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Nightcrawler attacks Human Torch. 10AV on a 17DV. 4,4=8. A hit dealing 2 damage, torch takes one and knock back into M8. Nightcrawler finishes his move in N8. Psylocke attacks Bucky, 10AV on an 18 DV. 5,5=10! Psylocke deals 2, knocks Bucky into J12.
Psylocke (GSX 023) in M9 (Click 5) @
Nightcrawler (CT) in N8 @
Nightcrawler pushes to attack Human Torch, 10AV on a 16DV. 3,2=5. Nightcrawler moves to L15. Psylocke pushes to attack Human Torch 10AV on a 16DV. 1,5=6. Hits, should KO torch.
And with that I think I'm ready to concede. With the Torch's Pulse Wave I still had a chance, however slim. I don't think little Bucky with his 7 AV is going to pull this one off for me. Especially considering that I'd have to catch Nightcrawler before I could even try to hurt him.
Deadpool: Wow, guys! Isn't this great! The Weapon X Reunion, here in the Canadian Rockies. We're gonna have such a great time, roasting marshmallows, telling ghost stories, having traumatic flashbacks....
Sabretooth: Yeah, how about that time I killed the runt's main squeeze.
Wolverine: How about I gut you?
Hardball: Golly Gee Willikers! I'm so excited to be here!
Last edited by redgears; 04/09/2012 at 10:37..
Reason: Forgot objects