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And you really didnt need to quote the entire post. most people read posts in a chronological order and would therefore have read it just before your lengthy reply.
On a less insulting note: As much as it does irritate me that JLA has been delayed in Europe (I think this has happened with every set) Ude have made efforts to resolve the main issue. It was unfair at PCs when Americans have about 2-3 weeks longer with a new set than the rest of the world. By going to the triple previous set draft format ude has made it a bit fairer.
Dont get me wrong i still want my JLA boxes but its not a competetive issue.
Wow Kamiza, where did you ever find time to make up such a long and elaborate post? One would assume, with all the tea and crimpets, that no Englishman alive (or dead?) would be capable of devising such a well formulated come back. And the verbal assault on our President?
That was so incredible! I swear, if it weren't for the fact that I was too busy stuffing my fat American mouth with delicious McDonalds, Burger King and Wendys, I would say that in the time span it took you to rip that insult off of ANY WORLD JOURNAL, you could have bleached your teeth. Good god, and the part about sea water? Ingenious. How about we initiate a new act where Britain isin't allowed to make ridiculous laws any more.
I'm going to go fill my gas tank for $1.95 a gallon, then sit on my fat ass while reveling in the knowledge of all things JFK.
[ /sarcasm ]
And on a very serious note, Big K, if you need some JLA that bad I can pick some up and ship it to you. UDE may not care about our foreign friends, but Farchyld does.
Originally posted by EvilBaby Do they owe you any further explanation on the subject? What weren't you clear on when they posted the schedule? There's not gonna be a European PC. Just like there's not an Australian or an Asian one. I don't see what else there is to say.
I'm sure the reason you didn't get a response is because they know that there is nothing they can say short of "Ok we give! Here's your Euro PC" that will satisfy you. And any other response will just mean another email from you trying to argue your point for something that just isn't happening.
We all know that it sucks to not have a PC on the same continent that you live on, but we them's the breaks:ermm:
I'm not talking about a pc.
Not releasing products on time = bad business. If you are stupid enough to think that following bad business practises is acceptable then I pity you. Just because the consumer base is made of fanboys doesn't excuse bad business.
The EU has a larger economy than the US. We want to play the game, and it is in UDE's interests to sell it to us and support it to the extent they do in the US.
The last london 10k had around 160 players and the recent Bognor 10k had around 130. We have the players. We will have more if UDE starts supporting the game here more.
We aren't asking for all the PCs. One a year out of the 4 would satisfy most if not all European players. 1 could be held in south east Asia, which should be reachable for the Australians/New Zealanders/Japanese. The other 2 could be in the US. How is that not the fairest way to allow people to participate at the highest level in what is a worldwide game, not to mention increase sales and help ensure the games longevity?
I'd like for there to be a PC in Toronto because I'm lazy.
Hey, Toronto is Canada's New York ;)
But seriously ... there's only going to be 4 PCs a year so it's impossible for 'everyone' to get one ... and there will probably be a different venue for some of them every year just to make things 'fair'.
As far as Origins ... it meets the criteria for a PC ... but it would be VERY hard to have back to back PCs [July and August] ... and Gen Con has been the larger of the two. Also, July may not be a good time for a PC considering that I believe July 1st would be when the 1st DC set of the year would become legal ... and considering that on the tournament schedule it would likely be either Silver Age or DC Modern Age ... that set becomming legal would be VERY relevant.
Originally posted by Sparrowhawk The EU has a larger economy than the US. We want to play the game, and it is in UDE's interests to sell it to us and support it to the extent they do in the US.
The last london 10k had around 160 players and the recent Bognor 10k had around 130. We have the players. We will have more if UDE starts supporting the game here more.
We aren't asking for all the PCs. One a year out of the 4 would satisfy most if not all European players. 1 could be held in south east Asia, which should be reachable for the Australians/New Zealanders/Japanese. The other 2 could be in the US. How is that not the fairest way to allow people to participate at the highest level in what is a worldwide game, not to mention increase sales and help ensure the games longevity?
That statement said it all. My biggest problem is not so much the fact that the rest of the world does not seem to have the same support as the US. My main gripe is UDE not acknowledging it. How hard would it be for UDE to come out and say, the reason we are not venturing outside of North America is [X]. The reason you always get sets late is [X]. It is not possible to please all consumers all the time, but how hard would it be to say "Hey guys, sorry you don't have a PC, but it's just too expensive right now"?
Then there's only one answer. Using a giant grappling hook, we need to pull the two countries together. The United States of Britians. Or the Great States.