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playtest with me if you want some fun games that we can both learn from!
i have good decks, that work pretty well, and so far i am undefeated on octagn, so i'm probably good enough to play test with or against or however you wanna word that ;)
When you play solitare are you using the OCTGN system or the physical cards?
If physical cards how do you play the opponents hand. I am wanting to figure out a way to play solitare with an opponent hand. I would appreciate some advice.
You just put the cards on the table separated from each other. Obviously you know what the cards are in each hand, so it probably skews your testing somewhat. But, it also gives you an idea of what you can expect to be in a hand.
Ah the joys of online. My area is severly limited as far as players go. But my only skill is at deckbuilding. I do have most of the top 8 decks built so i can playtest against them with a few friends that know the game. But alas, I have nothing to offer except new concepts that just might work. Further evaluation needed. BTW wat is a PCQ?
These are local tournaments where finishing at certain levels earn you points towards becoming a VS Pro player. Winning a PCQ gets an invite to the Pro Circuit Championships.
Good to see that this is still active.
To update. I made day two in Indy. Unfortunately that may not mean much since Glee can in theory be piloted by a moron. And I lost two games due to being one and not plying IRL life. One thing that is a huge problem in being a lone wolf is not knowing how to pay a deck right. I would have never thought to drop olapet with boost over Dr.light on turn three but there are many times you do in fact want to do that. I learned as I went. I think play testing online will only get you so far. But it did get me to day two. And hopefully some of you who have contacted me will help it so that we can all take another step forward together. I realized also how far ahead the Top Pros keep getting. It's hard to catch up when they can move forward exponentially faster than you for so many reasons.
GLEE is not a mindless deck. There are tons of options, both in deckbuilding and in play.
If you made day 2 and didn't make money, then it was because of the biggest no team issue. Draft.
I was essentially teamless for quite some time. Even now, my team isn't a team in the true sense of the concept. I'm fortunate that we draft at least once a week in Cincinnati, but the group of people I draft with all have limited time to play Vs system, as well as a general disdain of constructed.
Basically, I've never had anyone local to sit down and test constructed with. It's fairly easy to get in games wherever you live (I lived in Phoenix for two years, so your location probably isn't any worse). At worst, you can OCTGN to get your games in. Then you can bounce ideas of a bunch of people. I've met plenty of people at events that I chat with online on a regular basis.
Limited, specifically drafting, is the hard part of being teamless. Between Amsterdam and New York, I probably did less than 10 Marvel Knights drafts. I didn't have a coherent plan for that format, and it hurt me in New York.
Here's what I did before moving out of Arizona:
If anyone at the store you play at ever plans on opening product, ask them if you can draft it first.
Whenever you win packs, save them until have 12 (enough for a 4 man). Then spot people for a draft (owner of packs = owner of cards obviously). It's obviously much better if you can draft with better players, but as long as the people you play with can competently draft a curve + plot twists with some regularity, its good enough testing.
Working alone (essentially) is alot more work than being part of a team. It's also more rewarding when you have success.
Thanks for the insight Adam. I agree draft is a whole other problem. I did fine with GLee and figure out I needed to draft Squadron No hand deck, but just was not able to refine my drafting skils with avengers as much as others. And glee is in now way mindless. But that is what people like to think.
I think that is a good idea. But having limited time I do not have time to play any random person or random deck as you did when trying to break through. Its an admirable and dedicated thing to do but I think quality is better than quantity. I may be wrong though...
I am starting my "pro" career...lone wolf I guess...this advice helps a lot...
It is a lot tougher preparing for the unknown...I haven't seen every deck and have a lot to learn...but finishing well in hobby leagues and pre-releases has me looking at my first pcq.....
Ill tell you now .... If you have to play solo then do it to your best level . If you DONT then DONT . PLay with anyone .
WHen I started this game when It came out I played with my friend . We were just playing for fun cuz I was still playing Magic and DBZ . I went to a PCQ and still was shaky on how to play cuz It was just me and my friend trying to understand the rules . I there found out a friend of my from magic played and he let me borrow some stuff for my incomplete F4 deck I wanted to play . I went 0-3 cuz I was still shaky on the rules . Next was 10K san diego . I was not going to play VS at the time . Was going to play DBZ . I got there and the same person from magic let me borrow Med BH , I wasnt sure how to play it but gave my dbz deck to my friend so he could top and my friend who I was playing VS with was playing his Doom/ Sents army deck . I went 3-0 to start but that lack of knowing anything cost me to lose the rest of the day . Well after this my friend quit and it was just me . I got my other friend to go with me to PCLA where I had a courtesy invite to play . I didnt have ANY playtesting what so ever going there . I did study and try and understand every deck . which was CE and titans . I didnt understand titans at all. But like 3 weeks b4 LA Curve was just coming out and cuz I was broke and wanted to play sents that wasnt vomit I got the stuff for like 10$ to finish the deck ( now it would be like 100$ ) and just shuffled and got the gist of the deck . I went into LA thinking I wouls scrub but I went ( 7-3 ) .
U can do GOOD in constructed being a lonar BUT you will learn you cant do ANYTHING on day 2 but lose when you havent been able to test draft . I won 1 game on day 2 . Then I sayed I cant posibly play this game and do good anymore by myself . I then found this place where I met some people I now play with they are good and well there are only 3 of us but thats good enough . Plus now there is online . So things are easier to test. Though i keep going like 6-5 and 5-5 this year playing dumb decks in the 10k's .
All of this to say you can only get so far without a "team" and in the pro scene you can go as far as Day 2 . Cuz you will not have learned how to draft without other people . This year in LA I will know how to draft . just in this case I dont know what to play in this messed up meta . But im always down for playtesting online , if you " lone wolfs" need someone to play with .
i disagree with not being able to do well on day 2 cause you don't have a team. basically just read over the spoiler for the 2 sets being used a few times and memorize the cards. go in with a game plan and you'll be fine. it's not hard at all
Are you kidding?? Are you trying to say that you can have success on day 2 without drafting? You need alot more than to read the spoiler.
Hell, I draft a decent amount now, and I'm still barely holding my own against people who have drafted alot more than I have. A friend of mine from Cincinnati, Heath, has gone 8-4 8-4 and 9-3 on day 1 of the last 3 PCs. He's only seriously practiced limited for one of those PCs. He made about 3k at PC Indy, and missed money the other two. He has this quote.
"If you want to make hundreds playing Vs, master constructed. If you want to make thousands playing Vs, master draft."
Moral of the story: Do what you can to practice drafting. You'll need it
Drafting is going to get even harder day three.
I went 0-3 then 3-0 to make up for it because there were just a few things I did not 'get' about drafting squandron supreme other teams had dialed. My games were very very close but I had not valued some cards that would have boosted me into wins like others had learned to. With them switching to one card set for the whole day this will be even harder. I nearly made the money on day two but if I had drafted avengers all day it would not have been close I imagine.
The best way to learn is to watch the top pros play, both draft and constructed. I am always amazed at how few people take advantage. Often I am one of the few people watching the feature matches. I have learned allot from watching people like Prosak and Hager in the top 8. If nothing else you realise how much it really takes to be an elite player. Its discouraging at first then inspiring to me. Its a ton of hard work really. It takes time and more time. To be better you have to watch and ultimatley play with those who are better than you. Unfortunatley the only chance I get to play with better players is at PCs as of today.
Originally posted by ihatepants Are you kidding?? Are you trying to say that you can have success on day 2 without drafting? You need alot more than to read the spoiler.
Hell, I draft a decent amount now, and I'm still barely holding my own against people who have drafted alot more than I have. A friend of mine from Cincinnati, Heath, has gone 8-4 8-4 and 9-3 on day 1 of the last 3 PCs. He's only seriously practiced limited for one of those PCs. He made about 3k at PC Indy, and missed money the other two. He has this quote.
"If you want to make hundreds playing Vs, master constructed. If you want to make thousands playing Vs, master draft."
Moral of the story: Do what you can to practice drafting. You'll need it
Very good quote on Heath's part. Reading the card list is very helpful in knowing what can be strong common-wise(since those are what drafters care about mostly). Also, a good tip is to gather a group of 8 random guys(some pros help) and go to the dealer tables for a box. In indy a box of avengers was 60 bucks, so me, bauer, silverman, and some other people who i forgot their names drafted for only 10 bucks each and 1st and 2nd got their money back.
In that draft i saw how powerful faces was(Bauer had drafted it), how powerful squad was(Silverman), and other strategies that i didn't think looked good on the cardlist. Hell, i thought squadran had too many "Constructed" cards.
I went 1-2 in the MAV draft though because i cut supremely cut off from faces. Guess i wasn't the only one who found out it was good.
I lost my 1st GLC game, then won 5 in a row to a 6-3 finish. I only drafted GLC once before though. The way i learned to draft that set was through coverage.
Read coverage people.
Take advantage that we have somewhat comprehensive match reports, and features with pros.