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Originally posted by simmons
Although, since the event I am playing in is after the one I run, I am strongly considering the Double-Ace Charlie (84), Double-Ace Norm (70) and Veteran Killer (45). 199 points of nastiness. Every plane has either Armor-pierce or CeraMag, and you have not one but two command to go with them (lots and lots of re-rolling goodness).
-Tad, Battlemaster Simmons
So you get a Norm for running the Even? Or will will just have the absolute best costume at your event?
Envoy does indeed get Norm (and a better plane in my mind).
I guess the slow BB boys might be good if we throw a lot of building / blocking terrain into the mix (but I see terrain proving to a lot of people that they have no skill in seeing movement consequences without wasting lots of time plotting out every move).
Yes, for HC. Unfortunately, the venue that I judge at did not participate in the Marquee for this game. :( Plus, we still haven't received any of our prize support for June yet.
HaiKu: Oh, I am sure food of some kind will happen. :) Luis is running at Gathering Place. Although we are going to have to hustle to get SciFi done by 3:30 or so to truck over there...
Jamie: Now you have gotten me worried. I checked the box to read the instructions (hoping for build guidelines) but I didn't actually check the pieces... Oh well, nothing can be done by tomorrow.
For what it's worth, the boilerplate for the marquee says:
"Your envoy runs the event using the standard rules found in the rules pack."
Well, a standard Air Action game is a 200-pt force w/out Aces or a 300-pt force with.
I saw the marquee kit on Monday, and it's pretty sparse. Here's hoping WK will put a little more into CS. Perhaps CS won't be as big as MWDA, but I think the following will be just as fanatic as the "classic" CS players (such as yours truly).
In the end, though, if we have fun with it...who cares?
Okay, I don't have my rulebook in front of me at the moment (Stupid work getting in the way of gaming:( ) But am I to take it that the "no ace" rule in the 200 point game is only for the pilots? You can still use their planes in the battle, right?
I've looked them over but I still think I'm going to run with the Broadway Bombers pack with the Brigands at Rookie and the Avengers at Vetran for an even 200 points. While I love the rockets of the Firebrands, I just can't get over the fragility of the Bloodhawks. Those planes go down if you look at them wrong.
Originally posted by simmons HaiKu: Oh, I am sure food of some kind will happen. :) Luis is running at Gathering Place. Although we are going to have to hustle to get SciFi done by 3:30 or so to truck over there...
Have a good day.
-Tad, Battlemaster Simmons
Well considering the only people signed up to play at GP are the SAME people playing at SF I'm gonna say if we run over a few minutes it shouldn't be a problem. LOL
Food sounds good. Oh and to whomever asked if he was SURE he'd have the best costume... I'm fairly certain he will. :D
Although MINE will be the most unique. i can't believe I'm going in public dressed like that. :classic: