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1) Shield adds one to thors Dmg
2) Thor will attack Elektra 10 vs 15 rolls a 6 which hits for 4
3) Elektra will Push to RCE Doc Ock 9 vs 16 rolls a 7 hits Doc for three
( sorry about that mix-up... i was wondering a bit why you placed Elektra there; she is hidden with her Stealth from my White Queen and my Mandroid behind the objects... if you had noted that she was 'Stealthed,' then we might have clarified that... fortunately, this game isn't too decisive in the standings.... )
Mike's turn 7b
- White Queen's Leadership roll: 5 SUCCESS.
- Blastaar pushes and attacks Elektra > 9 vs 13 > roll: 3+3=6 HIT. Elektra takes 2 damage and suffers knockback to G13. Blastaar takes 1 pushing damage.
- Mandroid Armor uses Telekinesis to send my White Queen to E12.
- White Queen attacks White Queen > 10 vs 16 +1 (hindering) > roll: 3+2=5 MISS.
- Doctor Octopus moves to G15.
FYI the E blastaar is 8/8 not 7/7 so you should be at 6/8 after two pushes??
free) White Queen Leadership 4 success
1)Logan will push to Attack Elektra 10 vs 12 rolls a 10 hits for 3 and the KO
2) Elektra takes a pot shot at Doc Ock 4 vs 12 rolls a 10 (5,5) hits for 1 and the KO
3) Shield Trooper will pump thors Dmg to 4
4) Thor will shoot at Blastaar 10 vs 16+1 rolls a 8 (4,4) hits for 4-1(toughness) no Knockback DMg due to toughness
- Blastaar attacks Thor > 10 vs 16 > roll: 5+5=10 HIT. Thor takes 1 damage after Invulnerability and suffers knockback to H18.
- White Queen attacks your White Queen > 10 vs 16 +1 (hindering) > roll: 6+4=10 HIT. Your White Queen's Super Senses roll: 3. Your White Queen takes 2 damage.
- Mandroid Armor moves (Speed halved) to F12.
( thanks for pointing that out with Blastaar; has a "0" click that confused me; after that turn i feel like i still have a slim chance... )
1) white queen shoots mandroid Miss
2) Logan will push to flurry White queen 9 vs 16 rolls a 7 hits supersense is a 4 white queen takes 3 attack two 9 vs 13 rolls 8 hits supersense is a 4 white queen take 3 more and is KO'ed 1 push to logan