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1) Support roll, Sci Supreme on Fatality, 8 vs. 15
Your Random Roll is: 5,5 = 10
1d6 - 1. Fatality heals 1.
2) Fatality TKs Nightcrawler to G18.
3) Nightcrawler vs. Green Arrow, 9 vs. 16, from J15
Your Random Roll is: 6,3 = 9
2 damage dealt. Kurt scampers back to A15
4) LJ phases to C13.
Glen's Quagmire
1) E Thor (0/9) KO'ed!
2) V Fatality (6/7) B15@
3) LE Lobster Johnson (3/6) C13@
4) U Nightcrawler (6/7) A15@
5) R Invisible Girl (6/6) B14 (stealth, defend)
6) V Avalanche (5/6) B13
7) LE Scientist Supreme (4/4) C14@
Tanis11's hodge podge team II:
1.) LE Annihilus (9/9) L17 (stealth)
2.) E Jean Grey (5/6) M22 @
3.) V Con Artist (3/4) Q17
4.) R Huntress (5/5) H7 (stealth)
5.) V Green Arrow (4/6) K14 (stealth)
6.) E Doombot (5/5) L13 (stealth)
7.) V Shi (4/6) E16 (stealth)
8.) E Bane (7/9) L22
9.) R Witchblade (4/5) L21
A.) V Easy Co. Medic (5/5) M21 @
B.) R Booster Gold (6/7) F16
Also Sue has only 5 clicks of life according to the units section. Please let me know if this is wrong like on the actual clix.
Turn 8A
1. Green Arrow will dual incap on Supreme and Lobster. AV 10 (+1 PD) vs DV 19, 18. Roll is a 3, 5 for the bare hit on lobster. Lobster gets a token and a push click again.
(free) Con Artist will perplex up Anni's attack to 12
2. Jean will push to TK Anni to F20. She takes a push click.
(free) Doombot will copy Top Cow
(free) Doombot will fly on over to F19
(free) He'll copy PD again
3. Anni will RS to E19 and triple target Sue, Fatality, and Avalanche. AV 13 (+1 PD, +1 perp) vs DV 18 for all of them. Roll is a 5, 6. Dang..didn't need all that. Oh well. Fatality SS roll is a 6. So Sue will take 2 clicks and Avalanche will take a click.
4. Shi will take a shot at Fatality. AV 9 vs DV 17. Roll is a 3, 1 for the miss.
5. Booster will pick up Shi and fly to B16, placing Shi in C15.
Glen's Quagmire
1) E Thor (0/9) KO'ed!
2) V Fatality (6/7) B15@
3) LE Lobster Johnson (2/6) C13 @@
4) U Nightcrawler (6/7) A15@
5) R Invisible Girl (3/5) B14 (stealth, defend)
6) V Avalanche (4/6) B13
7) LE Scientist Supreme (4/4) C14@
Tanis11's hodge podge team II:
1.) LE Annihilus (9/9) E19 @
2.) E Jean Grey (4/6) M22 @@
3.) V Con Artist (3/4) Q17
4.) R Huntress (5/5) H7 (stealth)
5.) V Green Arrow (4/6) K14 @
6.) E Doombot (5/5) F19 @
7.) V Shi (4/6) E16 @ (stealth)
8.) E Bane (7/9) L22
9.) R Witchblade (4/5) L21
A.) V Easy Co. Medic (5/5) M21
B.) R Booster Gold (6/7) B16 @
1) Medic breakaway, pushing
Your Random Roll is: 3, fail
2) Avalanche puts up a barrier
Glen's Quagmire
1) E Thor (0/9) KO'ed!
2) V Fatality (6/7) B15
3) LE Lobster Johnson (2/6) C13
4) U Nightcrawler (6/7) A15
5) R Invisible Girl (3/5) B14 (stealth, defend)
6) V Avalanche (4/6) B13@
7) LE Scientist Supreme (3/4) C14@@
Tanis11's hodge podge team II:
1.) LE Annihilus (9/9) E19 @
2.) E Jean Grey (4/6) M22 @@
3.) V Con Artist (3/4) Q17
4.) R Huntress (5/5) H7 (stealth)
5.) V Green Arrow (4/6) K14 @
6.) E Doombot (5/5) F19 @
7.) V Shi (4/6) E16 @ (stealth)
8.) E Bane (7/9) L22
9.) R Witchblade (4/5) L21
A.) V Easy Co. Medic (5/5) M21
B.) R Booster Gold (6/7) B16 @
1. Medic will attempt to heal Bane. AV 8 vs DV 15. Roll is a 4, 5. Support roll is a 6. Bane's up to full.
2. Con Artist will move to L18
Glen's Quagmire
1) E Thor (0/9) KO'ed!
2) V Fatality (6/7) B15
3) LE Lobster Johnson (2/6) C13
4) U Nightcrawler (6/7) A15
5) R Invisible Girl (3/5) B14 (stealth, defend)
6) V Avalanche (4/6) B13@
7) LE Scientist Supreme (3/4) C14@@
Tanis11's hodge podge team II:
1.) LE Annihilus (9/9) E19
2.) E Jean Grey (4/6) M22
3.) V Con Artist (3/4) L18 @
4.) R Huntress (5/5) H7 (stealth)
5.) V Green Arrow (4/6) K14
6.) E Doombot (5/5) F19
7.) V Shi (4/6) E16 (stealth)
8.) E Bane (9/9) L22
9.) R Witchblade (4/5) L21
A.) V Easy Co. Medic (5/5) M21 @
B.) R Booster Gold (6/7) B16
1) Nightcrawler vs. Shi, 10 vs. 14, HSS from C16
Your Random Roll is: 6,5 = 11
Super senses: 1
2 damage, Kurt will move to B12
2) Lobster declares TA, heals Kurt
X-Men healing roll: 3. LJ takes 1 damage.
3) Fatality vs. Shi, 9 vs. 13
Your Random Roll is: 1,4 = 5
Super senses: 5
4) Invisible Girl vs. Shi, 5 vs. 13
Your Random Roll is: 3,6 = 9
Super senses: 6
Glen's Quagmire
1) E Thor (0/9) KO'ed!
2) V Fatality (6/7) B15@
3) LE Lobster Johnson (1/6) C13@
4) U Nightcrawler (7/7) B12@
5) R Invisible Girl (3/5) B14 (stealth, defend)@
6) V Avalanche (4/6) B13
7) LE Scientist Supreme (3/4) C14
Tanis11's hodge podge team II:
1.) LE Annihilus (9/9) E19
2.) E Jean Grey (4/6) M22
3.) V Con Artist (3/4) L18 @
4.) R Huntress (5/5) H7 (stealth)
5.) V Green Arrow (4/6) K14
6.) E Doombot (5/5) F19
7.) V Shi (2/6) E16 (stealth)
8.) E Bane (9/9) L22
9.) R Witchblade (4/5) L21
A.) V Easy Co. Medic (5/5) M21 @
B.) R Booster Gold (6/7) B16
1. Ollie will attempt to dual incap Lobster and Nightcrawler. AV 9 vs DV 13, 19. Roll is a 3, 5 for a hit on Lobster only. Lobster takes a push click and the KO.
2. Jean will TK Witchblade to E13
3. Witchblade will charge to C13 and attack Avalanche. AV 9 vs DV 14. Roll is a 4, 1 for barely the hit. Avalanche takes 3.
4. Anni will triple target Nightcrawler, Fatality, and the Scientist Supreme. AV 12 (+1 PD) vs DV 18, 16, and 16. Roll is a 3, 5 for a hit on all of them. Super Senses roll for both Kurt and Fatality was a 5 so all 3 goes to Scientist Supreme and is KO'ed. Hmm, we can't hit anybody with Super Senses this game, can we?
(free) Con Artist will perplex up Bane's movement to 9
5. Bane will move to C16, picking up the HO in K22 along the way.
Glen's Quagmire
1) E Thor (0/9) KO'ed!
2) V Fatality (6/7) B15@
3) LE Lobster Johnson (0/6) KO'ed!
4) U Nightcrawler (7/7) B12@
5) R Invisible Girl (3/5) B14 (stealth, defend)@
6) V Avalanche (1/6) B13
7) LE Scientist Supreme (0/4) KO'ed!
Tanis11's hodge podge team II:
1.) LE Annihilus (9/9) E19 @
2.) E Jean Grey (4/6) M22 @
3.) V Con Artist (3/4) L18
4.) R Huntress (5/5) H7 (stealth)
5.) V Green Arrow (4/6) K14 @
6.) E Doombot (5/5) F19
7.) V Shi (2/6) E16 (stealth)
8.) E Bane (9/9) C16 w/HO @
9.) R Witchblade (4/5) C13 @
A.) V Easy Co. Medic (5/5) M21
B.) R Booster Gold (6/7) B16
Glen's Quagmire
1) E Thor (0/9) KO'ed!
2) V Fatality (5/7) B15@@
3) LE Lobster Johnson (0/6) KO'ed!
4) U Nightcrawler (7/7) B12
5) R Invisible Girl (3/5) B14 (stealth, defend)
6) V Avalanche (1/6) B13
7) LE Scientist Supreme (0/4) KO'ed!
Tanis11's hodge podge team II:
1.) LE Annihilus (9/9) E19 @
2.) E Jean Grey (4/6) M22 @
3.) V Con Artist (3/4) L18
4.) R Huntress (5/5) H7 (stealth)
5.) V Green Arrow (4/6) K14 @
6.) E Doombot (5/5) F19
7.) V Shi (2/6) E16 (stealth)
8.) E Bane (9/9) C16 w/HO @
9.) R Witchblade (4/5) C13 @
A.) V Easy Co. Medic (5/5) M21
B.) R Booster Gold (6/7) B16
Man, the dice have been that kind to you this game. Kinda like me last round.
Turn 11A
1. Medic will attempt Jean. AV 8 vs DV 13. Roll is a 4, 1 for barely the hit and the support roll is a 6. Jean's back at full. Hmmm...darn, should've pushed her first.
2. Shi attacks Fatality. AV 7 vs DV 15. Roll is a 3, 4 for barely the miss.
3. Booster will take a swing at Sue. AV 7 vs DV 15 also. Roll is a 2, 6 for barely the hit. Sue takes 2 clicks.
4. Huntress takes a shot at Nightcrawler. AV 9 vs DV 18. Roll is a 1, 5 for the miss.
(free) Con Artist perplexes up Doombot's attack to 9
5. Doombot takes a shot at Fatality. AV 10 (+1 PD) vs DV 15. Roll is a 6, 5 for the hit. SS roll is a 2. Fatality takes 2 clicks.
Glen's Quagmire
1) E Thor (0/9) KO'ed!
2) V Fatality (3/7) B15@@
3) LE Lobster Johnson (0/6) KO'ed!
4) U Nightcrawler (7/7) B12
5) R Invisible Girl (1/5) B14 (stealth)
6) V Avalanche (1/6) B13
7) LE Scientist Supreme (0/4) KO'ed!
Tanis11's hodge podge team II:
1.) LE Annihilus (9/9) E19
2.) E Jean Grey (6/6) M22
3.) V Con Artist (3/4) L18
4.) R Huntress (5/5) H7 (stealth) @
5.) V Green Arrow (4/6) K14
6.) E Doombot (5/5) F19 @
7.) V Shi (2/6) E16 (stealth) @
8.) E Bane (9/9) C16 w/HO
9.) R Witchblade (4/5) C13
A.) V Easy Co. Medic (5/5) M21 @
B.) R Booster Gold (6/7) B16 @
1. Nightcrawler vs. Shi, 10 vs. 14, HSS from D14
Your Random Roll is: 3,6 = 9
Super Senses: 2
2 damage, KO (finally!)
He'll move to B5
2. Avalanche vs. Witchblade, 5 vs. 15
Your Random Roll is: 5,4 = 9, miss.
3. Invisible Girl breakaway
Your Random Roll is: 4
She'll crawl to A10.
Glen's Quagmire
1) E Thor (0/9) KO'ed!
2) V Fatality (3/7) B15
3) LE Lobster Johnson (0/6) KO'ed!
4) U Nightcrawler (7/7) B5@
5) R Invisible Girl (1/5) A10@
6) V Avalanche (1/6) B13@
7) LE Scientist Supreme (0/4) KO'ed!
Tanis11's hodge podge team II:
1.) LE Annihilus (9/9) E19
2.) E Jean Grey (6/6) M22
3.) V Con Artist (3/4) L18
4.) R Huntress (5/5) H7 (stealth) @
5.) V Green Arrow (4/6) K14
6.) E Doombot (5/5) F19 @
7.) V Shi (2/6) C15 (stealth) @
8.) E Bane (9/9) C16 w/HO
9.) R Witchblade (4/5) C13
A.) V Easy Co. Medic (5/5) M21 @
B.) R Booster Gold (6/7) B16 @
(free) Con Artist will perplex up Green Arrow's attack to 10.
1. Green Arrow will RCE on Fatality. AV 10 vs DV 15. Roll is a 1, 6 for a hit for 3 clicks and the KO.
2. Witchblade will take a swing at Avalanche. AV 9 vs DV 12. Roll is a 2, 5 for a hit for 3 clicks and the KO as well.
3. Anni will RS to B15 and dual target Nightcrawler and Sue. AV 11 vs DV 18, 14. Roll is a 1, 2 and that barely hits Sue. Sue takes 3 clicks and is KO'ed.
4. Jean will move to I16
5. Bane moves to B8.
Glen's Quagmire
1) E Thor (0/9) KO'ed!
2) V Fatality (0/7) KO'ed!
3) LE Lobster Johnson (0/6) KO'ed!
4) U Nightcrawler (7/7) B5@
5) R Invisible Girl (0/5) KO'ed!
6) V Avalanche (0/6) KO'ed!
7) LE Scientist Supreme (0/4) KO'ed!
Tanis11's hodge podge team II:
1.) LE Annihilus (9/9) B15 @
2.) E Jean Grey (6/6) I16 @
3.) V Con Artist (3/4) L18
4.) R Huntress (5/5) H7 (stealth)
5.) V Green Arrow (4/6) K14 @
6.) E Doombot (5/5) F19
7.) V Shi (0/6) KO'ed!
8.) E Bane (9/9) B8 w/HO @
9.) R Witchblade (4/5) C13 @
A.) V Easy Co. Medic (5/5) M21
B.) R Booster Gold (6/7) B16
Glen's Quagmire
1) E Thor (0/9) KO'ed!
2) V Fatality (0/7) KO'ed!
3) LE Lobster Johnson (0/6) KO'ed!
4) U Nightcrawler (6/7) A3@@
5) R Invisible Girl (0/5) KO'ed!
6) V Avalanche (0/6) KO'ed!
7) LE Scientist Supreme (0/4) KO'ed!
Tanis11's hodge podge team II:
1.) LE Annihilus (9/9) B15 @
2.) E Jean Grey (6/6) I16 @
3.) V Con Artist (3/4) L18
4.) R Huntress (5/5) H7 (stealth)
5.) V Green Arrow (4/6) K14 @
6.) E Doombot (5/5) F19
7.) V Shi (0/6) KO'ed!
8.) E Bane (9/9) B8 w/HO @
9.) R Witchblade (4/5) C13 @
A.) V Easy Co. Medic (5/5) M21
B.) R Booster Gold (6/7) B16
(free) Con Artist perplexes up Boosters movement to 10
3. Booster moves to B6
4. Doombot flies to J13
Glen's Quagmire
1) E Thor (0/9) KO'ed!
2) V Fatality (0/7) KO'ed!
3) LE Lobster Johnson (0/6) KO'ed!
4) U Nightcrawler (6/7) A3@@
5) R Invisible Girl (0/5) KO'ed!
6) V Avalanche (0/6) KO'ed!
7) LE Scientist Supreme (0/4) KO'ed!
Tanis11's hodge podge team II:
1.) LE Annihilus (9/9) B15
2.) E Jean Grey (6/6) I16
3.) V Con Artist (3/4) H14 @
4.) R Huntress (5/5) C2 @
5.) V Green Arrow (4/6) K14
6.) E Doombot (5/5) J13 @
7.) V Shi (0/6) KO'ed!
8.) E Bane (9/9) B8 w/HO
9.) R Witchblade (4/5) C13
A.) V Easy Co. Medic (5/5) M21
B.) R Booster Gold (6/7) B6 @
(free) Con Artist perplexes up Anni's attack to 12
1. Jean will TK Anni to A8
2. Anni will RS/Pulse Wave to C5 and Nightcrawler's the only target since the LOF to Booster goes between to blocking/elevated terrain. AV 12 vs DV 17. Roll is a 1, 5 for the hit for 3 clicks.
3. Bane will move to A4
4. Doombot will pick up GA and fly to J8, placing GA in J7
5. Witchblade moves to C6
Glen's Quagmire
1) E Thor (0/9) KO'ed!
2) V Fatality (0/7) KO'ed!
3) LE Lobster Johnson (0/6) KO'ed!
4) U Nightcrawler (3/7) A3
5) R Invisible Girl (0/5) KO'ed!
6) V Avalanche (0/6) KO'ed!
7) LE Scientist Supreme (0/4) KO'ed!
Tanis11's hodge podge team II:
1.) LE Annihilus (9/9) C5 @
2.) E Jean Grey (6/6) I16 @
3.) V Con Artist (3/4) H14
4.) R Huntress (5/5) C2
5.) V Green Arrow (4/6) J7
6.) E Doombot (4/5) J8 @@
7.) V Shi (0/6) KO'ed!
8.) E Bane (9/9) A4 w/HO @
9.) R Witchblade (4/5) C6 @
A.) V Easy Co. Medic (5/5) M21
B.) R Booster Gold (6/7) B6
I'll just clear for 14B and 15B. Good to play you always, Tanis. I just had to take that gamble with Thor attacking Annihilus. Of course, truth be told, calling it a gamble is too strong. It was simply a good opportunity, with Anni being out of stealth.
Matter-Eater Lad Snack List: Time Gem, Remaker
Etrigan Prime Transformation List: Blackhawk Pilot, Per Degaton, Rip Hunter
I'll just clear for 14B and 15B. Good to play you always, Tanis. I just had to take that gamble with Thor attacking Annihilus. Of course, truth be told, calling it a gamble is too strong. It was simply a good opportunity, with Anni being out of stealth.
Actually I was kinda hoping you'd go for him. Even if you did hit him, I could heal him up and tie Thor down with Witchblade or Bane. So I was a bit surprised when you missed. I was already planning thinking you'd hit.
Manager of the Heroclix Fantasy League's Legion of Super Heroes