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The Midwest is pretty diverse. The last big GA Constructed event at Pastimes in Chicago had 8 different decks in Top 8, as I recall.
Titans is probably the best choice in GA right now, but the Midwest likes its Aggro. I would expect Squadron and AGL to represent most of the field. Something like 30-40% combined.
Since it's the first North American Golden Age 10k since X-Men, I'd also expect people to default to Aggro.
Originally posted by BeastBoy123 LOL this isn`t australia. no one will play that here. its such a horrible deck sorry to say that. also i think more people would play common enemy over that deck
lolsauce, I was sitting there and from what percentages I wrote, I was like 16% off and didn't want to do 16% random decks, so I was like hmm good guys was some deck some australians played, sure 7% lol
Apparently some other people won't go along with my made up statistic because they also relize that good guys has no good matchup. =P
Ya but Titans is going to be the deck to play, It can beat high voltage too, you just have to mullagain aggresivly and reuse speedy against them just use him/Terra in stuff in response to the equip recruiting attempts
what i mean by tried and true are:
Brotherhood in it varying forms(expect some new ones thought)
these are decks that have a history of winning with little change from age to age. Easily constructed and reasearched with most of the major plays available at the click of the mouse.
I will say that I know several people that are planning on playing Good Guys. For all the talk of it sucking I've seen some tech that is very impressive. I wouldn't be suprised to at least see a couple, not more then five though. Personally I don't know what to expect as far as attendance. The easter and location things are complete unknowns as far as I know. I don't think that easter would have to many people from showing up on saturday, its just whether those people think they got a shot at showing up on sunday that concerns us. Some people are finishing up their spring break that weekend which may help us out. I just hope I don't screw up to many people with bad rulings.:cheeky:
Originally posted by stubarnes That is a contradiction in terms, and a bald-faced lie. You are the only one left around here that whines and moans with every post you make. We used to have two or three more trolls like you, but they graduated to middle school and got themselves a life. Get a new act baby, it's worn out and no one even listens anymore. You make me ashamed to be American with every load of crap you spill on these boards. By the way, why didn't you even go to the Austin 10K if you are such an expert pro player and destroyer of metas? No one would let you in their car? I wonder why.
I think the alchemist has a pretty good estimate. I'd bump up the CS a bit though and lower Avengers. People will always be trying to see if there's some build of CS that wins.
Originally posted by stubarnes This from the guy who told me Avengers reservist was the only thing to play in Atlanta?
and i still stabd by that look at the day 1 results of avengers if the people that played avengers could actually draft there would have abeen atleast 2 avengers in the top 8.
Originally posted by BeastBoy123 and i still stabd by that look at the day 1 results of avengers if the people that played avengers could actually draft there would have abeen atleast 2 avengers in the top 8.
As someone that played a reservist hybrid to 7-3 in Atl, trust me--Avengers (and all reservist decks) were not the right deck for the PC. X-Faces and Enemy-Squadron were the best decks in the tourney and the final standing of those archetypes is completely justified, independent of drafting skill.