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Originally posted by downtown Stu..... you do mean the non WV donkeys. we all know you love WV!
(I do.)
The Morning After...
OMG, we sure got loose around here last night. I have no idea where this campaign button came from, and I can't imagine how it got pinned to my boxers. It reads: Hillary Eats Bush. Anybody got a clue what that means?
(This, my friends, is what happens when a wildman like Keebler hits the big time. All bets yarr off.)
1- I am a supporter of any team who is willing to get it done. Donkeys , FTN ,BUGZ >|< Who ever
2- I would not even think twice about giving a little keeby lovin to Hillary .......... or even Billy for that matter!!! I am fat so I can't be Picky!
3- Josh we will be down to test we just need to get a few more decks for our gauntlet.
4-I found out about this thread pretty late last night so I will find out today if I can post it and if I can then it will be up by then end of the day..
5-I think it's really funny to see stu go off like that!! Stu actualy kept me from going off in Atlanta (i had some really stupid judge calls!!!) just by giving me some really obvious words of encouragemnt. Thanks stu.
6-I just tried this different kind of deoderent this week and it is awesome. It is called "Mitchum" .... it looks really generic but is is the best that I have tried.
7- I want to have like a ton of people to go out to eat before the PC in San Fran. I want it to be like WOOOOHOOO we are all PEOPLE and can get along and have a good time reguardless of what goes on with this CARD GAME that makes us all STUPID!!!!!!!!
8- Last but not least.I met a guy this weekend named jamie. He was at the 10k and took 9th place! Now i know lots of 9th place 10k finishers but this guy was different. HE WAS BLIND!!! For real no joke!
Originally posted by captian morgan I think it's really funny to see stu go off like that!! Stu actually kept me from going off in Atlanta just by giving me some really obvious words of encouragemnt. Thanks stu.
You're welcome. If you woulda exploded the way you were fixin' to... we would have all been splattered bad.
This is too damn cool. The Keeb in the spotlight. It doesn't get any better than that.
(What? You were here for the decklist? Ha! You just gonna hafta sweat a while longer. Hit this thread three times a day, we don't mind.)
Originally posted by merdle A week ago I watched a thread about comic books turn into a mudslinging battle about welfare and liberal ideals.
You think that's bad? Last night I watched a porn flick about welfare ho's and liberal idea-men that turned into a comic book mud-wrestling match between Hillary Clinton and Keebler Powell.
(Send complaints to the Unibroue brewery in Quebec. The beer made me do it.)
Originally posted by lorenN for anyone who is curious or dosent know ( everyone i guess )
team bugs consists of a bunch of us ohio guys.
me keebler alec scott tony dave john adam, and a couple of guys who dont live in ohio and that we see 3 times a year ( and i probaly left someone out cause i suck ) were not really a big vs team or anything but were allright. me and alec have 10k wins, me scott and keeb have pro circuit day 2's and i've money'd 2 pc's. we usually place a bunch of people in local pcq's and stuff, but really we just have fun playing and pick up a little money along the way. keeb has been playing x-static in golden age forever lol, i think with the burn deck geting more popular its gonna have better showings.
Don't forget your one Teamate from Kansas!!!
Also, loren when are you online? You said you were going to play me online.
Hey Keeb tell them the story about almost being on the tonight show at Pc LA.
Hey stu what can you do to get Keeb his own article on metagame or vs realmz. We want more keebelr!!!!!!!!!
Loren forgot to tell everyone that we adopted all the competitive versus players from puerto rico (all 12 that were there) as reservist team members at pc atlanta.
So we are now an international team!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I believe we have more international team members on our team then any of the other teams.
This just goes to show how rascist many of the mainline teams are!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
By the way all of our friends from puerto rico are very upset that there are no VS pcq's there!
the only way they can come to a cicuit is if they fly to miami to go to a pcq or lcq it.
That sucks.
Ude when are you gonna start having pcq's in Puerto Rico?
High-Volatge was built by New Zealander, Shaun Hayward.
...New Zealand is a seperate country from Australia.
Sigh, some people like to make fun of people before rationalizing that the said comment was a joke...
anyways, I'd love to see keeb doing metagame articles, it'd be good stuff, and if he wants to post the decklist i guess he can, or maybe we could get him permission to do a vsrealms/metagame article on the deck?
The possibilities are endless. Contact fatalsync if you want to get in on realmz, or send it to me if you want to see about Metagame, or send it direct to Star City.
Originally posted by captian morgan 8- Last but not least.I met a guy this weekend named jamie. He was at the 10k and took 9th place! Now i know lots of 9th place 10k finishers but this guy was different. HE WAS BLIND!!! For real no joke!
yep he is a Seattle area player. and a really good one too.
kicks my ass on a regular basis