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SH VS SS :) A new Fedcon Cival war :) also i would like to see 1 SW VS HL then SW VS RS the HL one for a Planet near terra and the VS RS for terra :)and when the wolves Triumph The republic will fall!
As for refusing to vote, that's your decision, but I'll PM stormfox when I get done here and tell him I goofed up and forgot to list them. I was afraid that I was missing one of the Merc companies ... I definitely thought that I was not putting a name with each insignia.
On a lighter and still relevant note, however, I find it very promising that Wolf's Dragoons are making such a strong statement in this poll (especially taking into consideration that at the time of this post, they were winning over several Inner Sphere houses - particularly the immensly popular and powerful Dragon's Fury). Keep the votes coming, guys!
Much as I am a supporter of Dragon's Fury, and would love to see them in another campaign (maybe beginning of next year), I have to say I voted for the Stormhammers, and feel they should fight the RotS, as they both have few units and could give each other a nasty fight, perhaps in either Prefecture IX or I.
Stormhammers. There's no question about it. They should try and kick the republic and steel wolves off worlds like Thorin and Muphrid that were in the Lyran Commonwealth's border before the WOB jihad. It SEEMS they are only there to fend off the Falcons when they come out june next year. There should be a bit more to it than that......
Mercs......if they had a campaign, that'd be pretty innovative, but with earlier examples of what wizkids has done, no i don't think so.......but we can all dream.......
and the dragoons have HOW many units to their name? there's the problem as I see it with mercs... they're all clumped together in terms of faction, but individual units are marked with their own insignias... but again, how many wolf's dragoons units are in actual existance right now
I voted for 21st Centauri Lancers, but any merc unit will do. that prob will not happen.
I think that the SH should have one cause they haven't had any
On Merc fights: A venue around here is actually doing one. 400 points, merc company pure. AKA pure Ronin, pure Dragoon, pure Lancers ect. ect. Unfortunately, it's too far away for me to go (plus I don't think I have 400 points of mercs total, let alone any one group).