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On the one hand you're saying that not playing Overload is bad because people will find out, pump a lot, and wreck you (I guess I'd forgotten that every match in this game is five minutes long leaving plenty of time for scouting).
On the other you're saying that you don't care about Overload because it's just Toad getting stunned and/or you're wasting two cards from hand to set up the stun of a better character.
maybe its both?!?! notice i said i wouldnt mind for TOAD. if i wasnt sure you were playing overload i wouldnt mind pumping toad to see if you do. that simple.
overloading quicksilver and sabretooth isnt too realistic.
Overloading Quicksilver and Sabretooth is very realistic. All it takes is the new Brotherhood, a Savage Land, and mabye a Flying Kick or Savage Beatdown and there you are. Heck, I have doubled the 6 drop Hulk and 6 drop Sabretooth, 4 and 5 drops are even easier to boost to more than double.
also, I'd just like to mention to the "Not So Fast makes Overload useless" crowd, don't forget that you are using two cards to counter my one (unless I'm the one pumping up your guy). Sure, it's useful, but costly as well, and not something you'll be able to do all the time, unless you're playing Fantastic Toys and have 20 cards in your hand :p
oh ya.. all it takes is NBH,savage land,and a svg beatdown. YEP thats all it takes. thats not alot of requirements or anything :noid:
reeking its not realistic if you dont overextend. if you are smart and play around overload its not realistic. and with avalon space station not so fast doesnt really bring you card disadvantage.
if your opponent is willing to just mindlessly raise his attacks way above what they need to be you win anyways since he is obviously not too good.
also i am willing to bet that not so fast is 1 of the "sleeper" cards of the set. it can stop so many "answers" to brotherhood.
and if your opponent IS playing not so fast your overload is even worse cus not only do you have to make it so he overextends you have to draw overload and hope he doesnt have the counter.
NO! Overextending is a good thing, if I have Not So Fast. Not So Fast is great with Avalon Space Station. Not So Fast is good against Foiled. Overload is useless.
Pumping to huge numbers isnt always overextending lol
When its turn 5 and the opponent is at 31 life and I can pump Sabretooth to 35 attack power, I call that Winning the game - not overextending lol.
It happens a lot of times actually. I send a couple smaller guys over to stun your reinforcers, then send sabretooth in with savage land, flying kick, savage beatdown, discard a sabretooth for +3/+3 - use spacestation to get it back. pump again for +3/+3 more.... guys can get real big, real fast in the botherhood deck.
Its my opponent's initiative. 6 drop Mystique has 12 attack. They get her out and then follow up with a Foiled! and Kaboom! at the start of the attack phase....
Now, she gets +6 for the three New Brotherhoods in play. She's attacking my 5 cost Cyclops, so she activates Asteroid M.
Now, to me, she's a prime target for Flying Kick + Overload followed up by a Finishing Move, exhausting my Nightcralwer.
But then, as Stu says, Overload is useless. Sorry, stu, I disagree... Perhaps you are just discourgaing people away from it becuase your deck packs 4 of them?
I use it in my Brotherhood deck, it is an awesome card. Usually better for lower cost characters. I would venture to say it could be a staple in any deck, so can backfire and naster suprise, both are great cards. My friend hates being overloaded and I hate being acrobatic dodged.