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Originally posted by GOTHAM1 He looks like Iron Man.
just to remind everyone this is what Iron Man looks like! You can tell its spider man by the GIANT SPIDER on his chest. Note the lack of spiders on Ironman, and the lack of iron on spiderman. Its pretty easy to tell them apart.
If you went through the Disassembled storyline and you are only pissed at this... *rolls eyes*
I'm not too fond of the Tony Stark colors, but if the costume is to be made by Stark; it does fit.
After the Civil War storyline, we may see this costume get reflected back into the traditional red/navy scheme. (Which would look freaking awesome then.)
It's funny to me that such a large percentage of fans tend to want change...then when there is change all you hear is complaining about that change and they want what they had back.
Now I realize that people may have merely wanted better stories where Peter Parker didn't die and come back again but this could lead to something great. I recall one time Marvel changed Spider-Man's costume and it directly led to the creation of one of his most beloved foes.
Give this alteration time folks, it may work out for the better. Besides, if they kept the same colors Spider-Man would look a lot like the current Spider-Girl.
Honestly not a big fan of the costume. But this whole Illuminati thing looks interesting, or it could just be that Gabrielle Del Otto (sp?) is doing the cover and they look simply amazing. Either way this is the reason for the costume, hope the storylines worth it.
Thank you, THE EVER LOVING. Ok now this is a bit odd to say but still true since people relate themselves to comics sometimes. Havent you guys ever wanted a new look to go with your new personality, did it occur to you that marvel wanted to do that with peter, you guys need to embrace change instead of looking at it like the company doesnt know what there doing
Originally posted by Bubblemailer I think it's cool. I like when they update characters. It needs to happen.
So all you people who don't like the new spiderman can stick with your Windows 95, Super Nintendo, 89' Honda Civic, and VCRs.
First off, I still use DOS 6.2, why would I want to move to Windows 95? Along the lines, I'll stick with my Atari 2600, 1800 BC horse and carriage and my Beta player. All of which can be argued as better then their predecessors.
Originally posted by The Ever Lovin' It's funny to me that such a large percentage of fans tend to want change...then when there is change all you hear is complaining about that change and they want what they had back.
Now I realize that people may have merely wanted better stories where Peter Parker didn't die and come back again but this could lead to something great. I recall one time Marvel changed Spider-Man's costume and it directly led to the creation of one of his most beloved foes.
Give this alteration time folks, it may work out for the better. Besides, if they kept the same colors Spider-Man would look a lot like the current Spider-Girl.
That's essentially the best way to run comic continuity: trail and error. Let the story play out, then see what fans think of it after it's done.
It could be that the fans really like Spidey's reasons for changing his costume, in which case the change will become permanent (assuming, of course, that this isn't a stunt that's not intended to be permanent, but Marvel's hopefully learned their lesson about those by now).
It could be that the fans hate everything about the story, in which case Spidey will be returned to his status quo and this period of his history will be made so insignificant it won't even be worth putting in a Marvel Handbook.
Or it could be that fans hate the design of the costume but like the practicality of the robo-legs, in which case the aspects of the change the fans like will be made permanent and the other aspects will be reversed and forgotten.
That's really how comic book superheroes evolve. By cementing in the good ideas and discarding the bad ones. It's a slow process, but it works.
He's wearing the red and yellow brother! Spider-Man is a hulkamaniac brother! He's trying to call on the power of Hulkamania brother, to help him with the fight on crime brother!
Indeed...the civil war wallpaper that marvel is currently offereing, where he's like suspended over Cap's webbed up shield is very cool. Michael Turner....very nice.
Originally posted by EvilBaby just to remind everyone this is what Iron Man looks like! You can tell its spider man by the GIANT SPIDER on his chest. Note the lack of spiders on Ironman, and the lack of iron on spiderman. Its pretty easy to tell them apart.
The costume is supposed to look like Iron Man's. It was designed by Tony Stark. In the comic Spidey has joined the New Avengers. Since joining the New Avengers Tony and Peter have developed a surrogate father-son relationship. Tony gave him the costume which also posseses many of the same information gathering abilities as the Iron Man costume. The arms coming out of the back of the costume are mechanical.
THe costume is temporary. Thanks to a pending superhero registration bill (not unlike the X-Men movie) there is alot of upcoming tension. Tony is one of the first to realize that there is trouble ahead and pointed out Spidey as one of the hero's who will be a primary target of the act, thanks to all the bad press he's gotten. The costume also serves as something of a welcome back gift following Peter's death and rebirth in The Other storyline, but will serve as a plot device in future storyline's effectively branding spidey to Iron Man's side of the upcoming Civil War storyline.