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Hey all. I am a newbie here but not to comics...I just haven't read them since 98. I have a few questions if some of you have the time...
1. Why oh why did Taskmaster change his costume? The original was just near perfect.
2. Agendas. What is the difference between the MLF and the Brotherhood of Evil Mutants? Seems to me they both want Mutant superiority.
3. What's with X-force? Cable as I remember, trained the new mutants to be more proactive to fight evil mutants, and in some cases kill them..Like what he did to Black tom Cassidy, shooting him at point blank range.
4. Who or what is the Gideon Trust over in FF? I saw that they were torturing the criminal Spot...What came of that?
5. What happened to the Morlocks? I know the Marauders killed alot of them, but I thought they had regathered with new recruits. ARe they still in the sewers of Manhatten?
I daresay that comic vets like myself know nothing about the changes to Taskmaster in Deadpool, or the intricacies of X-Force... you should've asked for a fan of recent X-glut.
1. I have no clue why they changed his costume, and I agree it was better before.
2. Their agendas were similar (up with mutants down with humans) but I think the Stryfe lead faction of the MLF was largely a diversion for Stryfe's larger plan. I could be wrong here as I didn't read this entire arc.
3. Sadly X-Force parted ways with Cable and became a whiny kind of Marvel comics meets MTV's Road Rules/Real World where they did alot of wandering and not encountering much of anything worth reading about. I believe they are currently found in a book (wich I find to be poorly drawn) hanging out with a floating potato thing wearing a belt with an "X" on it.
X-Static? something like that.
4. Can't help you here. Is this Spot the one from Spiderman with the white costume with the spots on it?
5. Morelocks are tough. Last I knew there were still some in the sewers.
Sorry I couldn't help more, much like the Game the latest trends escape me. I hope Taskmaster wakes up from a bad dream and puts his old costume back on soon.
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