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"They're swarming on Jefferson, I have to go help him." Says Freddy innocently, looking down at Black Lightning in the middle of three members of the JSA. Jefferson looks up at him and waves off his help, pointing to Green Arrow.
"He's right Freddy. Take Katana, deal with the Arrow, he's the only one here besides Ted that can hurt you and we have to deal with him now." Conflicted Freddy takes Katana with him and flies down to F8 attacking GA (using 3 of 10 movement). CMJr. AV is 9, GA's DV is 15, needing a 6, Roll is: (1,2) for a miss.
Freddy ends his movement in E8, dropping Katana in F9.
Black Lightning turns towards Wildcat and unleashes a bolt of lightning, overexerting himself in the process. 8 vs 18, needing a 10 for the Stunning Blow attack to work. Roll is: (6,4) for a 10 and a Token +1 click to Wildcat. 1 click to each.
Bats moves to the edge of the mound at D11 and tosses another bolo Wildcat's way (Outwit Flurry).
V Captain Marvel Jr. (Black Adam) (8/10) E8 @
R Black Lightning (4/5) H14 @@
- Stunning Blow
E Batman (IC) (6/6) D11 @@
- Protected (used)
R Katana (5/5) F9
Captain Marvel Jr. SA [3] KO [2]
Katana SA [1] KO [1]
Batman DFD [3]
Black Lightning SA [1]
TMNT99's JSA (Golden Age) (visitor)
R Wildcat (6/7) H-15 @
R Hawkman (OR) KOed!
U Batman (0/7) KOKOKO
R Green Arrow (5/5) G-9
R Speedy (0/5) KOKOKO
R Damage (Atom; 6/6) G-13
R Phantom Girl (Spectre; 5/5) I-16 @
V Captain Marvel Jr. (Black Adam) (8/10) E8 @
R Black Lightning (1/5) H14 @@
- Stunning Blow
E Batman (IC) (6/6) D11 @@
- Protected (used)
R Katana (5/5) F9
Captain Marvel Jr. SA [3] KO [2]
Katana SA [1] KO [1]
Batman DFD [3]
Black Lightning SA [1]
TMNT99's JSA (Golden Age) (visitor)
R Wildcat (5/7) H-15 @@
R Hawkman (OR) KOed!
U Batman (0/7) KOKOKO
R Green Arrow (5/5) G-9@
R Speedy (0/5) KOKOKO
R Damage (Atom; 5/6) G-13 @
R Phantom Girl (Spectre; 5/5) I-16
Hey man, if it's any consolation, I didn't really give you many shots this game. I think we're rolling about the same hit percentage. Sorry about it man, I was there all year first season.
Katana, usually quiet, stares down Green Arrow, sword ready.
"You know, I've bagged a few asian broads in my day, and you'd be at the top of the list sugar. Although, I'm feelin' like you don't wanna talk to much with me..." Ollie says to Katana.
Katana slowly shakes her head, then smirks for a moment. This catches Ollie of guard and she strikes. 9 on 15, needing a 6 for the hit, Roll is: (5,2) for the hit. The blades roll is a 6 and that is enough to fell the emerald archer.
The rest of the team relaxes for a moment to see what the JSA does next.
V Captain Marvel Jr. (Black Adam) (8/10) E8
R Black Lightning (1/5) H14
- Stunning Blow
E Batman (IC) (6/6) D11
- Protected (used)
R Katana (5/5) F9 @
Captain Marvel Jr. SA [3] KO [2]
Katana SA [2] KO [2]
Batman DFD [3]
Black Lightning SA [1]
TMNT99's JSA (Golden Age) (visitor)
R Wildcat (5/7) H-15 @@
R Hawkman (OR) KOKOKO
U Batman (0/7) KOKOKO
R Green Arrow KOKOKO
R Speedy (0/5) KOKOKO
R Damage (Atom; 5/6) G-13 @
R Phantom Girl (Spectre; 5/5) I-16
Damage pushes to try and finish Black Lightning. Av8 vs dv14, need a 6, roll is 5+2 for 7, that's enough, Lightning is down, Atom takes one for the push
V Captain Marvel Jr. (Black Adam) (8/10) E8
R Black Lightning KOed!
- Stunning Blow
E Batman (IC) (6/6) D11
- Protected (used)
R Katana (5/5) F9 @
Captain Marvel Jr. SA [3] KO [2]
Katana SA [2] KO [2]
Batman DFD [3]
Black Lightning SA [1]
TMNT99's JSA (Golden Age) (visitor)
R Wildcat (5/7) C-10
R Hawkman (OR) KOKOKO
U Batman (0/7) KOKOKO
R Green Arrow KOKOKO
R Speedy (0/5) KOKOKO
R Damage (Atom; 4/6) G-13 @@
R Phantom Girl (Spectre; 5/5) B-9@
Wildcat SA [2]
Green Arrow SA [1]
Damage SA [1] KO [1]
"JEFFERSON!!!" Bruce harshly yells over the din of the battle. "Take him down, take him down now!" He says as he directs his effort towards the Atom. He leaps to I14.
Freddy sees this happen and decides to let Bats handle the Atom for now, he picks up Katana and goes after Wildcat's Taxi. He attacks the Specter from C9 and then flies down to H15, dropping Katana at G14. 9 on 18, needing a 9, Roll is: (5,1) for a 6 and a miss.
V Captain Marvel Jr. (Black Adam) (8/10) H15 @
R Black Lightning KOed!
- Stunning Blow
E Batman (IC) (6/6) I14 @
- Protected (used)
R Katana (5/5) G14
Captain Marvel Jr. SA [3] KO [2]
Katana SA [2] KO [2]
Batman DFD [3]
Black Lightning SA [1]
TMNT99's JSA (Golden Age) (visitor)
R Wildcat (5/7) C-10
R Hawkman (OR) KOKOKO
U Batman (0/7) KOKOKO
R Green Arrow KOKOKO
R Speedy (0/5) KOKOKO
R Damage (Atom; 4/6) G-13 @@
R Phantom Girl (Spectre; 5/5) B-9@
Wildcat SA [2]
Green Arrow SA [1]
Damage SA [1] KO [1]
V Captain Marvel Jr. (Black Adam) (8/10) H15 @
R Black Lightning KOed!
- Stunning Blow
E Batman (IC) (6/6) I14 @
- Protected (used)
R Katana (5/5) G14
Captain Marvel Jr. SA [3] KO [2]
Katana SA [2] KO [2]
Batman DFD [3]
Black Lightning SA [1]
TMNT99's JSA (Golden Age) (visitor)
R Wildcat (5/7) H-13
R Hawkman (OR) KOKOKO
U Batman (0/7) KOKOKO
R Green Arrow KOKOKO
R Speedy (0/5) KOKOKO
R Damage (Atom; 4/6) G-13
R Phantom Girl (Spectre; 4/5) H-12@@
Wildcat SA [2]
Green Arrow SA [1]
Damage SA [1] KO [1]
Bats looks Ted in the face and says, "How long are we gonna do this Ted? We're good friends where I'm from and I'm not gonna hurt you today." With that he leaps up to D11. He drops a waterrang at the Atom's feet sticking him in a mire of mud...(Outwits Combat Reflexes).
Katana sees an opening and goes for it. She swings her sword at the Atom to avenge her fallen friend. 9 on 15, needing 6 for BCF. Roll is: (4,3) for a hit. BCF roll is a 5 for the KO. Since Katana would have needed an 8 for the hit without the Outwit Batman gets an AST.
"Get ready for the Spectre, Freddy." Bats says from his vantage point on the mound. Captain Marvel Jr. waits for an opening.
V Captain Marvel Jr. (Black Adam) (8/10) H15
R Black Lightning KOed!
- Stunning Blow
E Batman (IC) (6/6) D11 @@
- Protected (used)
R Katana (5/5) G14 @
Captain Marvel Jr. SA [3] KO [2]
Katana SA [3] KO [3]
Batman AST [1] DFD [3]
Black Lightning SA [1]
TMNT99's JSA (Golden Age) (visitor)
R Wildcat (5/7) H-13
R Hawkman (OR) KOKOKO
U Batman (0/7) KOKOKO
R Green Arrow KOKOKO
R Speedy (0/5) KOKOKO
R Damage (Atom; 4/6) KOKOKO
R Phantom Girl (Spectre; 4/5) H-12@@
Wildcat SA [2]
Green Arrow SA [1]
Damage SA [1] KO [1]
V Captain Marvel Jr. (Black Adam) (8/10) H15
R Black Lightning KOed!
- Stunning Blow
E Batman (IC) (6/6) D11 @@
- Protected (used)
R Katana (5/5) G14 @
Captain Marvel Jr. SA [3] KO [2]
Katana SA [3] KO [3]
Batman AST [1] DFD [3]
Black Lightning SA [1]
TMNT99's JSA (Golden Age) (visitor)
R Wildcat (5/7) H-13@
R Hawkman (OR) KOKOKO
U Batman (0/7) KOKOKO
R Green Arrow KOKOKO
R Speedy (0/5) KOKOKO
R Damage (Atom; 4/6) KOKOKO
R Phantom Girl (Spectre; 4/5) H-12
Wildcat SA [2]
Green Arrow SA [1]
Damage SA [1] KO [1]
"Freddy, I think that the Spectre is cloaking Ted with some kind of protective field. See if you can take it out." Bats orders Captain Marvel Jr. to attack Spectre. Bats tosses an acidic tube at Ted's feet in the meantime bringing the boxer to his knees (Outwit Toughness).
"Might of Hercules help me." Says Freddy, flying from where he is standing, attacking at H14 and ending up right back where he was in H15. 9 on 18, needing 9, roll is: (6,6) for a critical hit and the KO to Spectre.
Katana moves without hesitation, swinging her blade down at Ted. 9 on 14, roll is: (6,4) for a 10 and a strike. The blade deals (2 clix) a stunning blow to Ted, but does not render him unconcious, allowing for one more strike from the fighter.
V Captain Marvel Jr. (Black Adam) (8/10) H15 @
R Black Lightning KOed!
- Stunning Blow
E Batman (IC) (6/6) D11
- Protected (used)
R Katana (4/5) G14 @@
Captain Marvel Jr. SA [4] KO [3]
Katana SA [4] KO [3]
Batman AST [2] DFD [3]
Black Lightning SA [1]
TMNT99's JSA (Golden Age) (visitor)
R Wildcat (3/7) H-13@
R Hawkman (OR) KOKOKO
U Batman (0/7) KOKOKO
R Green Arrow KOKOKO
R Speedy (0/5) KOKOKO
R Damage (Atom; 4/6) KOKOKO
R Phantom Girl (Spectre) KOKOKO
Wildcat SA [2]
Green Arrow SA [1]
Damage SA [1] KO [1]
Captain Marvel Jr. SA [4] KO [3]
Katana SA [4] KO [3]
Batman AST [2] DFD [3]
Black Lightning SA [1]
Iceman425's Outsiders
V Nightwing^ 72 pts
SA [14] KO [0] AST [4] DFD [1]
V Black Adam* 150 pts - MVP
SA [11] KO [3] AST [0] DFD [0]
R Batman**, ^^ (LEG) 85 pts
SA [6] KO [0] AST [4] DFD [6]
V Starfire***, ^^^ 96 (ICN) pts
SA [5] KO [0] AST [1] DFD [0]
R G'nort 70 pts
SA [1] KO [4] AST [9] DFD [1]
R Katana 37 pts
SA [9] KO [5] AST [0] DFD [0]
U Captain Boomerang 72 pts
SA [3] KO [0] AST [0] DFD [0]
E Black Lightning 65 pts
SA [4] KO [2] AST [0] DFD [0]
U Terra 60 pts
SA [2] KO [1] AST [0] DFD [1]
R Halo 43 pts
SA [0] KO [0] AST [0] DFD [0]
U Guardian 47 pts
SA [0] KO [0] AST [0] DFD [0]
Turtle still has the bottom of the 15th for Wildcat to push on Katana, I just wanted to do what I could now to help out with Stats and Upgrades. I won't be on too much over the next week.
Great game man, sorry I didn't give you too much to hit. Hope to play you again sometime.
V Captain Marvel Jr. (Black Adam) (8/10) H15 @
R Black Lightning KOed!
- Stunning Blow
E Batman (IC) (6/6) D11
- Protected (used)
R Katana (3/5) G14 @@
Captain Marvel Jr. SA [4] KO [3]
Katana SA [4] KO [3]
Batman AST [2] DFD [3]
Black Lightning SA [1]
TMNT99's JSA (Golden Age) (visitor)
R Wildcat (2/7) H-13@@
R Hawkman (OR) KOKOKO
U Batman (0/7) KOKOKO
R Green Arrow KOKOKO
R Speedy (0/5) KOKOKO
R Damage (Atom; 4/6) KOKOKO
R Phantom Girl (Spectre) KOKOKO
Wildcat SA [3]
Green Arrow SA [1]
Damage SA [1] KO [1]