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When he originally came out, I thought "cool, but I don't see a place for him really." When the 2013 PAC changes happened with Hypersonic and more Improved Movement stuff showed up, I said "okay, I see it now." When team bases happened, I realized: OH, THAT'S WHY THEY MADE HIM. Ultimate Clayface is the absolute BANE of team bases. He makes their life a living hell. He works great with the Gauntlet on him. However, in all honesty, his values other than attack are good enough that you can run a team with the Book and he becomes monstrous. This is a piece that I recommend EVERYONE have in their collection.
Hmmm...based on the way his trait is worded opponents cant finish their movement while using Hypersonic Speed! They zip in...punch clay face then roll a 3. They immediatley end their movement adjacent to a pissed off Clayface.
Sure..136 points is a bit expensive for a tie up piece on your team. But you are paying for THE ULTIMATE tie up piece! He can't be ignored for movement purposes period. He hinders hypersonic speed, he cancels the multiple actions of a team base and he is extremely hard to hit because of his Impervious/shapechange combo. So why is he only a 3 star piece? I haven't a clue...When clayface is fielded...he WILL pull his weight and slow down a team. But once again....Although you are paying for perhaps the greatest tie up piece in the game...he's a tad bit expensive for that role. Especially when you can just throw a 50 point rag doll in the mix.
Hmmm...based on the way his trait is worded opponents cant finish their movement while using Hypersonic Speed! They zip in...punch clay face then roll a 3. They immediatley end their movement adjacent to a pissed off Clayface.
Yep but with plasticity it shuts down hypersonic altogether. Best tie up piece ever!
Yep but with plasticity it shuts down hypersonic altogether. Best tie up piece ever!
Correct. The HHS piece doesn't get a chance to make an attack. Once the attacker bases Clayface his action ends. He's fun to play with Tarpit for the same reason. Two good tie up pieces.
The only issue I have with this fig is that Clayface should never deal LESS THAN 3 damage. His 'conditional' poison is also kind of a let-down (1 in 3 chance of dealing NO poison damage).
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