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Noob Question: I noticed Tanis had OMAC listed as (-1/6) post KO. So does it mean something if you KO someone past their first KO slot? I tried to do likewise with the EC Medic, but that should probably read -1 instead of -2.
Last edited by Glen Quagmire; 08/28/2006 at 00:09..
Noob Question: I noticed Tanis had OMAC listed as (-1/6) post KO. So does it mean something if you KO someone past their first KO slot? I tried to do likewise with the EC Medic, but that should probably -1 instead of -2.
No, it doesn't mean anything...I just do that...just to do that. Nice hits...yeah you're getting the good rolls..mine aren't going so well...I was hoping to get more stats for the people without any, but oh could use it more.
Turn 8A
1. Jonah Hex will move to L13.
Fatal Five (home)
E Emerald Empress* (6/6) 90 pts M-12 @[2 SA][1 KO]
* w/ Extended Range 10 pts
R Persuader (5/8) 96 pts O-11 @[1 DFD][2 SA][1 AST][1 KO]
R Omac (-1/6) 59 pts KO'ed! [1 DFD]
R Lexcorp Battlesuit (4/4) 27 pts N-11[1 SA][1 KO]
R Intergang Agent (0/3) 18 pts KO'ed!
Justice League of America (Satellite Era) (visitor)
R Power Girl (0/8) 97 pts KO'ed!
LE The Atom (6/6) 50 pts Q13 [1 AST]
R Aquaman* (HT) (0/6) 27 pts KO'ed!
* w/ Haymaker 10 pts
R Firestorm (6/6) 59 pts I13 [3 SA, 1 KO]
U Jonah Hex (1/5) 46 pts L13 @ [1 SA, 1 KO]
R Easy Co Medic (-2/4) 9 pts KO'ed!
Thanks, Tanis. To be fair to you, though, the percentages for all my hits have been in my favor. I haven't had to roll above a 7 yet, while you've been facing a lot of 8-9-10 rolls.
Turn 8B
1. Lexcorp Battlesuit, taxiing Persuader, will move to N-13, plopping Persuader in M-13.
Free action: Persuader will Outwit Willpower on Hex
Free action: Emerald Empress will Outwit RCE on Firestorm
Fatal Five (home)
E Emerald Empress* (6/6) 90 pts M-12 [2 SA][1 KO]
* w/ Extended Range 10 pts
R Persuader (5/8) 96 pts M-13 [1 DFD][2 SA][1 AST][1 KO]
R Omac (-1/6) 59 pts KO'ed! [1 DFD]
R Lexcorp Battlesuit (4/4) 27 pts N-13 @ [1 SA][1 KO]
R Intergang Agent (0/3) 18 pts KO'ed!
Justice League of America (Satellite Era) (visitor)
R Power Girl (0/8) 97 pts KO'ed!
LE The Atom (6/6) 50 pts Q13 [1 AST]
R Aquaman* (HT) (0/6) 27 pts KO'ed!
* w/ Haymaker 10 pts
R Firestorm (6/6) 59 pts I13 [3 SA, 1 KO]
U Jonah Hex (1/5) 46 pts L13 @ [1 SA, 1 KO]
R Easy Co Medic (-1/4) 9 pts KO'ed!
And let's not forget the ungodly amount of outwit you had.
Turn 9A
(free) The Atom will move to N14.
1. Firestorm will phase to N15.
Fatal Five (home)
E Emerald Empress* (6/6) 90 pts M-12 [2 SA][1 KO]
* w/ Extended Range 10 pts
R Persuader (5/8) 96 pts M-13 [1 DFD][2 SA][1 AST][1 KO]
R Omac (-1/6) 59 pts KO'ed! [1 DFD]
R Lexcorp Battlesuit (4/4) 27 pts N-13 @ [1 SA][1 KO]
R Intergang Agent (0/3) 18 pts KO'ed!
Justice League of America (Satellite Era) (visitor)
R Power Girl (0/8) 97 pts KO'ed!
LE The Atom (6/6) 50 pts N14 @ [1 AST]
R Aquaman* (HT) (0/6) 27 pts KO'ed!
* w/ Haymaker 10 pts
R Firestorm (6/6) 59 pts N15 @ [3 SA, 1 KO]
U Jonah Hex (1/5) 46 pts L13 [1 SA, 1 KO]
R Easy Co Medic (-1/4) 9 pts KO'ed!
1. Persuader will attack Jonah Hex, 9 AV vs. 14 DV. Roll is 5 + 1 = 6 for four damage and a KO.
2. Emerald Empress will carry Persuader and perform a Running Shot on Firestorm. 9 AV vs. 15 DV. Roll is 4+2 = 6, on the nose. EE does 4 damage, reduced by Firestorm's toughness to 3 damage. She'll land on P-15, while Persuader will be on O-14
Free action: Persuader will Outwit Perplex on Atom.
Fatal Five (home)
E Emerald Empress* (6/6) 90 pts P-15@ [3 SA][1 KO]
* w/ Extended Range 10 pts
R Persuader (5/8) 96 pts O-14 @ [1 DFD][3 SA][1 AST][2 KO]
R Omac (-1/6) 59 pts KO'ed! [1 DFD]
R Lexcorp Battlesuit (4/4) 27 pts N-13 [1 SA][1 KO]
R Intergang Agent (0/3) 18 pts KO'ed!
Justice League of America (Satellite Era) (visitor)
R Power Girl (0/8) 97 pts KO'ed!
LE The Atom (6/6) 50 pts N14 @ [1 AST]
R Aquaman* (HT) (0/6) 27 pts KO'ed!
* w/ Haymaker 10 pts
R Firestorm (3/6) 59 pts N15 @ [3 SA, 1 KO]
U Jonah Hex (0/5) 46 pts KO'ed! [1 SA, 1 KO]
R Easy Co Medic (-1/4) 9 pts KO'ed!
Oh..hmm...that is a good point..even though I wasn't thinking about throwing it...but I think you would get a DFD for did negate the only possibility of attack...I'd say yes, but Turtle is going to skim through the games to make it final...but for now we'll say yes, he'd get a DFD..
Darn! I knew I shoulda put him in hindering!! Doh!! Oh well...let's see if I can get Firestorm one last SA.
Turn 10A
1. Firestorm attacks Persuader. AV 6 vs DV 15. Roll is 2, 1. Aww...his luck ran out...oh well. Firestorm takes a click for the push.
2. Atom will take a swing at the Lexcorp Battlesuit. AV 9 vs DV 14. Roll is 5, 5. That's a hit..darn, why couldn't have Firestorm got that? The dice are a fickle thing...the knockback kinda sucks too... 1 SA to Atom.
Fatal Five (home)
E Emerald Empress* (6/6) 90 pts P-15@ [3 SA][1 KO]
* w/ Extended Range 10 pts
R Persuader (5/8) 96 pts O-14 @ [1 DFD][3 SA][1 AST][2 KO]
R Omac (-1/6) 59 pts KO'ed! [1 DFD]
R Lexcorp Battlesuit (3/4) 27 pts N-13 [1 SA][1 KO]
R Intergang Agent (0/3) 18 pts KO'ed!
Justice League of America (Satellite Era) (visitor)
R Power Girl (0/8) 97 pts KO'ed!
LE The Atom (5/6) 50 pts N14 @@ [2 AST]
R Aquaman* (HT) (0/6) 27 pts KO'ed!
* w/ Haymaker 10 pts
R Firestorm (2/6) 59 pts N15 @@ [3 SA, 1 KO]
U Jonah Hex (0/5) 46 pts KO'ed! [1 SA, 1 KO]
R Easy Co Medic (-1/4) 9 pts KO'ed!
1. Lexcorp Battlesuit attacks The Atom. 7 AV vs. 19 DV. 6 + 5 = 11. Missed by one, LOL. My dice e-mail said the AV was an 8, but that was my mistake. Probably made you pass out if you saw the e-mail first, so sorry about that.
Free action: Persuader outwits Perplex on The Atom.
Also adjusted the Battlesuit's location to reflect the knockback from the last hit on him.
Fatal Five (home)
E Emerald Empress* (6/6) 90 pts P-15 [3 SA][1 KO]
* w/ Extended Range 10 pts
R Persuader (5/8) 96 pts O-14 [1 DFD][3 SA][1 AST][2 KO]
R Omac (-1/6) 59 pts KO'ed! [1 DFD]
R Lexcorp Battlesuit (3/4) 27 pts N-12 @[1 SA][1 KO]
R Intergang Agent (0/3) 18 pts KO'ed!
Justice League of America (Satellite Era) (visitor)
R Power Girl (0/8) 97 pts KO'ed!
LE The Atom (5/6) 50 pts N14 @@ [2 AST]
R Aquaman* (HT) (0/6) 27 pts KO'ed!
* w/ Haymaker 10 pts
R Firestorm (2/6) 59 pts N15 @@ [3 SA, 1 KO]
U Jonah Hex (0/5) 46 pts KO'ed! [1 SA, 1 KO]
R Easy Co Medic (-1/4) 9 pts KO'ed!
yeah I actually almost did have a heart attack when I saw that...I was what?? Phew..forgot about the 1 click hit...oh and thanks for fixing the knockback position
Turn 11A
I'll just clear and watch Firestorm bite the big one.
Fatal Five (home)
E Emerald Empress* (6/6) 90 pts P-15 [3 SA][1 KO]
* w/ Extended Range 10 pts
R Persuader (5/8) 96 pts O-14 [1 DFD][3 SA][1 AST][2 KO]
R Omac (-1/6) 59 pts KO'ed! [1 DFD]
R Lexcorp Battlesuit (3/4) 27 pts N-12 @[1 SA][1 KO]
R Intergang Agent (0/3) 18 pts KO'ed!
Justice League of America (Satellite Era) (visitor)
R Power Girl (0/8) 97 pts KO'ed!
LE The Atom (5/6) 50 pts N14 [2 AST]
R Aquaman* (HT) (0/6) 27 pts KO'ed!
* w/ Haymaker 10 pts
R Firestorm (2/6) 59 pts N15 [3 SA, 1 KO]
U Jonah Hex (0/5) 46 pts KO'ed! [1 SA, 1 KO]
R Easy Co Medic (-1/4) 9 pts KO'ed!
1. Emerald Empress will attack Firestorm, 9 AV vs. 13 DV. 6+1= 7. That's a hit that will send Firestorm to a plot on Shanghalla.
2. Persuader attacks the Atom w/ CCE. 9 AV vs. 19 DV. The roll, unbelievably, is 6+5 = 11, so it hits for 4 damage.
3. Just to see if we can seal it here before The Atom phases away, Lexcorp Battlesuit will push to attack The Atom. 7 AV vs. 15 DV. 4+4 = 8. That hits for 1 damage and the final KO.
End game.
Thanks, Tanis, for showing me the ropes and for dealing like a sport with what turned out to be an uphill battle!
Fatal Five (home)
E Emerald Empress* (6/6) 90 pts P-15 @ [4 SA][2 KO]
* w/ Extended Range 10 pts
R Persuader (5/8) 96 pts O-14 @[1 DFD][4 SA][1 AST][2 KO]
R Omac (-1/6) 59 pts KO'ed! [1 DFD]
R Lexcorp Battlesuit (2/4) 27 pts N-12 @@[2 SA][2 KO]
R Intergang Agent (0/3) 18 pts KO'ed!
Justice League of America (Satellite Era) (visitor)
R Power Girl (0/8) 97 pts KO'ed!
LE The Atom (0/6) 50 pts KO'ed [2 AST]
R Aquaman* (HT) (0/6) 27 pts KO'ed!
* w/ Haymaker 10 pts
R Firestorm (0/6) 59 pts KO'ed! [3 SA, 1 KO]
U Jonah Hex (0/5) 46 pts KO'ed! [1 SA, 1 KO]
R Easy Co Medic (0/4) 9 pts KO'ed!
It was a good game GQ. I had no chance with your high attacks, all your outwit, and high rolls..I don't think rolled anything lower than a 6...I couldn't roll that high for the life of me...except Firestorm of course..but yeah..good game! I'm sooo glad this was preseason...I wish I coulda got more stats though...oh well...I'll get more next game.
Now the only sucky thing is that we have to wait two weeks till next game.
Oh and the Atom got 1 SA when he attacked the Lexcorp Battlesuit that I forgot to put in the recap.
Wow, I got a lot of people that can upgrade...GL, Ambush Bug, Atom, and Wonder Woman...that's a lot of upgrading to do...not even sure what to upgrade Ambush and Atom to..but oh well...
Final stats for the JLA Satellite era
V Green Lantern*,**,^ (UNL) 165 pts - MVP
SA [19] KO [3] AST [2] DFD [0]
U Ambush Bug 50 pts
SA [3] KO [1] AST [10] DFD [3]
U The Atom 50 pts
SA [10] KO [4] AST [10] DFD [0]
R Aquaman (HT) 27 pts
SA [7] KO [4] AST [0] DFD [0]
R Firestorm 59 pts
SA [3] KO [1] AST [0] DFD [0]
R Checkmate Medic 13 pts
SA [0] KO [0] AST [0] DFD [0]
U Jonah Hex 46 pts
SA [1] KO [1] AST [0] DFD [0]
R Power Girl 97 pts
SA [0] KO [0] AST [0] DFD [0]
R Wonder Woman 84 pts
SA [8] KO [5] AST [0] DFD [0]
R Hourman 65 pts
SA [0] KO [0] AST [0] DFD [0]
R Gotham Undercover 14 pts
SA [0] KO [0] AST [0] DFD [0]
Easy Co Medic 9 pts
SA [0] KO [0] AST [0] DFD [0]