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Those towers seem really nasty. You get to place two each placement so could potentially have 4 on the board. Defense bonus AND inability to be based? Im betting these will be popular in a surge heavy environment.
I thought all movement SA's were cancelled with Surge? Or is that just DT?
Yeah, only DT.
I think I can see the OR symbol on the Orc Warbeast, not the Dark Crusader symbol.
What I like seeing are the the variations in the figures.
If you compare the weak Magestone Golem to the tough one, you see 2 completely different units.
As far as I can discern, the weak one has 10" with 2 damage, but 8" speed with Thunderblow in its attack slot and toughness.The tough one seems to be a bit slower with 7", but has the wand attack speciality with 10" range 2 targets and 3 damage along with thunderblow (?).
Anunub seems to have 12" range 2 attacks for 3 damage and the wand attack type with MB and thunderblow on the nexus.
Originally posted by ArmyC I noticed another tidbit, that has yet to be revealed. I hope it is yet another gift under the 2.0 tree!
Did I see that you can magic blast multiple targets, then split the d6 damage among the targets.
Please say it's true. If so, I wish it were also true of MH.
It's not true, sorry :(. I misread the game notes, and did not understand what was written. I've modified the report to reflect that. Sorry to get your hopes up :)
Originally posted by Rogue308 "Having 6 points left over, the Standard Goblin Volunteer was a great piece to add. He starts Demoralized but can easily be moved into a good slot via double-time or Surge."
Surge with a Demoralized piece??????
Nope, but you can double-time him out of it, and Surge afterward, that's what I did ;).
Thanks for the report. I'm sure lots of player attention will be given to the release of Anunub 2.0.
From the report, it seems Newnub will fill a completely different role from Oldnub...but what's the rule concerning the playing of them in your army?
Don't hold me to this, but I believe the intent is that Uniques are determined by name, collector's number and set, in a tournament setting. I may be wrong, so don't freak out! But that is the case in HC (I think) and will be the case in MW (if it is not), again, I think.
Two nubs in one build would be say the least.
I would acutlay accept the formation changes if they reprint figures like Nabar, Darq, Hunn, and favorites like Stormy and OoV so they would be with there sub factions and have access to the new ablitys.
why would 2 Nubs in one army be weird?? you might play Am Drac and your oppnent might also, why isn't that "weird"??
I always thought you should be able to play multiple uniques or LE's - if things are based on a points system, and things (theoretically) are fairly costed, why not allow people to play 2 Amazon Dracs in a 300 point army????
Originally posted by ShivanWurm I would acutlay accept the formation changes if they reprint figures like Nabar, Darq, Hunn, and favorites like Stormy and OoV so they would be with there sub factions and have access to the new ablitys.
Here here! And give Vladd sweep. That would allow him to heal multiple clicks of damage with the OoV subfaction ability and do a poo load of damage at the same time. He would OWN!!! *drools* Me WANT!!!