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Let's see if Giganto can make it "in Peace"
Mole Man's Monsters: Turn 11
free) Water Witch keeps up the blinding barrage of frigid water to blind Bullseye and Songbird. Water Witch perplexed Giganto's attack up to 10
free) Tyrannus fiddles with his device, keeping both Bullseye and the ground beneath him dancing. Tyrannus outwits Bullseye's combat reflexes.
1) With another eardrum-shattering roar, Giganto reaches out for his tiny tormentors. Giganto flurries, first attack on Bullseye. 10 atk. vs 15 def. Needs a 5. Roll is: (3,2) for a 5 and a hit! Bullseye takes 3 and is KO'ed!
Second attack against Songbird. 10 atk. vs 14 def. Needs a 4. Roll is: (3,1) for a 4 and a hit! (Thank god for Perplex!!!) Songbird takes 3 and is KO'ed! Giganto takes 1 from the push.
A massive claw blots out the sky and scoops up Bullseye, ignoring the struggles of the deadly assassin as if he was nothing but a toy. Then, with bone-jarring force Giganto hurls his captive directly at Songbird, using the master of improvised weapons in a most ironic fashion to smash Songbird out of the sky.
As the final notes of Giganto's victory roar dies away, a deadly silence falls over the ravaged battlefield until the high-pitched voice of the Mole Man breaks it. "Well done my servants, victory is ours! Soon all of the surface world will pay the price for their sins and reap the whirlwind!
Onwards, my servants to our ultimate triumph!"
Presenting, the Mole Man's Monsters:
1. R Mole Man (5/5) - 55 - K15
2. U Giganto (Hulk 2099) (4/10) - 123 - N18 @@
3. U Tyrannus (Maximus) (6/7) - 109 - O14
4. R Landslide (Shocker) (5/5) - 40 - L14
5. R Water Witch (Vertigo) (4/4) - 45 - P16
6. R Moloid (Val-or) (0/4) (SI) - 15 - KO'ed
7. R Moloid (0/2) (CM) - 6 - KO'ed
8. R Moloid (0/2) (CM) - 6 - KO'ed
1. V Bullseye (Sin) 65 pts (0/7) - KO'ed!
2. R Moonstone 68 pts (0/7) - KO'ed!
3. LE Norman Osborn 99 pts (0/8) - KO'ed!
w/ Armor Piercing
w/ Protected (USED)
4. R Rad Man 66 pts (0/6) - KO'ed!
5. E Songbird 67 pts (0/6) - KO'ed!
w/ Thunderbolts - Serpent Society
That's all she wrote for this one! Thanks a lot for helping me test out potential recruits, and thanks for a great game
Now I just have to hope that no-one else gets so impressed by Giganto's performance in this game that they snatch him up before I have a chance to recruit him (as all my other Giganto subs are considerably more expensive)!
From the ashes of Paragon City... it rises!