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(free) Con Artist will perplex up Annihilus' attack to 12.
1. Jean Grey will TK Anni to J16
2. Anni will RS to F19, triple targetting Jean Grey, Professor X, and Pyro. AV 12 vs DV 18, 16, 18, respectively. Roll is a 5, 5 for the hit on all three. I'll do all 3 damage to Jean. She takes 3 clicks. No knockback since she's held in place by her comrades.
3. Doombot will pick up Green Arrow and fly to J11, placing Ollie in J12
4. Bane will move to J8
5. Booster will pick up Shi and fly to L16, placing Shi in L17
(free) Doombot carries Bane to M16, placing Bane in M17
(free) Con Artist perplexes up Witchblades movement to 9
3. Jean TKs Witchblade to I15
4. Witchblade pushes to charge to J20 and takes a swing at Jean. AV 9 vs DV 13. Roll is a very funny 1, 1 for the crit miss and she takes 2 clicks. Hmm, dice not really going my way right now.
5. Booster picks up Shi and flies to O21, placing Shi in N21.
So, when I rolled the first time, I got a jacked up error, and tried again in a few minutes. Then I get both rolls in my inbox. There is no reason for me to reroll the first one, no shennanigans, I swear. Should I go with the first roll?
2. Prof X attempts to Mind control Bane. 10 AV on a 16 DV +1 for hindering. If he hits, Bane will use CCE on Anni. That will be 10 AV on an 11 DV. Prof X hits with a crit, and Bane hits Annihilus with CCE (5+2), for 5-1 for toughness, Anni is KO’ed.
3. Hulk L/C to K15, Picking up HO from F19 on the way. takes the push.
1. Shi will attempt to blades on the Hydra guy. AV 9 vs DV 14. Roll is a 2, 4. Blades roll is a measly 1. Man, my dice have not been doing good for me the last couple of weeks.
(free) Green Arrow unstealths
(free) Con Artist perplexes up GA's damage to 2
2. Green Arrow will go for the RCE on Professor X. AV 11 vs DV 17. Roll is a 1, 2. Yeah, my dice are done for the season.
3. Medic attempts to breakaway. Probably gonna fail. Yup roll is a 3
4. Bane pushes to CCE on Juggy. AV 10 vs DV 17. Of course the roll is a 4, 2. Pushes. Yeah that's game.