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Rescuing captives. Characters friendly to a captive can attempt to rescue that captive. To do so, give a character a power action; it makes a close combat or ranged combat attack against the target character that captured the captive. The target modifies its defense value by –1 for the attack for each of its captives. If the attack succeeds, the attack deals no damage; instead, the attacker chooses a friendly captive. The captive is
rescued and placed in an unoccupied square adjacent to the target of the attack. Give the rescued character an action token; it can be given an action in the same turn it is rescued, but it is pushed normally.
Brainy computes a quick calculation on his wrist and a beam shoots out at Brainiac Prime who shudders and shorts and causes the beam holding Cham to disappear.
Cham turns into a Rillian snake and bites Brainiac 4. "Nighty nite Mama Brainy, luckily the Rillian snake's venom isn't totally poisonous. Just enough to make you go sleepy sleepy."
"What ARE these things?" asked Shvaughn as she smacked one upside it's head.
"Eh, just more robots," said Cham.
"Nothing surprises you people much, does it?" said Shvaughn.
"Not really," said Cham nonchalantly.
"They've got Kara!" shouted Lu. "Can anybody help her out?"
"I'm....on it!" said Wildfire as he broke away from the bot trying to pin him down. He flew to the top of building and fired a blast at the robot hand pinning Kara to its chest, severing it at the wrist.
"Thanks! I owe you one," smiled Kara.
(free) Brainy outwits Outwit on Brainiac Prime at the beginning of the turn.
(free) Cham poisons Brainiac 4 and KO's her. Yay! Stats for Cham!
1. Shvaughn takes a swing at Turret II. AV 7 vs DV 15. Roll is a 6, 4. Man where were these rolls during our playoff game Stepp?? I could've really used them! ;P Turret takes a click.
2. Wildfire attempts to breakaway. Roll is a 4. He'll RS to K20 and attempt to free Kara. AV 9 vs DV 13. Roll is a 3, 4. Kara's freed and drops to N17.
3. Lu flies to O18.
[3]R Or Hawkman - 59 (6/7) N-10 @@
E Hourman - 85 (7/8) g-6
R Wildcat - 54(7/7) m-9
R Star Spangled Kid - 40 (5/5)A-3
[2]R Mr. Terrific - 58 (3/5) k-6@
[2]E Hawkgirl - 39 (6/6) M-10@@
Brainiac (U Icn Brainiac) - (3/10) N13 @
Brainiac 4 (U Red Ghost) (0/5) KO'ed!
Computo Construct Alpha (Advanced Sentinel Alpha) (9/11) OP16-17 @@
Computo Construct Beta (Sentinel Mark I*) (9/12) TU16-17 @@
Computo Mobile Turret I (E Shi’ar Borderers) (4/5) G19@@
Computo Mobile Turret II (E Shi’ar Borderers) (4/5) K18 @
Computo Mobile Turret III (E Shi’ar Borderers) (1/5) T18
Computo Construct Theta (E Dreadnaught**) Q12@
Baron Bedlam (U Mad Thinker) 53 R11@
* w/ Nanobots - 10
** w/ Endurance - 5
Total: 757
LO: Q-6, N-16
HO: R8, U20
Map: The Junkyard
Manager of the Heroclix Fantasy League's Legion of Super Heroes
Brainiac (U Icn Brainiac) - (3/10) N13 @
Brainiac 4 (U Red Ghost) (0/5) KO'ed!
Computo Construct Alpha (Advanced Sentinel Alpha) (9/11) OP16-17 @@
Computo Construct Beta (Sentinel Mark I*) (9/12) TU16-17 @@
Computo Mobile Turret I (E Shi’ar Borderers) (4/5) G19@@
Computo Mobile Turret II (E Shi’ar Borderers) (4/5) K18 @
Computo Mobile Turret III (E Shi’ar Borderers) (1/5) T18
Computo Construct Theta (E Dreadnaught**) Q12@
Baron Bedlam (U Mad Thinker) 53 R11@
* w/ Nanobots - 10
** w/ Endurance - 5
Total: 757
LO: Q-6, N-16
HO: R8, U20
Map: The Junkyard
Season 1 SuperHero Bowl Champion of the Heroclix Fantasy League
Oh, I thought since I didn't do anything with her that turn, it would clear..since it said I could still do an action and it would push her. Since I didn't do anything, wouldn't that clear her?
Manager of the Heroclix Fantasy League's Legion of Super Heroes
Oh, I thought since I didn't do anything with her that turn, it would clear..since it said I could still do an action and it would push her. Since I didn't do anything, wouldn't that clear her?
Re-reading it, I think you're right. Wow, this turn is going to hurt more than I thought.
Cosmic Boy speaks into the commlink. "I hope you have a plan," said Cos.
"I'm thinking," said Brainy as he dodged a blast from his ancestor.
"You mean, you don't already have one?" said Rokk incredulously.
"The presence of my distance ancestor has...slowed my calculations a bit," said Brainy.
Rokk continued to stare at him incredulously. "This isn't good..." he said as he watched Brainy move forward and flew forward to one of the constructs.
1. Cosmic Boy flies to F20
2. Brainy flies to H9
(free) He'll outwit Construct Alpha's Toughness
3. Kara will take a swing at Construct Alpha. AV 9 vs DV 15. Roll is a 3, 4. That's a hit for 3 clicks.
4. Triplicate Girl pushes to take a swing at Construct Alpha. AV 8 vs DV 16. Roll is a 5, 6. That's a hit for 2 clicks.
5. Cham will pick up Shvaughn and fly to S17, placing Shvaughn in S16
[3]R Or Hawkman - 59 (4/7) N-10
E Hourman - 85 (7/8) L-6@
R Wildcat - 54(5/7) m-9
R Star Spangled Kid - 40 (5/5)H-8@
[2]R Mr. Terrific - 58 (3/5) k-6
[2]E Hawkgirl - 39 (3/6) M-10
"Lets End this Tin Man. Your next Ugly, don't mess with my mind " Gunts Hawkman as he levels his Nth Metal Mace into Brainaic crushing the remaining exosuit into scrap
Lets see how Bedlam likes my T Spheres..
1) hawkman Picks up Wildcat and Charges to O-13 Brainiac 9 vs 14 rolls a 7 hits for 3 2 after toughness for the KO places Wildcat in P-12
2) Hawkgirl tries to throw a kiife at bedlam misses
3) Mr T moves to K-11
Free) Mr T will outwit PC on Bedlam
JSA: [11]
[7]R Or Hawkman - 59 (4/7) O-13@
E Hourman - 85 (7/8) L-6
R Wildcat - 54(5/7) P-12
R Star Spangled Kid - 40 (5/5)H-8
[2]R Mr. Terrific - 58 (3/5) k-11@
[2]E Hawkgirl - 39 (3/6) M-10@
The large Computo Constructs began to project a field of Green energy that descended over the Legionnaires and JSAer's alike, slowing their attack and leaving some of them paralysed.
1) Computo Alpha MultiAttack. 1st attack Incaps Brainiac 5 and Wildfire (6+1), Mr. Terrific PCS (4+5=9) Hits. 2nd Attack Incaps Supergirl and Wildcat (5+1=6) hits.
2) Computo Beta Auto-Breakaway to UV 18-19, drops Mobile Turret in V20
free) Computo Beta Nanobots the object in U20
3) Mobile Turret II Incaps Wildfire (2+5=7) hits.
4) Mobile Turret I Vs. Cosmic Boy (5+6=11) hits for 2
JSA: [11]
[7]R Or Hawkman - 59 (4/7) O-13@
E Hourman - 85 (7/8) L-6
R Wildcat - 54(5/7) P-12 @
R Star Spangled Kid - 40 (5/5)H-8
[2]R Mr. Terrific - 58 (3/5) k-11@
[2]E Hawkgirl - 39 (3/6) M-10@
"I told you you next" crys Hawkman as he charges the Baron and no tricks Cuause I have my Own....
1) Hawkman Pushes to charge to Q-11 Swings at Bedlam 9 vs 15 Rolls 8 pced to 3 by belman pced to 8 (4,4) by MR T bedlam takes 3 plus 1 for being knockedback into blocking terrian
2) Hourman moves to P-6
3) Starspangeld Kid moves to K-10
JSA: [15]
[11]R Or Hawkman - 59 (3/7) Q-11@@
E Hourman - 85 (7/8) P-6@
R Wildcat - 54(5/7) P-12
R Star Spangled Kid - 40 (5/5)K-10@
[2]R Mr. Terrific - 58 (3/5) k-11
[2]E Hawkgirl - 39 (3/6) M-10