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Originally posted by CalycoJack
Zero-Hour? I hated it. Loathed, even. Part of that was a personal gripe 'cuz I was a big Hawk & Dove/Hank Hall fan, and I hated Monarch. I was also a big Captain Atom fan, and hated that the end of Zero Hour left him stranded in prehistory. I felt like Zero Hour was just bad storytelling designed to sell lots of crossover books. It wasn't the epic that Crisis had been, and again-- I felt that if they had left the poor, battered post-crisis continuity alone, there never would have been a need for Zero-Hour in the first place.
You're thinking of Armageddon: 2001. That was the story with Waverider and Monarch that got rid of Hawk. Zero-Hour was a few years later and involved Extant (formerly Monarch/Hawk) and Parallax (Hal Jordan) trying to wipe out time completely and start it over from scratch.
I think he only merged them because they were both such bad dreams. LOL!
I guess everyone forgot Millenium until (and I feel evil about it now) brought it up on another thread for worst plot ever.
The only thing good about ZH was finall fixing The Legion. Although the way it was done was horrible, it was the only solution left by that point. Flushing a entire series' continuity down the toilet is not a desirable choice.
I still wonder why with her insane popularity with the fans, that Power Girl doesn't get more panel time. In both JLE and JSA she has been relegated to wndow dressing. Her most development has been in Birds of Prey. Unfortunately, if she were to stay there, what would the street level heroes do? Since Supergirl wasn't even really Supergirl (Kara bing dead in Crisis), I wondered why they didn't just do a Power Girl ongoing?
...or just let Power Girl take over as Supergirl. I agree with CalycoJack about Crisis. It was an awesome story...but DC didn't stick with it. I mean I know why it was done...I've read the little forward in issue #1 so many times to make sure I understood it...but I don't understand why it's been so hard to fix things. Marvel doesn't have this problem. Who really cares if the Golden Age heroes lived in another dimension/universe/earth? They don't now. Why does that have to change who they are? Why can't DC grasp that concept?
Marvel had both Nate Grey and Nathan Summers in the same universe for awhile...they were the same people from different timelines/dimensions/universes!!! It doesn't have to be rocket science!!
Fortunately DC is getting better about this. The One Million story line was kinda neat, and didn't hurt the head to follow. It's as if they're finally trying to look towards the future and letting the past be just that.
"Everyone's always talkin' about your soul. 'The Vampire with a Soul!'. What they really don't know is you're actually 'The Vampire with Big Brass Testes..."
-Lindsey to Angel on the series finale
Howabout Starbuck from the remake of Battlestar Galactica? Think she might make a good Power Girl?
Having read Crisis cover-to-back for the first time only a few days ago, I find it confusing, especially when trying to fit it in with Post-Crisis continuity, since it did happen there too, Barry begining dead and all. Shouldn't all the heroes who were at the beging of time when everything changed still remember that there were alternate universes in Post-Crisis, since there still remembered in the last few issues of Crisis that happened after the merging? If they don't remeber the truth, then what DO they remember about the war with the Anti-Moniter?
There were inherent problems with the Crisis solution to everything. The only way to completely settle everything would have been a complete re-boot start, ala the Ultimate universe. But to do that a large portion of their most popular characters would have to cease to exist. The Titans, which was one of their top titles at the time? Can't exist, because a rookie Batman means no Dick Grayson, a rookie Green Arrow means no Roy Harper, a rookie Flash (aside from making Barry's sacrifice meaningless) means no Wally West, a rookie Wonder Woman means no Wonder Girl (oh, right, that did happen, and look at what a mess that led to!), a rookie Aquaman means no Garth. A rookie Hal Jordan meant no Guy Gardner. And so on and so forth.
They had too much invested to just pull the plug, but without a complete reboot the tapestry they tried to weave started to come apart with snags (How was Donna Troy Wonder Girl when she'd been a superhero longer than Diana? If Batman, Wonder Woman & Superman weren't in WWII what about Huntress, Fury and Power Girl? And what about the entire mess that was Legion continuity?). Zero Hour took a couple of bad ideas (Parallax, Monarch) and tried to straighten everything out with them. Rather unsuccessfully, too. And now, with the bloody Hypertime idea introduced we're darned near to back where we started.
And as for what they remember, I believe that the current stance is that people remember the red skies, remember reality starting to crumble, remember Barry Allen giving his life to save everything (well, at least they did until current events in The Flash), remember the Anti-monitor as the villian trying to destroy reality, but don't remember that there were alternate Earths that were combined to one at the end of all of the aforementioned mess.
Originally posted by The Charlatan Having read Crisis cover-to-back for the first time only a few days ago, I find it confusing, especially when trying to fit it in with Post-Crisis continuity, since it did happen there too, Barry begining dead and all. Shouldn't all the heroes who were at the beging of time when everything changed still remember that there were alternate universes in Post-Crisis, since there still remembered in the last few issues of Crisis that happened after the merging? If they don't remeber the truth, then what DO they remember about the war with the Anti-Moniter?
It's been established (Since Crisis) that those at the dawn of time did eventually forget, just like everybody else, although they sometimes exhibit trace memories. (There was an issue in another crossover where Batman tries to explain how he knows Harbinger and he just kind of trails off, with no one taking note). It was later put forward the the 'Crisis' involved the Anti-matter Universe (led by the Anti-monitor) attacking the (single) Positive-Matter Universe with waves of Anti-matter across time (so the Red Skies, Anti-matter and Shadow Demons are still in). Supergirl's, Wonder Woman's and Earth-2 Superman's sacrifices aren't remembered, but the Flash still did destroy the Anti-Monitor's cannon (pointed at the one and only Earth this time). Similarly Dove, Kole, Clayface, Mirror Master, etc. all still died, but the Earth-2 Deaths (Green Arrow, Robin, Huntress, etc) didn't 'happen'.
The only person who remembers what "really" happened is Psycho-Pirate. Animal-Man, Waverider and Hunter have all since "found out" the real truth, but have pretty much kept it to themselves.
What abpit all the other "Time Keepers" or whatever they called themselves at Vanishing Point? I thought they all could just look it up as Waverider did. It's hard to keep all the fix em up stories straight. I think that alot of the problems that Crises caused were being fixed and didnt require the follow up lims.The Young All Stars took the place of the Wartime JLA members and the fixed Infinity Inc, Wonder Girl was sorted out by the dark Angel story. Didnt Donna kinda remember about crises since one of her overlayed lives took place during Crises. Even LSH was kinda working with it. Now with Hyper time the mess can start again.
The selfish infect us all with sad, vulgar, sexual references and a constant barage of innapropriate innuendo. A pity to be subjected to this against our wills, but to allow it into our lives with open arms shames us all
Originally posted by lusiphur What abpit all the other "Time Keepers" or whatever they called themselves at Vanishing Point? I thought they all could just look it up as Waverider did.
"The Linear Men." Yes, presumably they have access to the same info as Waverider and Hunter, but those are the only two individuals in the group shown to have actually looked it up.
Just a note. The Legion didn't need least, not originally. The patch that Levitz and Byrne applied with the Pocket Universe was perfectly workable, and made perfect comic book sense. Some stories wouldn't fit anymore, sure, but they could be ignored. Most of those involved Superman travelling through time...which he couldn't do after the Byrne-ination.
It wasn't until after the "five year gap" that things got out of hand, but that wasn't caused by was instead caused by a creative team trying to solve problems that didn't exist (or retroactively laying groundwork for new ideas and characters they wanted to try out).
From what I get of it, Hypertime is like the Multiverse. A bunch of different realities. It lets all the stories that were done in the DCU that didnt fit anymore, for one reason or another still be able to have happened. I read about the beginning of it in Planet Krypton, a very good issue, and it seems to be in place so the other stories aren't invalidated, but don't clog the mainstrem DCU characters histories down with decades old histories. So now, Batwoman and all the coloured Kyptonites are still real, they were just not in the present mainstream DCU. What i don't get from the PK is why Batman recognised Batwoman and whispered, Kathy, when he was her "ghost". She wasn't on our earth.
The selfish infect us all with sad, vulgar, sexual references and a constant barage of innapropriate innuendo. A pity to be subjected to this against our wills, but to allow it into our lives with open arms shames us all
all i got to say is im glad i didnt start collecting till the ultimate line cause just reading these posts gave me a headache.
but on a more serious note, muddled continuity is the only reason I waited till the ultimate line to start collecting and reading. The way that universe all ties together seamlessly is great for a rookie reader like myself. Now a few years from now it probably will start to suffer from serious continuity issues but till then I'll wait every two months for my Ultimates fix while digesting u. spider and x-men and now the Ultimate 4.