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Originally posted by Ghost Bear 2K Probably the sniper teams are carrying portable tripod light (very light) Gauss rifles to get those ranges with uranium depleted slugs as ammo. Think railgun in Unreal Tournament 2004.
Yes, but why does the range drop to 6 - 8 inches when it is mounted on a mech??? It was kind of a rhetorical question in relation to the poor ranges of the mechs in the set.
My Highlanders got some love! As to cheese I would have to disagree SusanoOrabatos on the HL Paladin being cheese. I used one in the first group Sealed tournament. The second round I went up against a mech and three vehicles that I could not hurt with it (reactive). Since this piece does not have AP it will not see much play. Same with LI version. Having played with or against most of the pieces I can say the Mech almost universally suck. The vehicles and infantry are good but not overpowering with the one possible exception of JF Elite Skadi Swift Attack VTOL.
I agree with your asessments of the FP units we got, except for one. I found that the republic Kelswa was very useful. By the way, were you at lacey today (the 14th)?
Originally posted by Nighthawk I agree with your asessments of the FP units we got, except for one. I found that the republic Kelswa was very useful. By the way, were you at lacey today (the 14th)?
having just played in the pre-release, I have to disagree with some of your ratings.
The ROTS Kelswa is pretty freaking awesome. That 5AP with a 10 attack and 24 defense ensures it's going to bust some heads, and not take any fire in return. Solid 8/10
The HL Shadowhawk was also a very nice unit. Yes it only has a 20 defense, but decent damage, killer heat, and reactive armor made it solid. I don't use highlander units, but could see using it again.
Finally the HL Kelswa is a definate 10 out of 10. 24 defense with point defense? Holy frijoles batman, yes that think is boarderline borken. The guy who pulled it reigned terror in every single one of his matches. Now THAT is a tank, easy 10/10.
Okay, here's my two cents worth on the Loyalist units for FP.
Highlanders: Flamer Team - reasonable priced. Unfortunately, although reactive armour is nice it still doesn't cut it against AP. However, their usefulness as base-screen units is good.
Sniper Team - a bit on the costly side. That, though, is their only drawback. Excellent range for infantry, 2 damage with AP (another tick), infiltrate, evade, and IT. These boys will certainly see use in Loyalist armies, and will make excellent drop units from Maxims.
Elemental BA - very reasonably priced for what they provide. Two target AnP is fantastic for Loyalist forces. Unfortunately, the range is the only let-down on them, although it is a fairly standard infantry range.
Gnome BA - reasonably priced again for what they supply to a build. Pulse adds a nice touch, allowing them to heat a mech up very nicely. Again, the range is average for infantry.
Kite Recon - AP is nice but at 4" range. If you put this in your build then I've a nice building on Pennsylvannia Avenue I'd like to sell you (large, marble one which changes hands every 4 to 8 years).
Narcon Armoured Scout - again, nothing here to be inspired about. Warflail said it all.
MHI Amphibious APC - useful to base units in water but that is questionable even then. Could be used to form its own fire formations though. This ones a dodgy customer I think. Not worth it in the end though as it is too expensive for what it provides.
Kinnol MBT - If it had AP from the start it might be worth using. Unfortunately, it is fairs too poorly when compared with the Regulator II.
Paladin Defence System - okay, no more transportable artillery. Like the gun emplacements it has capacity 0 (as do all the non-transport vehicles).
Kelswa - what a beauty. Okay, first click is SU Point Defence but that's not a great loss. 23 PD is a fantastic bonus for any unit you team this with. It is costly though but a definite piece to consider for use in any Loyalist build.
SalvageMechMOD - why bother. Again, Warflail has summed this one up.
Stinger - The AP and Pulse are nice but the range stinks and the defence is laughable for a Highlander unit.
ShadowHawk IIC - okay, I'll get a bawlliking for this from Warflail. I think this unit is not too bad. The range is too little for my liking (12" or 14" would have been better). And the defence could have been better. However, I can see this unit having its uses in a Loyalist build.
Griffin - a reasonable unit if it had a higher attack value and higher defence value. At best a mediocre unit.
Chas Kearns - okay, a nice piece but has limited uses. Again, Warflail hits the nail on the head with his assessment of this unit.
Kava Graves - drool. I think that says it all :)
Dock Stewart - Potentially a very good unit. Definitely needs to be linked with a Kelswa to be really effective.
Republic Flamer Team - the same applies here for these as does for the Highlander version except that they are too expensive.
TrackBike - for what it is supposed to be its too slow. Hoverbikes will remain the unit of choice.
Gray Death Scout Armour - Although a nice option the Highlander Elementals are a better overall choice here.
Elemental BA - why bother. 6" range is ridiculous. Compared to other Elementals these guys don't deserve the name.
Narcon - the Homing Beacon may be useful but being SU is very restrictive. However, the bonus it gives to other units may make this a reasonable unit to use. I'll wait to see it in action first before passing final judgement.
Skanda Light tank - given the Jade Falcon abilities Camouflage is not as good as it once was. However, a reasonable tank otherwise. Pity it doesn't have Pulse, and 2 damage is too low.
MHI Amphibious APC - why bother. Again, see the my points on the Highlander version.
Sniper - reasonable. However, I don't see it replacing the old Snipers in Loyalist builds. AnP is nice but only works on direct shots.
Kinnol MBT - without AP this isn't worth the points.
Kelswa - certainly a unit to consider. 5 AP is excellent. However, the unit is very expensive and would be subject to Liao Faction abilities.
SalvageMechMOD - Warflail, high-five please. Again, you called this one.
Ocelot - defence is too low. Otherwise it would be a reasonable piece.
Spider - defence is too low again. This is not a fieldable unit. The Spider was a recon mech designed to be used in a city enviroment. It should have JumpJets and Agility. It should not have a HtH attack.
Koshi - the range is appalling. Okay, again a unit that won't see play outside of stupid-time.
Griffin - this one is no better than the Highlander version. See what I said about that one.
Leroy Rhodes - expensive but a nice piece. The 12" range is reasonable but could have been better. Overall, as Warflail has said, a basic fatty unit.
Tammi Miller - a nice piece if you can get first shot. Team it with a Highlander Kelswa and it will be wonderful.
Mercenaries Gun Emplacement - a nice piece but too expensive for waht it can do. The Homing Beacon is useful and the range is excellent. However, the lack of transportability means its very difficult to use.
Sniper Team - the 14" range is nice but other than that, the Highlander version is a better choice.
Gnome BA - again a nice piece but the Highlander version is a better option for only 3pts more.
Cardinal Transport - has some potential but why take this over a Highlander Shun? I certainly wouldn't.
Skanda Light Tank - a useful piece if combined with something like a Kelswa. Unfortuantely, as a mercenary it can't formation so its uses are limited.
Paladin Defence - 2 AP tokens are nice but as they're SU it's got limited usage. However, it is certainly going to see use in Loyalist forces as it is a very viable piece.
Kelswa - the third Loyalist version :) A nice option but why chose it over the same-priced Highlander version?
Panther - okay, Warflail has again summed this one up nicely.
Koshi - Agility is nice but the rest makes this a no-go piece. The defence is way too low.
Tina Matsu-Hrung - a nice unit but only adequate for what it costs.
Jon Roberson - a gimmick unit. Not worth it in any sensible build.
Cacey Duncan - a nice piece but the range is too low to make it really effective. However, I know everyone's clamouring for one.
Okay, that's my take. Not as impressed as I'd hoped. Loyalists do well but we could have done a lot better.
originally posted by Aquarion: Paladin Defence System - okay, no more transportable artillery. Like the gun emplacements it has capacity 0 (as do all the non-transport vehicles).
My mistake. I read the descriptions on the WizKids site. All of Fp has a Capacity rating on them. However, only a few of them actually apply. Which ones (other than transport and gun emplacements) I don't yet know.
All artillery with multiple tokens and 2 damage are cheese. There are varying shades of cheese but its still cheese. Its mostly cheese since Wizkids has no clue how to cost these units correctly. I believe that is still quite possible to use non-AP artillery especially in a competitive environment since very few of the games uber pieces have high enough damage reduction to resist artillery.
The Liao one is the worst of the bunch since it has an extremely exploitable drift mechanism and 3 pogs and awe potential (yup, Paladin + Targe = Awe).
Originally posted by EsauBanson JF MHI amphibious apc (3/10)-
Don't take it, it's a piece of ####, take the cardinal it's better and cheaper and can't be based/charged.
it a mini tank 44 points for a unit that has: 2cap,2 damage pulse,10 attack,hover speed,
Originally posted by SusanoOrabatos All artillery with multiple tokens and 2 damage are cheese. There are varying shades of cheese but its still cheese.
I define cheese as any piece that must be in your army or any piece that you must specifically counter. Three pog artillery is good but not game breaking. You do not have to build your army any different to deal with this piece than any other. On the occasion that I play LI I will still probably use the Arrow IV since it is the only one House Liao has that can overcome armor.
[i]The Liao one is the worst of the bunch since it has an extremely exploitable drift mechanism and 3 pogs and awe potential (yup, Paladin + Targe = Awe). [/b]
True but all of the new arty that I saw have drift like that. Three pogs and being elite make it an option and if it starts being used than my HL Maxims and J-37 will be better off.
Originally posted by Aquarion My mistake. I read the descriptions on the WizKids site. All of Fp has a Capacity rating on them. However, only a few of them actually apply. Which ones (other than transport and gun emplacements) I don't yet know.
Well, my elite JF Long Tom Artillery apparently can be transported, considering the current ruleset. It has no transport capacity at all.
I agree with your asessments of the FP units we got, except for one. I found that the republic Kelswa was very useful. By the way, were you at lacey today (the 14th)?
Why, were you looking for me? ;)
As I said before, I couldnt get anyone at work to cover my shift. So couldnt go. I did unregister on the Wizkids website, but I guess it was after people noticed I had signed up. ;)