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Well, you're certainly given me a few targets here. Let's see what I can do about it.
Storm on Bulldozer. Needs 7, rolls 3.
Lead and Tin on Cowl. First they outwit her (?) toughness. Needs 7, rolls 8. That's 2 to Cowl. Second attack needs 6 + 1, rolls 8. She/he/it gets 2 more.
Mento tks Sentinel to D3.
Sentinel on Bulldozer. Needs 7, gets a 9. That's 1 to Bulldozer. Sentinel shares his defense w/those next to him.
Namorita charges to G8, picking up Hulk along the way and placing him in G7. She attacks Bulldozer. Needs 7, rolls 5.
Flash (Crisis) D2 (Damage Shield)
Mento @ E2
Lead and Tin @ H6 (Sidestep)
Sentinel @ D3 (Force Field)
Wasp (Ultimates) @ J6 (Point Blank)
Namorita @ G8 (Armor Piercing)
Storm (DR) @ H7 (Drag) (stealthed)
Green Scar G7 (Repulsor Shield)
"Get him, troops!" was all the Wasp had to say and her allies were on Bulldozer.
"Nice try, witch, but my hide's gonna take those lightning strikes and then some," he tells Storm.
"Maybe we need something a little more 'in-your-face'," Namorita says as she pounds him in the jaw. He simply shoves her back and yes, 'You're kidding, right?".
Sentinel takes a shot at him and stops him in his tracks but it lasts only a moment.
How could Namorita taxi Hulk if she began the turn in H5 and Hulk was in J7?
Oh and while I'm mentioning it, L&T's second attack only does 1 (their special power hasn't kicked in yet, so they still have to reduce the second duo attack's damage by 1.
I still get so confused on some rules. Namorita could charge and grab an object but not another figure still within reach of her charge? If not say the Hulk moved on his own.
Bulldozer had better take advantage of his reprieve before the Hulk beats him into a jelly. Pushes to attack Storm. AV9 on DV16. Gets 10. She'll take 4. Still in it, but barely.
Zzzax to G17
Faust Perplexes his AV to 11 and attacks Namorita, DV17 +1. Gets an 11.
Heat Wave's got Enhancement, which'll make his damage 4. She'll take 3 after Toughness.
Bee still MM to Heat Wave
Crimson Cowl (Drag) J9 (2!)
Heat Wave P14 (3!)
V Bulldozer (Movethrough) @@ H8 (2!)
V Queen Bee (Extended Range) P15
V Spymaster (Flashbang) K16 (stealth)
Dr. Polaris (Triage) H24
Zzzax (Shake-Off) @ G17
Felix Faust (Force Field) @ O15
HO E14, J18, R18
LO C18, F19, R14
Figures used: Crimson Cowl, Heat Wave, Bulldozer, Queen Bee, Spymaster, Dr. Polaris, Zzzax, Felix Faust - 725
Feats used: Drag, Movethrough, Extended Range, Flashbang, Triage, Shake-Off, Force Field
"Three against one, and one of them's the Hulk, huh?" Bulldozer asked. "Well fine. You wanna up the ante? That's good with me." Bulldozer plowed into Storm, using the ice patch to build up his speed. She wummoned the winds to stop him, but only slowed him dow enough that his charge didn't completely take her down.
"You okay, Storm?" Namorita asked.
"I have been better, child," Storm admitted.
"You should save your concern for yourself," Felix Faust told Namorita. "You'll need it." He cast a spell that took the ambient flame around Heat Wave's gun and magnified it tenfold, and he tossed the fireball at Namorita. "I don't imagine that, being aquatic, fire would go over too well with you."
Ah Deadpool, what a fun character. Funny thing is I had him on my list. He's one of those "neutrals". Like I'm considering Drax, but I don't know whether to play him here or in with heroes.
Flash couldn't have Outwitted Queen Bee's MC. Between Faust and Heat Wave, they'd have blocked his LOF. But as it doesn't look like I'll use it anyway, no harm done.
Okay, so Nita with her Poison is the immediate threat. First though, she takes a Poison click of her own from Queen Bee.
Now Queen Bee on Namorita, AV9 on D14. Gets 10. Even without Heat Wave's Enhancement that is enough to KO her.
Enter Madame Masque. Just because. Damage Shield on her. Polaris TKs her to M13
Faust Perplexes her AV to 10
Masque on Wasp. AV10 on DV17 +1. Gets 7.
Cowl to K17
Heat Wave goes for the longshot on Wasp. AV7 on DV17 +1. Gets a 10. Almost gets it.
Spymaster to K14
Crimson Cowl (Drag) @ K17 (4!)
Heat Wave @ P14 (3!)
V Queen Bee (Extended Range) @ P15 (1!)
V Spymaster (Flashbang) @ K14 (stealth)
Dr. Polaris (Triage) @ H24
Zzzax (Shake-Off) G17
Felix Faust (Force Field) O15 (1!)
V Madame Masque (Damage Shield) @ M13
HO E14, J18, R18
LO C18, F19, R14
Figures used: Crimson Cowl, Heat Wave, Bulldozer, Queen Bee, Spymaster, Dr. Polaris, Zzzax, Felix Faust, Madame Masque - 775
"Foolish child, you have no chance againzzzt the power of the Queen Bee. I wonder how you will like being one of my dronezzz for the rezzzt of your life."
Some characters are hard to categorize. I don't really konw Deadpool well, so I rarely play him. I always figured he was kinda like Electra, a mercenary but basically a hero. Black Adam's another tough one. I think his history calls him a villain but his recent popularity has made him a rogue hero, that's probably how I'd play him.
Before I go on, Flash's lof to outwit Queen Bee is perfect. (Using a str8 edge it goes perfectly between his and her squares). We just ran into this issue in another game where Cable attacked Trigon being in the corner square like Bee is. Before I move on, let me understand why Cable had lof but Flash doesn't. I don't doubt you, I'm just asking for clarity.
Two figures who are adjacent at a diagonal are considered to block LOF between them (just like two diagonally placed barriers prevent a character passing between them. So in this instance:
Where F is the Flash and Q is Queen Bee, Faust (T) and Heat Wave (H) block her LOF.
In the Tech vs Magic game, you're right in that I had Cable in much the same position with Skullbuster and MODOK diagonally in front of him. But if you go back and check that turn, I moved Skullbuster over by one before making the attack, breaking the formation. (Actually in retrospect this rule wouldn't have applied in that case. I keep forgetting Trigon is a giant. As such characters don't block LOF to or from him. So he could have attacked Cable, even before Skullbuster moved, shooting over her and MODOK's heads.)
As for characters, I agree with you on Elektra, but Black Adam I would definitely place with the villains. He has tried to be good, but keeps backsliding into Evil. Wiping out the whole population of Bialya (sp?) in 52 is in no way the work of a hero, even a "dark" one.
I'm not totally up on Adam's history, I only vaguely have a reference of his 52 stories. Even with the murder of a country I find him a frustrated anti-hero. I'll probably play him villain but I see him more like Magneto I guess. I suppose misguided men are worse villains than the simple greed-mongers.
Anyway I get your point about the lof issue. Sorry that a lot of the rules escape me.
OK, I just made a successful ranged attack on Madame Masque only to realize that you probably mean to stealth her. To be fair to you, and because I happen to like the character, I'll just remind you to stealth her.
Speaking on anti-heroes, I'll bring in the Punisher V w/ambush. He begins at F2 where Deadpool makes his damage 5.
Mento tks him to H10.
He attacks Zzzax. Needs 6 + 1 (hindering) -2 (ambush) so 4, rolls 9. SS roll is a 4. Zzzax takes 5.
Punisher V @ H10 (Ambush) (stealth)
Deadpool V G2 (Mercenary)
Flash (Crisis) J5 (Damage Shield)
Mento @ E2
Lead and Tin H6 (Sidestep)
Sentinel D3 (Force Field)
Wasp (Ultimates) J6 (Point Blank)
Green Scar (1) F3 (Repulsor Shield)
The Punisher looks at him and ignores him. "Let's see what I can do with this walking 4th of July." He tosses off a few hand grenades and Zzzax implodes within itself.
It stands, but is severely hurt. The Punisher looks at his supplies. "Damn, should've more bombs. I'll have to come up with something more creative next time."
Aw maaan, I didn't even get to do anything with Zzzax yet. That stinks.
And thanks for assuming Mme Masque was in Stealth. That was of course my intention, even if I forgot to indicate it. I think it's kind of silly that we have the whole "must declare Stealth" thing. I know Stealth is an option power, so that you can turn it off to use Perplex or PC on the character, but I mean really, when wouldn't you turn it on for your opponent's turn? Super Senses is also technically optional and we never say "You didn't declare Daredevil was using his Super Senses". I can see putting the (Stealth) tag in the summary, just so your opponent can tell at a quick glance that he can't attack that character; that's just game etiquette and courtesy, but I don't think we should penalize each other for what is essentially just an oversight, should we ever forget to put the tag in the summary.
Faust Perplexes Zzzax's range to 11.
Zzzax on Wasp and Lead & Tin. AV8 on DV17 and DV18 +1. Gets 8. So close.
Faust Barriers G14, H14, I13, J13 in an attempt to save Zzzzax.
Crimson Cowl (Drag) K17 (4!)
Heat Wave P14 (3!)
V Queen Bee (Extended Range) P15 (1!)
V Spymaster (Flashbang) K14 (stealth)
Dr. Polaris (Triage) H24
Zzzax (Shake-Off) @ G17 (5!)
Felix Faust (Force Field) @ O15 (1!)
V Madame Masque (Damage Shield) M13 (stealth)
HO E14, J18, R18
LO C18, F19, R14
Figures used: Crimson Cowl, Heat Wave, Bulldozer, Queen Bee, Spymaster, Dr. Polaris, Zzzax, Felix Faust, Madame Masque - 775