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someone made a comment about how war wagon didnt define MK. well one difference is the full effect of WW was only enjoyed by MK. chopping block any character can use ( cheaper for those with willpower ) and you can remove that nasty little bugger from the game. you cant bring someone back from the dead when they dont exist anymore.
ill say this, if you run a kyle 2 drop or a tomar re and you dont run at least 1 CB. you a crazy.:devious:
Originally posted by TOGORIAN25 with banished the target must be UNEQUIPED and UNPROTECTED to be a legal target
Hence why I said that you need to flip the banished in response to them playing the chopping block, so when it resolves the character is hidden and therefore not legal target so the block gets KOed, same as if you stun the character before the equipment resolves.
Yeah, it sucks for the Manhunters. The only ways I can think of to combat it involve getting a turn 3 Orinda (hopefully they won't No Mans your guy back to the visible area) or use a recovery effect like Lanterns in Love. The trouble with Lanterns in Love is you're not saving your 3-drop unless you made Lana and Harlequin, which is unlikely. The exhaust 2 characters also conflicts with other exhaustion effects, such as Manhunter Science and Plans Within Plans.
If your 3-drop doesn't get chopped you should be fine but that's quite a big 'if'.
Originally posted by [Syn]-Nexus- just play orinda and hide ur 3 drop and pass or turn 3 if getting stunned back and put on the blocks is a possibility
Ok, the fact that Manhunters are a Myth only affects plot twists was something I missed. Now I feel like an idiot. Thank you.
Now, the best way to combat this is to just take odds and charge whoever has the Chopping Block, and if you get stuck with evens, bring out Guardsman and hope that you can hold off their attacks.
If I get the chance, I'm going to play Manhunters anyway, if I don't decide on Anti-Matter in the end. The fact that Sinestro can destroy any equipment is something I missed and now he's going back into my deck again.
I really don't think that chopping a manhunter 3 drop is going to slow them THAT much. I've seen a manhunter swarm and those darn 3 drops are the least of your worries. :)
Originally posted by merdle I really don't think that chopping a manhunter 3 drop is going to slow them THAT much. I've seen a manhunter swarm and those darn 3 drops are the least of your worries. :)
This may be too obvious but... alright, I'll bite.
You do realize that if Manhunter Soldier/Guardsman isn't in play, it's difficult to use his ability?
I'm just saying you people act like being able to play a 3 drop for cheap is the end all be all for the team. They still have so many other abilities to sneak people into play, and make those in play over powered.
I don't have any secret tech or anything so stop looking, I don't play army decks.
But i've seen someone go from missing their soldier and feeling bad, to next turn turning their resources into an army ready for the killing strike.
You can act like a simple Chopping block will end the whole thing, but it just wont.
i've been playing manhunters a lot the past two and a half weeks, and although chopping block may be aproblem, once you know its there you can play more intellegently against it.
I have played manhunter swarm ever since the set came out, and while having your 3 drop koed is not nice, it really doesn't slow down that much, then I just play an excavator on turn 4 instead of 2 soldiers/engineers.
The entire reason to play Manhunters is to play 2 3-drops on turn 4. I fail to see how 4-dropping a guy who's just 7/7 flight is any good at all. It's obviously your best play, but most decks have much, much better things to do on turn 4. And if it's the only Excavator you have, you might be stuck playing 2 3-drops turn 5 instead of a 4 and 3 drops. This leaves you a full 3-drop behind your optimum play, not counting the fact that your first 3-drop is dead too.
Manhunters are played to swarm with their medium drops turns 3-5, then continue to punch a bunch of them out. The later turns by giving up resources. You need to be able to maximize your resource use not just by using up all your points, but using them to the greatest effect. This hopefully is BETTER than most decks, because your guys in general suck. If you have to drop something just mediocre, you're probably not going to win.
I dont think its a huge problem. Most people will just run one an getting kyle rainer by turn two is. I rarely see chopping block used efectivley eearly game..But then I have not played against manhunetrs a whole lot.
Well my deck plays 7 excavators and 6 giants so I usually have something meaningful for both turns 4 and 5, as well as turn 6 which is where I will go out for the kill normally.