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What sets will we have for Indy? Obviously MTU. I believe World's Finest will be out before then. So, those 2 and Legionnaires, and x-men? What about Hell-boy? Will he be legal?
Heh. I thought there was one when I was typing it, but couldn't think of one. I guess whatever was in the sugar bowl is giving me this massive headache too.
Heh. I thought there was one when I was typing it, but couldn't think of one. I guess whatever was in the sugar bowl is giving me this massive headache too.
Notre Dame?
Oh wait, that was a football game. Though their performance was headache-worthy.
No, that would be because of your extra large brain. Too much math is like mental steroids and you are Barry Bonds.
In the past, the starters were legal. We almost had Hellboy in Silver. That seems to point toward Liz Sherman at PC Indy. Hot.
Thanks to the combined Modern [as opposed to Dc/Marvel modern] Hellboy is playable at Indy along with the 4 set block of Heralds, Legion, Marvel Team-Up and World's Finest