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Picard was the perfect choice as an example. He gives us some common ground. I agree a penalty of 1 point seems too small for him. The only reasons not to use him are you are a faction purist or you want to challenge yourself to win without him. I actually think he should be a 3 point faction penalty.
There are some who don't want there to be faction mixing at all. They would propose penalties so harsh you couldn't mix factions. I don't know if you fall into this category or not. Here is the thing though, the developers made the call to allow faction mixing. They gave it a 1 point penalty that works for 95% of the cards or more, in my opinion. I see no reason to increase the out of faction penalty on all cards. Of the cards you mention I have seen Donatra and Terrell used out of faction, but not so much lately as the card pool has increased. I have never seen either Martok used out of faction and I have never seen Data used. I could see Donatra with a penalty of 2 points. I could also see Gul Dukat needing a Penalty of 2 points.
My point was that I don't think the whole system needs an overhaul because a small handful of cards are used out of faction too much, that speaks more to those cards being under costed. I would welcome your list of cards you think are used out of faction too much as every meta is different.
My suggestion was a 2 point penalty, not a total block or something outrageous. I don't mind the option to mix (personally I think the justification is pretty tenuous, but whatever), I just think it should come with a penalty. Really I think there should be a bonus for keeping faction pure, but since the designers decided in the base rules to flip that "bonus" around and make it a penalty for not restricting yourself to a pure build, I'd take a slightly higher penalty, or more of a bonus added to the current penalty. I am hoping we see changes come down that encourage more pure builds.
I don't actually see *much* mixing at my venue, as the locals are mostly ST diehards who would prefer to keep their builds pure, and the out-of-towners I only see when I can make it to the Dominion War events (and I missed months 4 and 5 after they changed the dates at my venue to make it more convenient for the visiting players, who are the majority of our DW participation). So the list of cards that are used out of faction "too much" at my venue is pretty short.
CarlosMucha: that is like be running in a Olimpic race competition just one step to get the gold and then a Giant children place a mirror in your side and you discover what you are really a hamster over a whell and the gold is just a slice of chess. Avatar Summoning: Original GotG, Melter, Whiplash
My suggestion was a 2 point penalty, not a total block or something outrageous. I don't mind the option to mix (personally I think the justification is pretty tenuous, but whatever), I just think it should come with a penalty. Really I think there should be a bonus for keeping faction pure, but since the designers decided in the base rules to flip that "bonus" around and make it a penalty for not restricting yourself to a pure build, I'd take a slightly higher penalty, or more of a bonus added to the current penalty. I am hoping we see changes come down that encourage more pure builds.
I don't actually see *much* mixing at my venue, as the locals are mostly ST diehards who would prefer to keep their builds pure, and the out-of-towners I only see when I can make it to the Dominion War events (and I missed months 4 and 5 after they changed the dates at my venue to make it more convenient for the visiting players, who are the majority of our DW participation). So the list of cards that are used out of faction "too much" at my venue is pretty short.
Mine too. We have about 10-12 regular local players for the OP events. Two are loyal to the Federation and have low level faction purist tendencies, a Klingon player who doesn't care what others play, a dedicated min/max player, everybody else just likes to play a variety of builds and don't have any strong opinions about faction purity.