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BFC: Madness Critical hits are critical misses instead, and vice versa. When a character uses Support, the target is healed of 1 fewer damage on a critical hit.
BFC: Madness Critical hits are critical misses instead, and vice versa. When a character uses Support, the target is healed of 1 fewer damage on a critical hit.
BFC: Madness Critical hits are critical misses instead, and vice versa. When a character uses Support, the target is healed of 1 fewer damage on a critical hit.
BFC: Madness Critical hits are critical misses instead, and vice versa. When a character uses Support, the target is healed of 1 fewer damage on a critical hit.
BFC: Madness Critical hits are critical misses instead, and vice versa. When a character uses Support, the target is healed of 1 fewer damage on a critical hit.
BFC: Madness Critical hits are critical misses instead, and vice versa. When a character uses Support, the target is healed of 1 fewer damage on a critical hit.
I don't know where is goes. usally I decide but since this is play by post I don't know. standing on it is fine with me.
Spidey is on borrowed time
Turn 12 A
Spidey-Skull will attack Mystique 7 Att on a 13 defense for 2
Roll of 1,1=2 Its MADDNESS BABY critical hit for 3 and the KO.
1SA 1 KO
Thanks for the shot. Sorry about that.
Really I am.
Your turn.
doobie711's The Brotherhood (home)
1. Ult. Magneto 144 (5/7) P-16@ SA=5 KO=2
2. Mystique R 34 (3/5) J-19@ SA=1 KO=1
3. Skullbuster E 32 (6/6) P-17@ SA=2
4. Pyro R 27 (2/5) P-15@@ DFD=2
5. Toad R 23 KOed SA=1 KO=1
6. Destiny R 20 (1/4) U-17 DFD=1 AST=1
7. Avalanche R 19 (1/5) W-15 SA=1 KO=1 DFD=2
Total 299
evilevil's New Avengers (AWAY)
1.) Dr spectrum E 77 KOed
2.) Spiderman E (starter) 40 (1/5) J-20
3.) Spiderwoman LE (jessica drew) 65 KOed
4.) Cyclops V (DR) 40 KOed (injured)
5.) Invisible Woman LE (FF sue storm) 49 KOed
6.) Batgirl R 25 KOed
BFC: Madness Critical hits are critical misses instead, and vice versa. When a character uses Support, the target is healed of 1 fewer damage on a critical hit.
BFC: Madness Critical hits are critical misses instead, and vice versa. When a character uses Support, the target is healed of 1 fewer damage on a critical hit.
doobie711's The Brotherhood (home)
1. Ult. Magneto 144 (4/7) P-16@@ SA=6 KO=3
2. Mystique R 34 KOed SA=1 KO=1(injured)
3. Skullbuster E 32 (6/6) P-17@ SA=2
4. Pyro R 27 (2/5) P-15@@ DFD=2
5. Toad R 23 KOed SA=1 KO=1
6. Destiny R 20 (1/4) U-17 DFD=1 AST=1
7. Avalanche R 19 (1/5) W-15 SA=1 KO=1 DFD=2
Total 299
evilevil's New Avengers (AWAY)
1.) Dr spectrum E 77 KOed
2.) Spiderman E (starter) 40 KOed
3.) Spiderwoman LE (jessica drew) 65 KOed
4.) Cyclops V (DR) 40 KOed (injured)
5.) Invisible Woman LE (FF sue storm) 49 KOed
6.) Batgirl R 25 KOed
BFC: Madness Critical hits are critical misses instead, and vice versa. When a character uses Support, the target is healed of 1 fewer damage on a critical hit.
Well, good game man. That was a lot of fun. Good luck the rest of the season. Now comes the long wait until the next game. If you think you might want to get a practice game going let me know.