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Originally posted by cfbrunner Because it makes the whole argument pointless. If it was really about cash, why not just say 'hey, I want more money'.
But complaining about mats, cards, etc makes the argument seem like you actually give a crap about what UDE gives out, rather than just a reason to get more money out of it.
were players who want to get cards and things we can use. a Jank payable wise EA is of zero use to a player like Kam.
Originally posted by cfbrunner So in your world, no one should ever be accountable for what they do or say? Just live and let live?
How can anyone rise up as a person if people don't hold them to a higher standard?
No one is going to rise up because someone else called bullcrap on these forums, sorry.
Real life is not the question, we are not talking about a work situation or some tangible difference.
I have been teaching for 24 years, and holding others to a higher standard is not the only way to achieve progress. Often it is actually counter-indicated.
In this virtual community, holding people accountable often does much more harm than good.
thing is, if it was a playmat, albeit Kam (and many more of us) would have kept them.
but it wasnt, which gives us the right to rid ourselves of something we dont want for something we do (money). When you had your sneek peaks, there were xmen playmats on ebay and some for trade on realms from americans and such, and yet you dont seem to think that unfair or what-not
And on the whole 'why make a fuss over it if your gonna get rid of them?' Were human and our instincts tell us to do something if we feel we are being treated differently than everybody (or non europeans) else.
The card does look good though. I almost bid on it, then thought that it is a crappy card... tough luck, it only it would have been a flying kick or something!
Originally posted by Dr.light but it wasnt, which gives us the right to rid ourselves of something we dont want for something we do (money). When you had your sneek peaks, there were xmen playmats on ebay and some for trade on realms from americans and such, and yet you dont seem to think that unfair or what-not
Of course everyone has the right to do whatever they want with thier prizes. I'm certainly not saying that selling stuff is wrong.
Yes I was complaining about the lack of mats, t-shirts etc. Do you know what? I would much rather of had the mat than the EA Catwoman.
In fact, I will probably end up buying a mat with the money I make from the EA. Guess what I'll also be spending the money on? More VS cards.
Also, if you check back, you will find that I stopped #####ing and whining when we were told about the Catwoman EA, as I recognized it as the gesture it was from Upperdeck. My complaints were based around the info we had at the time(which was that there would be little or no prize support for the UK sneak peaks). When that info was officially corrected by Upperdeck, I stood down from my high horse.
Don't try and call me as a money grabbing vs ##### chad, because you don't know me. I regularly give cards away to new players and I have bought several starter decks from friends to get them interested in the game. In fact, I seem to remember sending just under 100 DJL cards to you when you came back into the game. Don't ever remember hearing anything back from you on that.
In short, I was (justifiably) complaining about the situation. UDE make a gesture to resolve that situation. That resolution made me happy. The proceeds I get from selling that card will be reinvested in the game. Where's the beef with that?
Originally posted by cfbrunner Wait, weren't you the one complaining about no European support for VS? Now as soon as you get your prize you dump it for cash?
Makes your argument seem a little hollow doesn't it?
Gotta call bullcrap on that one. Sorry dude.
UDE made an announcement that there wouldn't be any playmats as part of the European pre-release prize support. This didn't seem fair - why should people in the US get playmats if we're getting nothing? Valid complaints were made and we were given an EA Catwoman as compensation, which was fair enough, you could argue that this makes up for the loss of a playmat.
Why shouldn't kamiza eBay his? The problem wasn't not getting prize support, it was not getting the playmat when you guys were. Now we have the exclusive EA Catwoman and that balances it out.
I think the EA Catwoman is awesome and I'm keeping mine but I don't fault anyone for eBaying theirs. The same goes for playmats. If we got playmats and he stuck his on eBay, so what? The problem wasn't not having that specific playmat, it was not having it when other people did.
Maybe in this case most people (at least kamiza) would prefer the mat, I'm just saying there's nothing wrong with complaining about an unfair distribution of prize support then eBaying it when it's given.
Originally posted by cfbrunner Because it makes the whole argument pointless. If it was really about cash, why not just say 'hey, I want more money'.
But complaining about mats, cards, etc makes the argument seem like you actually give a crap about what UDE gives out, rather than just a reason to get more money out of it.
Oh, and if I had got a mat/t-shirt or anything like that they would not have gone anywhere near eBay. I don't collect cards for art, or to fill my binder. I collect cards that I can play with. I have about 16 copies of Catwoman, I don't need one with a different picture. The card itself holds no more value for me than the normal common version, but I know there are people out there who value it very highly. so, if they are prepared to give me money to that I will spend on more cards, then I am a happy man.
Originally posted by cfbrunner Wait, weren't you the one complaining about no European support for VS? Now as soon as you get your prize you dump it for cash?
Makes your argument seem a little hollow doesn't it?
Gotta call bullcrap on that one. Sorry dude.
Wait, weren't you the one that used to post excellent articles in your journal and around the forums? Then you got people to campaign for your articles to get a front page slot so you could get paid?
Help to Get Me On the Front Page!
An interesting post on my latest article thread got me thinking...
I'm never going to get my own 'slot' on the front page just by pestering the mods by myself.
Nope, the only way I'm going to get there is if the mods can be convinced that the community wants it. If enough people want something bad enough, things can change.
Now, at first I was thinking that a PM campaign would be the best idea, but I think that might be too aggressive and annoying.
So, how about this - if you'd like to see my articles on the front page, please add the following line in your sig!
'Mods, Please give cfbrunner a weekly front page article'
It's simple, polite, and might get the message across. With enough people posting regularly, the mods can't possibly ignore it.
Is this pride and arrogance run amok? You're damn right it is. I like writing articles and people like reading them. Why shouldn't fight for my place in the vsrealms community?
Like my articles, but hate to see them drop off the 'Latest Discussion' list? Take a moment to put a note in your sig!
'Mods, please give cfbrunner a weekly front page article'
I'm with Kamiza on this one, my placing in my Sneak Preview should have awarded me a Playmat (and man, where those playmats good). However, UDE kindly supplied us with EA's instead. But, as someone who plays more than collects, I'd much rather get some nice money rares or a playmat for it.
Just to lighten the mood, today I was offered a Sebastian Shaw and a Power and Wealth for it! You can probably guess my reply.
Originally posted by kamiza
Wait, weren't you the one that used to post excellent articles in your journal and around the forums? Then you got people to campaign for your articles to get a front page slot so you could get paid?
Gotta call bullcrap on that one. Sorry dude.
:p ;) [/b]
Actually, no. As any mod could tell you, I didn't get paid for any of the articles that I wrote.
Now that vsrealms has started paying for articles, I got an unsolicited email asking if I wanted to write articles and get paid.
I would continue to write the articles whether or not I got paid, as I've shown in the past.