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This is really great. I work for a community television station, and I realize how difficult it is to get any sort of program up and running. But thanks to you for helping me get yet another perspective on VS. topics and other info. Great job.
We don't dislike it, we're just a little tired of it. I think it'll be a nice change to have more formats. Golden is a good format too, but to much of anything will get you sick of it.
True dat but one of the reasons I quite Magic was cause I believe that if you print a card, and someones makes it their business to aquire it, they should never be denied to play it in a major event.
I personally like the cast alot but would like to see in the near future podcast about PCQ's?,New tech? or just basing urselfs on decks anf there flaws,advantages etc.
Overall great pocast Thank for keeping me entertained fro 40+ minutes
Yah, we'll be getting into more of that stuff soon. We have a PCQ comming up on the 28th, and there is the X-men stuff comming out soon.
Tech discusions will generally have to deal with what has been revealed by people so fer. It would be unfair to my team mates if we went and broadcasted decks we are working on before a major event.
Srry I should have generalized when I meant tech when I say it I mean new cards or well cards that where lost in time that are now incorporated in the metagame.I know it would be unfair and unprofessional to reveal ur new tech lol next time ill just say my things as they should be said :p.
We will mention cards and decks that we would like to see. Right now the show is still developing, WE're kinda laying the groundwork for the show, so expect changes as we fgo on.
I personally think the show is great, and have listened to both shows so far.
There is lots of lively conversing between you, and I look forward to the interview session coming up.
Hopefully, the show will not lean too far away from either the newer players or the experienced players and can offer some tips and tricks to working with the metagame.
Maybe for podcast #3 you can wait til we get a bunch of previews from MXM but before Pre-release, then predict what we might see/might not see. Then we can go back and laugh at our hopes and desires.