets my respect.
Never relly got into Thor, but Sentry's psychosis has been interesting. I've really been liking the current mini. And any character that rips Carnage in half gets my respect.
Oh, I think the psychosis aspect of the Sentry is very interesting, and anxiously await the final issue of the mini, due out this week. However, I think Marvel's teased us long enough with this guy, and I want to see the goods. Until then, there's no reason to proclaim him the next Messiah, which some people want to do based on very little.
1/6th of the Brothers Prob. '19-'20 Season: 15-13(8 events) 2 wins, 2nd XDPS PR 9-7, 7th SOC
Has anyone been reading Daughters of the Dragon w/ Misty Knight and Collen Wing? The stroy has been really fun, and the art has been fantastic. Plus the scene with Trapster and Whirlwind was awesome. Orka shows up too for some funny happenings.
Oh, and everyone should give Thing a try. It's one of the best Marvel books out right now. I like it better than Fantastic Four and Cap. Always an entertaining read.
I've got to agree with Darth Sabre on this one. I've read the vast majority of the stuff printed thus far on the Sentry. So far, all we've seen out of him is that he's fast (though we don't really know how fast), he's strong (though we don't really know how strong), and he's tough to hurt (though we don't really know how tough). We certainly can't put him on the level of Superman or Thor, yet, simply because he's done nothing to show that he deserves to be there.
All we've got on him thus far is talk. And, he's shown himself, at this point, to be mostly hype. On top of that, his current mini series has basically re-written his entire origin, making everything in his previous mini series moot or simply fabrications on Robert's part.
Despite the fact that he managed to throw the Collective into space -- and, c'mon, calling him 'Galactus' level threat is more than just a bit of hyperbole, isn't it? Have we seen the Collective display the power to wipe out an entire planet, yet? -- he didn't stay in that fight for very long, and he didn't display many abilities when he was in it.
Quote : Originally Posted by hair10, Gentlegamer, doctorfate77, d_knight7, etc.
JacinB is right.
Quote : Originally Posted by Lore Sjöberg
Superman-based interactive entertainment products tend to be very bad, because an accurate Superman game would have one button labeled "Use Powers" and you would press it and win.
For what its worth I been reading comics since 1970, I've read a lot of comics. I completely do not understand the amout of recognition/respect BENDIS evokes as a writer. His approach to narrative seems to be focus on the chaff and ignore the wheat and it really shows in NA
Get and read his run on Daredevil in TPB format you'll see why he gets the respect he does. Not every issue packed a punch, the 3 year run as a whole was great.
t other than the big panel in the second set which implies that they both struck each other, you never see Sentry doing anything impressive enough to show how powerful he is
He punchs hi mand Collective moves back through space, its very clear. As for not doin ganything impressive, he fought and held his own against a guy that destoryed a Shield ship from 20 miles (or something like that) away, destoryed Alpha Flight without stopping his run, and took a full powered shot from Binary and didn't flinch. How does that NOT show Sentry's power level?
So far, all we've seen out of him is that he's fast (though we don't really know how fast), he's strong (though we don't really know how strong), and he's tough to hurt (though we don't really know how tough). We certainly can't put him on the level of Superman or Thor, yet, simply because he's done nothing to show that he deserves to be there.
Sure we know how fast and strong etc..., just do a little reading. They've told us MANY times hes on the Silver Surfer/Phoenix power level. I really want to him cut lose in a book as well, BUT to say they havn't told us o9r show us how powerful he is just ignorant. They have, they just havn't show cased him yet, and I agree they should have by now.
Theres only one Return, and it ain't of the King, its of the Jedi.
Sure we know how fast and strong etc..., just do a little reading. They've told us MANY times hes on the Silver Surfer/Phoenix power level. I really want to him cut lose in a book as well, BUT to say they havn't told us o9r show us how powerful he is just ignorant. They have, they just havn't show cased him yet, and I agree they should have by now.
The problem is, thanks to his own mini, all of what we have been told about him is in doubt, and the credibility of anything that has been 'told' to us about him is dubious at best.
I mean, according to his current mini series, Robert isn't even the Sentry. Robert is the Void, and his fractured psyche created the Sentry as an entirely different entity to be the 'light' to Robert's own personal 'darkness'.
Nearly everything else about the Sentry has either been retconned out of canonical existence by the mini (ie: finding 'the professor's' secret potion, etc.), or cast into the realm of being simply something that Robert fabricated in order to give the Sentry a 'history' where none had previously existed.
So, how do we know what to believe about him and what not to believe? Certainly everything that we've been 'told' thus far (ie: that nonsense about the power of a million exploding suns) is to be considered 'doubtful' until such time as the Sentry himself demonstrates the capability of doing it.
And, thus far, all he's demonstrated is that he is fast, that he's strong, and that he's durable. We've not seen the upper limits of those abilities tested or defined in any quantifiable way.
Quote : Originally Posted by hair10, Gentlegamer, doctorfate77, d_knight7, etc.
JacinB is right.
Quote : Originally Posted by Lore Sjöberg
Superman-based interactive entertainment products tend to be very bad, because an accurate Superman game would have one button labeled "Use Powers" and you would press it and win.
Like with every Bendis book, you can't look at the issues singlely, you have to look at the whole story arc. THats the reason I collect Daredevil in TPB rather then in single issues, the individual issues weren't all that good, but if you read them collected together in a TPB and they were great (the whole collection together is even better, great 3 year story). Hes not a guy who writes each issue to be good, he writes each story arc to be good and breaks them up into issues.
Probably the correct call ... even Ultimate Six read ok in collected form. Some of us just can't wait for Wednesday though
He punchs hi m and Collective moves back through space, its very clear. As for not doin ganything impressive, he fought and held his own against a guy that destoryed a Shield ship from 20 miles (or something like that) away, destoryed Alpha Flight without stopping his run, and took a full powered shot from Binary and didn't flinch. How does that NOT show Sentry's power level?
In space, it's quite easy to move things, as there is weightlessness.
As for taking it to space, that's what? the second time he's done that in the pages of NA? And he's hardly shown up, so that's a bit repeatative.
The problem is, thanks to his own mini, all of what we have been told about him is in doubt, and the credibility of anything that has been 'told' to us about him is dubious at best.
I mean, according to his current mini series, Robert isn't even the Sentry. Robert is the Void, and his fractured psyche created the Sentry as an entirely different entity to be the 'light' to Robert's own personal 'darkness'.
Nearly everything else about the Sentry has either been retconned out of canonical existence by the mini (ie: finding 'the professor's' secret potion, etc.), or cast into the realm of being simply something that Robert fabricated in order to give the Sentry a 'history' where none had previously existed.
So, how do we know what to believe about him and what not to believe? Certainly everything that we've been 'told' thus far (ie: that nonsense about the power of a million exploding suns) is to be considered 'doubtful' until such time as the Sentry himself demonstrates the capability of doing it.
And, thus far, all he's demonstrated is that he is fast, that he's strong, and that he's durable. We've not seen the upper limits of those abilities tested or defined in any quantifiable way.
I think you summed up the point I was trying to get across, just nicely.
And for the record, I've never seen anything that has described him as being on Surfer or Phoenix level, in terms of power.
1/6th of the Brothers Prob. '19-'20 Season: 15-13(8 events) 2 wins, 2nd XDPS PR 9-7, 7th SOC